Motts radio show
2018-06-19 by pat
Please tell me you have not been dropped again from 1010. Not a word about it, that I have heard. How can they do this to you and all the folks that love listening to you Sat. and Sun Mornings. Please drop me a line to let me know if you will return. Sending my best wishes Pat Lawrie
The Motts: Hi Pat, We have had many emails like yours. Thank you so much for your kind words. We decided it was time to retire (for the time being) as we are very busy with The Motts Equestrian Centre. I was unable to figure out how I could be in the ring at horse shows by 7 and still on the air til 9. It just wasn't going to work and with a grandson on the way (he arrived May 16th, the most beautiful kid you've ever seen!) and a foal coming (she arrived 4 days later) there was too much happening. So retire? LOL We are just extremely busy doing what we love. Who knows? If there is enough demand maybe Mike will make us an offer we can't refuse to come back in the fall! All the best and thank you so much for listening to us over the years!!!
2017-05-12 by Mike Allen
Hello all. Just want to say quickly that the main issue with obesity has more to do with what's in the food we're consuming more so than the total caloric intake. In short dieting or attempting to limit calories simply does not work and will ultimately lead to failure. We need to make better food choices and educate ourselves on what we are putting into our bodies. Meal timing is also a big factor in controling weight and regaining health. There's a large number of good quality science based research available that can be accessed to gain the necessary understanding. I personally went from 220 pounds to 166 by following these methods. I don't starve myself and can still have as much junk food as I want on occasion, just not all the time. Hope this helps. Love the show. Mike Allen |
girl on crane
2017-05-12 by rose
if she had fallen we would have paid for all her medications she needed to recover because she is under 24 |
Red meat
2016-10-05 by Lorie Murdoch
Hi guys, A few years ago, I stopped eating meat for about a year. At my annual doc appt., I told her I was really tired all the time and she ordered a blood check of my B12. It was way, way below the normal level -- because I had stopped eating steaks and burgers! That was the end of being a vegetarian for me!
The Motts: Did somebody say McDonalds!?
Bottled Water
2016-10-05 by Mary
To the Motts, in response to the show of October 1, 2016 Subject Nestles Water Grab, in Wellington, Ontario Carol and Paul, You are doing a great service by publicizing what is an "environmental disaster", created by an industry "gone wild", and by the millions of unsuspecting individuals who buy plastic bottles, filled with any kind of liquid for human consumption. At this time and place in history, Nestle is the culprit. Yes, a boycott might turn a head or two, on the fringes of their vast business empire, but a boycott will fizzle out, and the business will carry on as before. There must be a better way. (Hopefully, you will continue to broadcast this issue for many weeks to come, eliciting ideas from listeners.) Who can be blamed for this enormous "take" of the water beneath Wellington, and beneathe so many other cities, counties and unpopulated lands? Let's begin with OURSELVES (those of us that have good tap water, and still buy plastic). Let's acknowledge the root of this problem. WE buy, consume and discard the "plastic water". Each one of us, who uses this product, is very much at fault. Once we know the consequences, and continue in the same manner, we are GUILTY of squandering fresh water. You radio show is offering a wake up call. WHAT can WE as INDIVIDUALS do to change this mindless habit? 1. Stop using plastic water bottles. 2. Tell friends and family the ecological reasons for having made the change. 3. Confront the Ontario government, to get back the rights sold to Nestle (or any others who would try to make purchases of land rights for the same purpose), and to forbid a similar sale. 4. Urge the Ministry of Education to launch a school campaign to teach sustainable use of water resources, especially countering the use of bottled water and other drinks that are so packaged. 5. Urge local schools and school boards to think of ways to impress this need for change upon students, such as putting a halt to the use of plastic water bottles on school property. Teach about "responsible stewardship" of natural resources, including water. At the same time, teach about those Ontario communities that lack safe drinking water, and must truck in bottled water, asking what needs to happen so that all Ontarians have access to local, safe drinking water.
The Motts: Thanks, Mary.
Youre 100 right Paul.
2016-10-05 by Bruce
Hi Paul, I agree with you 100 on how unfit Trump is for the presidency. This is far beyond policy disagreements he truly is a disgusting person. I truly can't fathom how anyone can witness Trump's continual childish, boorish behavior total disrespect for others but still support him. The level of support Trump receives has significantly lowered my opinion of the intellect civility in America.
The Motts: 'Tis scary, Bruce, 'tis scary.
2016-10-05 by john
Hi Motts Do you plan on updating your podcast on the web site thanks
The Motts: I guess you missed the announcement, John. The podcast, 'Mott's Weekend', is no least for now. We have too much on our plate at this point with the weekend live broadcasts and the new 'The Motts Equestrian Centre'. Sorry, but glad you enjoyed it.
GM Bailout
2016-10-05 by Tom Nollert
Hi Motts I think you've got it wrong with the GM bailout. We did not bail them out in support of the company ownership and share holder but rather in support of the labour force. GM and for that matter will go to where it is most financially beneficial. So the bailout made it reasonable for the to stay. To think that GM owes us anything is not correct. Maybe the bailout should have come with conditions on the CEOs. Regards Tom
The Motts: Good point, Tom. Thanks.
Subsidizing sports millionaires.
2016-10-05 by Russ
I totally agree with you Paul when you say that it costs the public nothing to pay for these huge salaries earned by pro sports, if you don't go to the games. The only complaint I have is when they attempt to get taxpayers to pony up for new venues such as stadiums and such. Even if you don't attend sports events and don't like sports, they expect you to pay for it. That plus cable packages that include many sports channels that you pay for whether you watch or not. You must support the sports bullies that don't want to pay for their own pleasures, they demand that you do.
The Motts: Do pro teams benifit cities? Are they good for the local economy? Are they worth the investment? The debate contiues, but I happen to believe they are.
Thanks, Russ.
Video of people dancing in the streets after 911
2016-10-05 by Michael McNally
That video has been widely discredited. That video was shot after the Iraq invasion of Kuwait, not the 911 terror attacks. Check for yourself. Cheers, Mike
The Motts: You're right, Mike. Those who pay attention to what's happening in the world, unlike Trump supporters, are well aware of this.
Show Highlights were missing in August
2016-10-05 by Ed
PaulCarol I gather the facility on Watson keeping you realllllllllllllllllly busy and that is why there were no highlights of importance in August?
The Motts: You're right, Ed. 'Mott's Weekend' sits at rest until further notice. (:
Distracted driving deaths.
2016-10-05 by Russ
Paul, you mentioned recently that the minimum fine for distracted driving should be what the max is now, 1000.00. I agree totally, but it appears that the authorities do not, at least not yet. Not enough bodies yet, although according to the OPP the count is 600 since 2009, when the law came into effect. That does not take into consideration the probable thousands of folks maimed for life because of this very selfish act. It bothered me to see the OPP video clip of the cop pulling over an obvious offender last week on a major highway, and just give him a warning This right after telling us that the 40 deaths so far this year attributed to distraction, almost double that of 21 killed by drunks on the road I bet if this guy was drinking he would not get a warning If it is a serious as they claim, why still give warnings The time has come and gone for warnings. They will only get the message when you take their licence, and maybe the phones from them
The Motts: Amen, Russ.
2016-08-29 by George
Paul, I want to send you 2 but there may be a postal strike...then I wanted to send you via bank transfer....but you don't on line bank....sorry I guess we do need the mail.
The Motts: DOH!
last weekends show re Trump
2016-08-17 by lynne adams
I have quite a hard time listening to you on weekend ams on CFRB, as you don't seem to know your hx. you're so condescending..I'm referring to your hate-on re Mr Trump, seeming approval of Clinton. When she was S.O.S., she enabled Libya to fall, so that Gaddafi was taken out ISIS was able to take over...that's why Trump says Clinton Obama created ISIS. Bill Clinto is a serial rapist, sexual abuser, pedophile, who allowed North Korea to get the Nuclear bomb.A very dangerous evil man. The 2 Clintons are pathological liars, will dosay anything for more moneypower. I really don't like either Trump or Clinton, but Clinton really scares me. I am worried that Obama will say "to Hell with the Constitution" decide to go for a 3rd term.He has already hinted @ that if you don't know that the elites that run this world ( the Media) have already established the NWO (as per Kissinger's book), then you are both very naive.It will unfold as the NWO orchestrates, no matter what we think should happen. Do you even know that Obama is gay, Michelle is a trans(as per Joan Rivers'spontaneous interview that's why she was killed), the daughters are adopted, Obama is a crack smoking, promiscuous Muslim born in Kenya(as per his brother's interview)...the US presidents are supposed to be born American, so he's really done quite a job deluding us.
The Motts: I wasn't aware of all the above Lynne, but this I'm sure of...I think you're a tad paranoid and possibly nuck'n futs.
Thanks for working so hard to listen,
Wedding pics
2016-08-17 by Stella Vincent
I have been looking for Jessicas pics on your website and cannot find them Am I going to the wrong site Have been following you since Niagara days and now live in te GTA. Thanks. 10
The Motts: Hi Stella, you may have better luck with our Facebook page...'Paul-Carol Mott'...
Good luck, and thanks for listening..
RE RE Game of Thrones...
2016-08-17 by Ted
Whatever differences we have Paul we both like Game of Thrones. Jon Snow, Daenery Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister are my favorite characters (the ohycho who flays people is my favorite villian). I think Daenery will take it all, it's hard to bet against the "Mother of Dragons).
The Motts: Right on, Ted.
Pennys win
2016-08-17 by Bernadette
Heard your misinformed comment about you thought the Chinese girl won. Nasty to say so over the air first of all and secondly be informed on the technology. It was real close for Phelps also but the swimmers know the importance of touching the wall. I enjoy listening to you in the morning before I get up but often you are misinformed about things you comment on. "the use of touch pads we're not at the mercy of the human reflexes of somebody pushing a button." These sensitive-to-the-touch devices record time within hundredths of a second." read below httpwww.livestrong.comarticle553132-how-do-swimming-touch-pads-work
The Motts: "often you are misinformed about things you comment on"???
Ok, fine...but st least give us credit for being consistant! (:
Thanks for listening,
Silv Trump and mental illness
2016-08-17 by Silv
Good Morning Paul and Carol I wrote you last week to say I was no longer listening, for now but I am still listening. I have actually been listening to you guys for years, I used to listen to you in the daytime, from Brampton. I haved moved to Niagara and was very happy when I heard your weekend morning show because I'm an early riser, even on Saturday and Sunday and you're the best thing on at that time and I really enjoy your show. So I decided that I like you more than the US presidential race. Just wanted to let you know. Glad to be back
The Motts: Thanks, Silv...glad to have you back. (:
weekend music
2016-08-12 by garry
every weekend i listen to you guys and every weekend the intro music that is played is fantastic. lots of songs i have forgoten about and they bring back memories. is there a chance you can post a list of the songs after the show? thanks garry
The Motts: We'll ask, Garry...thanks.
Game of Thrones
2016-08-12 by Jack
Paul In regard to you comment on "Game of Thrones". You said "watch it once and you're hooked". I watched it Tuesday night and certainly not hooked on the story. In fact turned it off after 45 minutes. Not because of the porn scenes but because of the story line. I'm no prude but wonder, is the graphic sex angle necessary in order to support a weak story line? Furthermore just what makes the story more complete having such explicit sex?
The Motts: To each his own, Jack...Thanks.
And who is Trump...
2016-08-12 by Mark
The question has lasted months. Is he just a bold, brash billionaire businessman with a bombastic mouth? Is he merely an unapologetic spoiled-adult buffoon with more money than brains? I've struggled with the answer for some time. He's undeniably educated and successful. His kids are undeniably smart and well-put-together. So, I figured that, perhaps, eventually, we'd see a clever man emerge who thoughtfully rallied Americans behind him. And, people would say, "You see! He's not a crazy coconut after all!" Nope. Turns out, he's a borderline narcissistic sociopath who's inflated his business acumen and grossly understated his father's financial input. Trump is an egomaniac who will say anything without regard for fact, for he believes that whatever he says is truthful...because he's "Donald J. Trump," that's why. He's just an insularly rich, self-important clown who lives in his own silly gilded world, with its own concocted rules and mental-midget viewpoints. His supporters, ultimately, desperately wish he was someone else. Yeah, the guy really is "dangerous." And Clinton will waltz to the presidency.
The Motts: Well put, Mark...Thank you.
Trump vs Due Process Part 3
2016-08-12 by Ted
You think I have issues with women? Are you aware that in the factory I work in I am considered one of the biggest cheerleaders for the women I work with. I am supportive of anyone I work with but find the women need the boost a little more often because of the physical nature of the job. The real issue here is your hatred for Donald trump has blinded you to the short commings of Hillary Clinton.
The Motts: Ain't blind, Ted...HRC isn't perfect...but at least she's sane.
Hillary Trump
2016-08-12 by Will
So Trump screws people to the tune of 10 billion dollars. Ok...right. Sure. He employs 40000 people The Clintons just murder u if u get in there way.....ill take a Narsicist ego maniac any day over a pathological least with trump u know where u stand.... anyday my peeps
The Motts: Get help, Will. Get help.
Trump Intelligence
2016-08-06 by Roy Cummings
Carol Mott. You impuned the intelligence of Donald Trump. When he attended the Wharton School of Business, based on his SAT scores, he had an IQ of 159. Einstein's IQ was 160. I have seen other stories this week that put his IQ at 155 to 157. What's yours Carol. Can you even break through 50? As to his character I saw a lengthy interview with a Gold Star mother last night. She and other Gold Star mothers had a meeting with Trump on one of his campaign stops. The woman described her 30 minute meeting with Trump and described him as quiet, thoughtful, intelligent and a very nice gentleman who listened very carefully to everything they had to say. You, on the other hand, are obviously guided by the daily dose of bullshit pablum fed to you by the left wing media.
The Motts: Wrong target, Roy. I, not Carol, think Trump's an idiot...he may be a whiz at screw'n people over when it comes to real estate deals, but outside his field of "expertise", the man's a zero.
And for God's sake, I wish you people would stop whining about the so-called "left wing media" suggesting that poor Donald is some kind of victim ...just listen to the man!
Do you really applaud this narcissistic, bigoted demagogue?
This is not about right vs left...this is about right vs wrong...and Mr. Trump is wrong for ALL of us.
Trump vs Clinton
2016-08-06 by Paul Moyer
I think Trump has this one..... It's important to think of who is doing the voting. Trump is an action's easier to spell.
The Motts: Ha! (:
donald trump and mental illness
2016-08-06 by Silv
very disappointed in the conversation, you can't possibly know who he really is, speculation and slander is how i see it. no longer listening for now
The Motts: Talk shows are about opinions, Silv...if you can't stand those of others...enjoy the music!
Trump vs Due Process Part 2
2016-08-06 by Ted
Hey Paul, It's not FOX News, it's a video by Christina Hoff Sommers. She talks about Hillary's jumping on the We Believe You band wagon even after aligationthat had been made against her Husband. Add to that her association with Zerlina Maxwell you've got a bona field Man-Hater. No one has the right to be allowed into a country but we in tge west do have the right to due process. Look up what I'm saying before you dismiss me so easily sir.
The Motts: While HRC's feminist views may be a little off at times, I don't believe she's a man-hater...YOU on the on the other hand, based on your comments over time, appear to have a problem with women.
Sorry, but that's what it looks like.
Benghazi Mom vs. Muslim Soldiers Parents
2016-08-06 by Mark
If I may respond, Paul... Actually, the remarks of the so-called "Benghazi Mom" were openly criticized by Clinton's campaign and Democratic supporters (including, even, certain ladies on 'The View.') Hillary Clinton effectively called the Republican's "Gold Star Mother" a liar. In fact, many members of the American mainstream media had no issue with rendering a critical assessment of the mother's political speech, including parsing her assertions with regard to fact. Cynicism? Nope. Hypocrisy, Paul.
The Motts: To say someone is "wrong", is calling them a liar?
Good to know, Mark. Thank you!
Trump Parents of Muslim Soldier Killed 2
2016-08-01 by Mark
Just to add... The parents shouldn't have allowed themselves to be USED by the Clinton campaign. Hillary Company trotted these Muslim parents out, knowing that it was a political no-lose strategic move -- they'd either get a clean shot at Trump, and he'd stay quiet, or, the Republican presidential candidate would punch back, giving all who wished an opportunity to feign outrage.
The Motts: You mean like what the Republicans did with the 'Benghazi mother'...ain't we a bunch of cynical bastards these days. (:
Trump vs Due Process
2016-08-01 by Ted
Hey Paul, what more important to you. Donald Trump not being President or Hillary Clinton taking away men's rights to due process? Because if Hillary wins men accused of sexual assault will lose that right.
The Motts: Now, don't be silly, gotta stay away from Fox News!
2016-08-01 by mike
Just wanted to sound off on the American election..It's way too long and corrupt Mr Trump is what is needed not another crook lawyer with slogans and lies-he tells it as it is. The US is the 15th or so country behind Canada, The illegals that were let in are being allowed to vote in their language no less Hillary is just another type of lying facist like Barry O.Taking away our rights and freedoms,The democons are the racist divisionists-the KKK is their creation(fact)some rebubs are just as bad. Hey, you will learn with Justin (globalist) and will be hoping to God that Kevin O'Leary steps in or someone like him as unemployment goes up etc.FYI unemployment in the US ranges from 20-50 in the last 10 years-worse in the last 7,made in China tainted food from Vietnam chicken from china.TPPnaftafake climate crapexcuse to tax.We listen to your show on CFRX,wish you would open the phones( Quebec j'taime)
The Motts: We do open the phones, Mike, but early weekenders prefer to text. Those of sound mind are always welcome to call. Thanks for listening...
2016-08-01 by Lorie
Surprised to hear you, Carol, saying "ARE" athletes and "ARE" Canadian... You are both so well spoken so this really sticks out!
The Motts: DOH! Perfection...must strive for perfection! ):
Thanks Lorie, we our always open to constructive criticism.
Dallas Police
2016-08-01 by Peter
Hi Motts, I am out early on Saturday mornings and I have enjoyed listening to the show. I listened intently this past week after all the trouble with police shootings and the Dallas incident. It was interesting to me, the response of some people to the black lady who talked about how she raised her child. Many thought she was building walls and couldn't understand her reasoning. Canada is a great country to live in but we are not totally colour blind. We raised our kids to consider all people as equal but their reality in that, that's not always true. Our son will still be the one who is looked at more carefully in a store when shopping with his white friends. And he does not wear baggy pants and look like a thug. We live in the burbs but if we did live in a low income area probably our conversations about race and police would have been different. One of my sons friends has a Guyanese background and his father said to him if you get stopped by the cops, take off your hat and put both hands out the window. There are differences when you are a visible minority that others will not understand. A friend of mine who is black and his wife is white had a situation that was very troubling. Their daughter who is 8 ran to her mom and said,"a white police officer shoot a black man who wasn't doing anything. Will he shoot daddy and pop pop?" Visible minorities at times live a different reality. To help is daughter deal with the issue he actually took her to meet some local police officers. Hard to believe isn't it? This is a very simplistic example but it's hard to understand what a left handed person goes through on a daily basis in this right handed world we live in. There is much work that needs to be done for sure and part of this would be the responsibility of the black community to begin to address the needs within our own community so this is certainly not a rant against the police. As part of that responsibility I think we need to recognize that the experience of the average Black Canadian is not the same as the average Black American and let's not import a situation that is not truly ours. Thank you for your time, Peter
The Motts: No, thank you Peter for taking the time to respond to our program, well said...hope you'll keep listening.
The Motts
Do you believe Donald Trump will win the White House
2016-08-01 by Ed
CarolPaul, have you run out of questions for your poll.This same question has been tabled many, many times. If he wins the world is in deep s___t.
The Motts: Ha! I've let the question ride for a number of weeks now Ed, to track people's's starting to appear that the more The Trumpet speaks, fewer and fewer give him a chance.
It'll be interesting to see at what point the 'No's' overtake the 'Yes's'.
2016-08-01 by Ginny
Good morning, I am just listening to your conversation about urinary track mother had them on and off for the last 3 years of her life. (She died a year ago at age 97.) A urine sample needs to be taken each time as it can be a different kind of bacteria and therefore a different antibiotic. These were so often in her last year of life that she was put on a low grade antibiotic all the time..she still had UTI's but they were not so severe. This is very common as we age but more common in women than in men. Whenever she started acting strange, a urine sample was taken. Good luck with this
The Motts: Thanks, Ginny.
Obama no respect
2016-08-01 by Stephen Michaud
What a joke he was elected twice in spite of the terrible job he's doing with his failed policies. Mayby Obama would better serve the affrican american population by paying more attention to the murder rate in his own riding.I spend 75 of my time driving in the US. The gangbanger lifestyle style is glamorized,hip-hop artist and rap artist that in pure civil unrest are rewarded even given an audience at the white house. So I think in society we've peaked the equality's understandable to me why the police are on edge and some overreact. I was recently escorted out of the hood in burmingham Alabama buy a black officer for my own safety at 11 am. The hoods are in every major city .mayby Obama would do society better to point his retoric towards the black on black murder rate in his home town Chicago. As fir a kid driving an expensive car and being stopped buy police It's not just black kids it's sll kids they stop it's common and should be done common sense. Especially if there driving from a notorious area. Tks love you're show. Ps it wasn't an ar15 used at Orlando was a glock and a mcx.223 I believe
The Motts: Thanks, Steve.
2016-08-01 by Steve Smith
A man very sadly is killed in Louisana. Now Drake is speaking out and very concerned for his safety. Yet when a young woman was murdered outside of his CNE Party in Toronto. He had nothing to say about this murder. Sure can pick his spots. As for his safety, he probably has more security than Obama. More than the young woman in Toronto did.
The Motts: Thanks,'s gettin' iffy in The Six.
The Motts
2016-06-26 by David
Just a quick hello from Huntersville NC. I grew up in NW Pennsylvania and miss all of the Canadian radio stations. I just can't get going on the weekends without hearing your program start. Thank you for a great show.
The Motts: David so great to hear from you! Thank you for tuning in on the weekends and we are thrilled you enjoy the show. Please tell your friends! The more the merrier!
Your shows
2016-06-13 by Suzanne
Hello, We enjoy your show most weekends. Yesterday June 12, 2016, every topic was of interest and speakers for Motts Weekend were excellent. Glad you are there to educate and spur new perspectives sometimes. The Mohammed Ali song was so amazing Pleased that you featured it and thanks. Keep up the good work and remain on CJBQ for the Quinte area listeners.
The Motts: Thanks so much Suzanne! Let them know at CJBQ that you enoy the show
2016-06-13 by Mary
Dear Carol Re your irritation with the "bragging" of the late Muhammad Ali -- The bragging was nothing but shtick. Everyone uses it. Paul's shtick is never to let you finish your sentences yours is to let him get away with it. Mine is to fill in contact forms whenever something ticks me off. Best wishes, M. C.
The Motts: Touche! He claims I never stop talking long enough to let him get a word in lol
Think before you talk
2016-06-13 by Steve Smith
Seems to be a recent trend of public figures setting a very bad example for our children. Our kids do hear about them. We promote anti bullying program, maybe we notice these people's comments more. First you have Mr. Trump encouraging people to commit assault. Were pretty much against that. You have the PM of Canada telling people to get the f---- out his way. Big no, no. You have Giorgio Mammolita telling people that don't agree with him to go to hell. We don't encourage that either.Then you have a Senior person at Toronto Star telling a Senior person at the Toronto Sun that she wants wants to rip his his f------- throat out. Were definitely against any kind of throat ripping. I'm not perfect, but I would never behave as these people have. Our kids look up to public figures as roles models. I think we some better roles models. Steve No Bullying Today Int.
The Motts: I guess we should all keep in mind there are little ones listening and watching!
The song Dance with my daughter
2016-06-13 by yaroslava
John McDermid sings this song. It is so beautiful. I sent it to my son when his daughter was getting married. It is so suitable for the Father , daughter dance.
The Motts: Haven't heard that rendition but I will check it out! The one we used was by Jason Blaine
Sandals, smelly, solution
2016-06-13 by rose
The Motts Please inform the woman, with whom you spoke yesterday that, in today's world, we all use disposable panty liners in our shoes, sneakers, et al, when we don't wear socks. They're fresh, absorbent, and easily discarded at the end of the day. Here's to fresh-smelling, happy feet for the rest of your summer!
The Motts: Good to know Rose! Thanks for the tip
Oh Carol...
2016-05-28 by Ted
Oh Carol, I've heard you on the show many time's criticize your appearence. Stop doing that. You are a very ateactive woman, and you look great (unless you are fishing for compliments, in that case good job). And just so Paul doesn't feel left out, your a sexy stud yourself... um... bro )
The Motts: That's nice of you Ted and no, it's not a backhanded way of searching for compliments. Unfortunately I'm not perfect and there are a few thing I would fix (in my dreams! lol)
2016-05-28 by diane
May 15th The Olympics are just a glorified track meet REALLY try being the parent of an athlete who has worked his or her life to represent Canada You dont know what your talking about Paul but then again you never do
The Motts: Well that's going a lttle far Diane but I do agree onthe one point, athletes train for a long to time to make it to the Olympics. I have a friend who will be riding there and it would a huge disappointment if they couldn't go
Happy Mothers Day Carol
2016-05-08 by MIke
Hi. I wanted to wish you a happy Mother's Day Carol. I enjoy listening to you and Paul on the weekends. I'm an early riser so I get to hear quite a bit of your show. I hope you will continue to be on 1010. If not, I won't be listening! Mike from Orillia
The Motts: Hi Mike, Thank you so much! Glad you are with us on weekend mornings on Newstalk 1010 in Toronto, Newstalk 610 in St. Catharines and Newstalk 1290 CJBK in London. No plans to go anywhere else at the moment! As I said to Mark, you can pass your comments on to too. He is their brand manager
2016-05-08 by garry ste croix
hey paul can i be the one who puts the liberal sign on your front lawn lol
The Motts: Ha! (:
2016-05-08 by Mark
I live in Florida and stumbled upon The Motts Show. What a delightful and entertaining two hours - and wonderful chemistry. I only wish it were longer or daily! Thanks for the many smiles and chuckles. All the best, Mark
The Motts: So thrilled you are enjoying the show! We actually do 3 hours Saturday and Sunday mornings so get up a little earlier lol. I am sure Mike Bendixen brand manager for Newstalk 101 would love to hear your comments too! his email is
Paul and his never ending rant.
2016-05-08 by Russ
Paul Are you secretly in the employ of CNN? They hate Trump also. Why don't you set your sights on our own politicians and how they are screwing us royally, instead of constantly screaming your rant about Donald Trump? So he is not a good orator as you claim in your rant today. Obama sure is, and nothing else. He is the worst one they ever elected next to Jimmy Carter! Come back to earth Paul, and quit vilifying Americans on their choices. We have NO room to talk in that regard! God help us with the choices we recently made.
The Motts: Everyone is entitled to an opinion, Russ...even me.
James Akam
2016-04-26 by Steve Smith
My son Scott and I were honored to meet James when he arrived in Canada. He bravely served as an Interpeter for Canadian and U.S. forces in Afganistan. Considering James was deployed on the front lines, James did much more than interpet. He daily risked his life to keep our troops safe. Joe Warmington worked very hard to get James to Canada. James wife and young son still remain in Afghanistan. Hopefully they will be in Canada soon. I know that James wants to thank all Canadians for thier support. We Thank You James.
The Motts: Amen, James...and a tip of the hat to J. Warmington!
New Blue Jays song
2016-04-26 by Les Coutinho
Great show, always tune in on my drive from Hamilton to Guelph. Really loved that new Blue jays song you played on your show this morning. Please let me know the name and group. could not find it on the net Thanks so much.
The Motts: I think it's this one by Adam Jesin ( )
Enjoy...and Go, Jays Go!
Always believing the Accuser
2016-04-26 by Ted
Hey Motts (2nd time today) Paul is right, their are people who believe you should automatically believe a women's accusations of assaulr. They are graduates of the Catherine McKinnon school of Misandry, Barb DeJulio is one of these people. Ted
The Motts: Of course I'm right...why is everyone always surprised when I'm right? (:
Marko Muzzo Gets Ten Years
2016-04-26 by Ed
PaulCarol When I heard that this character got 10 years for taking the lives of 4 people, i said to myself you got to be kidding me.The Canadian justice system has no balls.Minimum would be 20victim for a total of 80 years with no chance of parole.Also the person or persons that let him drive the vehicle involved should be held accountable. To put insult to injury he just has to serve a third of his sentence and then he might be let out, that is so wrong.
The Motts: Right on, Ed.
George Carlin
2016-04-26 by Sandra
Many Thanks Paul for the George Carlin Clip (Mar. 13) He was such a Brilliant Man. That Clip will still be relevant 10 years from now.
The Motts: Thanks Sandra...the man's one of the greatest!
Paul has completely changed.
2016-03-07 by Bob
Paul, I listen to you and Carol for 100 years, especially back in the Niagara days at CJRN. You have changed. The two of you had a nice harmony with Carol on the left and you usually took up the right. But today with your talk against Trump really shows how much you have changed. Spun. I change the station now when I hear your negative comments about Trump. Especially when callers in really badmouth Trump, you always agree. Trump is the only candidate I see who can save America. Hillary will continue the spending spree as Obama took U.S. from 3 trillion debt to 23 trillion debt, my prediction with Hillary it will skyrocket, Trump is the only leader with the skills and ability to save America. I am surprised as the CJRN Paul would have supported that, while the 1010 Paul has completely spun. You don't work in Niagara, you aren't affected by the millions of jobs exodus your left wing liberals, who you promote now, you aren't in that worrisome position where you could lose your job, home, standard of living, jobs may not be the issue for you, but for us, it is. Trump or Hudak would bring millions of jobs, while you promote against this, but it affects us so heavily. I am a driver, cannot call in, but you would only hang up on me anyway, I don't agree with your stand anymore Paul, you and Carol now both promote the left, and that truly harms those of us on lower incomes who work hard, because there are no more jobs Paul, because of your left. I will never, ever sink low enough to join a public union. I cannot anyway, have no relatives there to pull me in. I have listen to your comments Paul, you are wrong, you obviously have never owned a business or been an employer, or had to risk anything, I disagree with Gary above, who you agreed with about "dangerous man". I believe Trump to be the only suitable leader who can rescue America at this troubling time. You don't. You think Hillary, who will simply be passed along Obama's torch, and continue growing the government and debt. I also happen to have an economic degree. You jumped off the fence Paul onto the side of the left wing majority. Our schools are worse than ever, our hospitals the most expensive on the planet now, all borrowed. Thank of the grandchildren Paul. They will be paying for today's mistakes. So critical to elect the best candidate, no matter what color his hair is. I thought you were better than that Paul. Maybe you have to now, because of contract, but that doesn't help your country. I liked you better in the CJRN days. Good luck.
The Motts: Sorry, Bob, gotta call 'em as I see 'em.
This is not a question of being 'right' or 'left', or 'liberal' or 'conservative'...this is about what's right or wrong.
Donald Trump is a egotistical, misogynistic, bigoted asshole.
His comments about Mexicans and Muslims are unacceptable...
His comments about women are unacceptable...
His comments about foreign policy, how to deal with ISIS, etc., are not only simplistic but dangerous...
He's exaggerated his wealth and successes, lied about his failures, and will say and do anything to get attention.
Donald trump doesn't "tell it like it is"...he tells it the way he THINKS the lowest common denominator wants to hear it.
Donlad Trump is a BIG noise...but really a little man.
The CJRN Paul would NOT have supported this bag of wind, and I'm a little dismayed you think I would.
Again, 'The Trumpet' raises genuine's his behaviour and solutions I have a problem with.
P.S. For the record, I'm still very much a Tory supporter (can't stomach Wynne), voted for Hudak, voted for Harper, but I'm not blind...I know a phoney when a I see one.
By the way, Carol and I ARE self employed, we run two businesses...and believe me, pal, we are no stranger to "risk."
And please, anytime you want to call and state your piece, we'd love to hear it.
We don't cut off callers who disagree with us..if you're not profane or're on the air!
Saving garbage
2016-03-07 by Louise Hart
Yesterday you told us of the community who have a saving garbage program. I am most impressed and who like to hear more. I wold like hear more and wood welcome to have my email sent to him so I could learn ore from him. This program sod spread. By the way I have listened to your banter from several years. Lots of fun and informative.
The Motts: Hi, Louise.
Here is the link to the 'garbage' story we talked about on the weekend.
( )
Thanks so much for listening,
Regards, Paul and Carol
Government wasteful spending
2016-03-07 by Mary Crawford
Here's a way to save a pile of money Every day, on many radio stations, I hear PSAs that end with "Paid for by the Government of Ontario." Why can't they send out a press release and have it read over the news? Press releases are FREE.
The Motts: Shhhhh, Mary, don't give them any ideas! (:
While most PSA's are aired for free by radio and TV stations (we're obliged to do so by the CRTC)...those ads paid for by governments, while maybe being informative, are usually self-serving.
As government's can't dictate what is "news", or rely on the media to beat their drum...they, like any other service, have to buy time.
But, I think many would agree, Mary, that in most caes, our tax dollars could have been better spent.
Where are you
2016-03-07 by Isabell McGarry
Love listening to your weekend show (unable to listen during the week, as I am a fulltime student) but, I haven't heard you both for the last two to three weekends. Are you both alright, or on vacation? Isabell
The Motts: No, we've been here, Isabell...maybe you've dialed in the wrong station?
Dress code for work
2016-03-07 by Ted
Hey Motts I agree that men usually aren't asked to ware provocative atire while working as survers (out side of women's strip clubs) however the places that have women in thate attire rarrly higher men if at all. So as was pointed out on the live drive "it discriminates against men too.". As for double standards, I guarantee the women give better tips to the tall, fit, handsome surver then the shorter pudgy acne ridden surver. Soit works both ways. Till next time, Ted
The Motts: Thanks, Ted.
Your show
2016-03-07 by Not important
Horrible show..... Bicker bicker bicker. Boring
The Motts: Off day? Possibly. No body's poifect.
Drunk drivers and whats a human life worth
2016-03-05 by Steve M in Brampton
Marco will only serve 16 of the time the judge gives him, less time served times 2. Where's the justice??
The Motts: Amen, Steve.
Donald Trump
2016-03-05 by michael
Paul, you sound like a whiny puss everytime you talk about Trump.I don't think you really understand him and what he is trying to do. Trump is the only guy who is not a politician. He might be rude, brash,arrogant but at least he is not in corporate America's pocket.All these other politicians have had years of service and have done very little to help the average AMERICAN. AT LEAST TRUMP OFFERS HOPE.
The Motts: Sooner an informed "whiny puss", than an uninformed bigot booster.
Thanks, Mike.
Trump and Sports Illustrated Lady
2016-03-05 by Gary Joseph
Caro and Paul, been with you since day one at "610" delighted to still be able to listen to your warm enthusiasms Sat.Sun. I agree passionately with your view on that "Dangerous Man" Trump but after all these years I was taken aback with you literally stooping to his level of crassness and outright cruelty when discussing the Sports Illustrated lady while I do feel Carol was being kind with her "Marilyn" comparison I think it would have been more considerate to just say she is a "big girl" and not at all hard on the eyes.....far below your usual classy output Sir....tried to landline but your 'RB phone was off the hook gJ
The Motts: Thanks, Gary...meant no offense. Staying "classy" ALL the time, isn't easy for me.
Jian Ghomeshi
2016-03-07 by Patricia
Where is Jian Ghomeshi's presumption of innocence. It was a fair trial. If he is convicted by the evidence presented in this trial, I fell sorry for all men.
The Motts: many would agree...
Thanks, Pat.
pick n pay
2016-03-07 by Judy
thanks for the information, this morning, regarding pick and pay. I realize that you work for Bell, and you're certainly not bite the hand that feeds you. The other hosts won'tdon't talk about it. It's just like they won't say anything negative about John Tory. Thanks again for the balance
The Motts: WHAT! We work for BELL!? DOH!
Listen from Florida
2016-03-07 by Jack
Great way to spend SaturdaySunday mornings. You'd be surprised at the number of my American friends who say they would entertain moving to Canada if that idiot Trump is elected. Very scary!! Jack
The Motts: Enjoy, Jack!
Donald Trump and also the Ontario Budget
2016-03-07 by Sylvia Castellano
Just listening to your coverage of what is going on in the US, I saw the crowds that showed up to support Donald Trump in SC and was flabbergasted with the number of signs that said 'the silent majority', finally people are expressing their exasperation with the way their country is being run. Unfortunately that doesn't happen here in Canada as it would be 'unCanadian' to speak up against anything you disagreed with, you would be called a bigot, racist etc. Someone said people get the Gov't they deserve, hmmm something to think about here in Canada AND Ontario. Re the budget here in Ont. once again they play the shell game, the announcement about Free Education is just the old plan with a new name, and now some lose out because they have cancelled the tax credit. As far as Seniors (of which I am one) goodness now I can get a shingles shot paid for by the gov't (too bad I've already had mine) AND they have increased the deductable on our Gov't Presc. plan to 17000 from 10000 (is it just a coincidenc that the shingles shot is 17000)Where do they think we are going to find this extra money. The gov't giveth and the gov't taketh away SO to all in Ontario (and Canada) who voted this party into power AND gave them a 'majority' thanks because YOU got us in the mess we are in.
The Motts: Thanks, Sylvia.
Jian Ghomeshi Trial
2016-02-12 by Sandy
For certain the Trial is going in favour of Mr. Ghomeshi. Not the fault of the Crown but in my opinion the not too bright Women he (allegedly)assaulted. Certainly the type of Woman a Predator looks for. No matter the outcome of the Trial I hope Jian Ghomeshi is realized as a Predator and his career as a Broadcaster is over.
The Motts: Amen, Sandy, amen.
Donald Trump
2016-02-08 by garry
Ok Paul we get it you hate Donald trump. Every Saturday and every Sunday it is the same thing if he isnt in the news you find something to bring Donald trump up then bitch and complain about him. Paul you are sounding like that little kid we all hated in school you the one that always said I know you are but what am I said it over and over and over and even when you werent talking to him he would say it. Paul stop being that little boy be an adult
The Motts: "isn't in the news"???
WHEN hasn't 'The Donald' been in the news almost every day over the past six months?
You may want to pay better attention, G.
As for my bitching and complaining, or as I like to call it, observation and comment...that's what talk show hosts do. If you don't like it you can step up and get involved (have the guts to call); just bitch and whine about it...or go listen to music.
2016-02-08 by Russ
Paul sounds like so many media types do. It is just a very small number of bad cops, so therefore we should be thankful we are doing so good! Actually it is only a very small number that get caught, because of the thin blue line, most never do squeal on their "bro". It is only since the advent of the camera phone that more of them now out of the shadows. We don't know how many are crooked, neither does Paul, although he would have you believe otherwise.
The Motts: You're right, this "media type" does believe MOST cops are good...sadly, you believe otherwise. There's no question, SOME cops are bad, and when caught they should be dealt with, harshly.
When I need help, I feel quite safe calling a police officer...who do you call?
2016-01-16 by Wendy
Morning! I heard your interview with my good friend Dr Rebecca Ginemez... Bravo for taking the time to talk to an expert in the field. Rebecca is a truly amazing women that focuses her entire life around educating people about safety with respect to large animals. I'm a student and proud friend of Rebecca's and I have taken her lead and I have started (in 2012) my own rescue business - Wellington County Livestock Emergency Response. I have spent many hours training at local fire departments, pony clubs, horse owners groups about TLAER and barn fire and trailer safety. If you visit my website at you will get an idea of what I offer. I'd love to talk to you more should you have questions. Take care and stay warm Wendy
The Motts: Thanks for your note Wendy. Rebecca had some valuable info for all horse owners and farm operators. Will check out your site too!
Missed you this weekend.
2016-01-11 by Kim
Hi Carol and Paul Missed you this weekend (and the last few weekends). Hope all is well and you're back soon. Cheers, Kim
The Motts: Thanks Kim, we should be back next weekend.
missing your voices in the morning
2016-01-16 by Terri
good morning again this weekend I awoke to another radio personality other than the Motts,, are you just on vacation,, will you be returning to 1010 on the weekends, miss the banter between the 2 of you, also thought of you both with the tragic barn fire, said many prayers for the horses and all of the 2 leggeds(People) involved in the barn as well. best to you both
The Motts: Hi Terri Yes we are back this weekend. Hoped to join you last weekend but the creeping crud (medical term) attacked Paul!
No Replies
2016-01-09 by Mary
It is obvious that you really don't want to reply to any negative, or even constructive comments. BTW, the weather today and throughout the weekend is nothing to emphasize. Pretty terrific winter so far! Just get to some TOPICS and you will gain more listeners. Mary
The Motts: Er, whom are you speaking????
We, The Motts, are off today, so we're not replying to anything on air, nor, obviously, are we doing any weather forecasts.
Might you have misdirected this comment intended for Mr. Coren????
The barn fire...
2016-01-07 by George
Hi Motts, just heard read about the catastrophic fire near Guelph, where a whole lot of horses have been lost. Horses to me, are the noblest beasts known to humanity and knowing that Carol has an unending love for her ponies makes me wonder if you had any of your horses housed there. I sincerely hope not. A loss of this magnitude is just dreadful and I pray for that their beautiful eyes will now see a new and nicer world. George Rozehnal Toronto, ON.
The Motts: Hi George What a terrible tragedy it was. All day I listened to the reports and personal stories of the people who cared for the horses at that stable. It was gut wrenching. I don't have any horses there. We have an interview this weekend with a woman who specializes in emergency situations with large animals. What she has to say is something all horsepeople should pay attention to.
Merry Christmas
2015-12-20 by Daniel
To PaulCarol, Thank You for the fun,humor,and conversation we all listen to on a wonderful weekend morning program.You have wonderful interviews and great guests and keeping us all up to date on important issues. Keep up the wonderful work and i look forward to your program every weekend.Best wishes for a wonderful New Year 2016
The Motts: Thank you so much for your kind words! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year too. Keeping listening to Newstalk 1010 and Newstalk 610 for Weekend Mornings with The Motts. We will be joined by listeners in London on CJBK come the New Year as well!
2015-12-16 by Gail
Just turned radio on to listen to the Motts. Carol was reading a comment re the refugees being a Derain on our system. We should be looking after our poor and aboriginals. A friend has worked driving truck for many years. He is making less than half of what hE used to as these "refugees" that have being coming in will work for a much lower rate. Meanwhile, the cost of goods hasn't gone down to reflect that. We need to take care of our homeless, aboriginals and the poor. Trudeau and Wynne are all about trying to look good for the politics part. Instead of bringing more in, lower taxes so the lower income can pay their bills. I and many others are sick about where our economy due to debt and the cost of living is heading. Oh, my Grandparents came to this country with my Mom 6 yrs old. They were split up where to work and learn to speak English. Their goal was to assimilate.
The Motts: Lowering taxes is what Trudeau promised during the election. You are not alone in your concerns. A number of people are saying the same begins at home. There are others, who say that no matter how tough things are here, they pale by comparison to the refugee camps these people were living in.
Refugees Canada
2015-12-16 by Steve
While agree that Canada should be taking in refugees, I really think that we are taking them in way too fast. Obviously there are security concerns, also the logistical transition plan is most likely not in place. I believe that bringing in so many, so fast will be Prime Minister Trudeau's biggest mistake. Steve Belfountain
The Motts: This is one of those things where you don't want to say I told you so.
2015-11-16 by Steve Smith
It's impossible for Carol to an elitist. She's a Liberal ) Some people just hear what they want to hear. Saturday morning, I'm sure it was a difficult show to do. Well done by both. Steve. Belfountain
The Motts: Thanks Steve.
John Gallahger
2015-11-16 by Steve
Just an idea. Now that Randy Hillier, Conservative MPP has sent a Letter to our new Minister of Defense asking that Mr. Gallagher, young man killed in Syria fighting Isis be honored for his ultimate sacrifice. He was a Canadian Veteran although he was he was not a member of Canadian Armed Forces at the time of his death. He has earned the right to be honored.
The Motts: Maybe our new Prime Minister could pay tribute to Mr. Gallagher in the House?
The Power Grid
2015-11-16 by Mary
Has the electric power grid been fortified and protected from a major sun flare or EMP attack? There is a grassroots movement in the U.S. to get this done as it is not a matter of if but when! We are currently vulnerable and if either happens we shall be without power indefinitely. Without power, there will be anarchy as few of us will know how to survive without food and water, heat and gasoline.
The Motts: Not to worry. I'm sure Hydro One is on this...hahahahahahahahahah!
2015-11-16 by Arlene Fowler
Good morning to both of the show I totally agree with Paul about how the leafs are playing great hockey. I have been a fan for many years and am always disappointed when they lose but as a fan I do understand what he is saying.....they have to learn now how to finish the play "We are rebuilding and it will take a lot of time" Love the game.."GO LEAFS GO"
The Motts: Lady knows her hockey!
2015-11-16 by Steve
It is common sense that when Prime Minister Trudeau names members of his Cabinet that the most qualified people should be entrusted with these posts. The sex of the candiate should be irrelevant. Going forward these people will be running our country. I want the best the Liberals have. Until Conservatives get reelected. Steve Belfountain
The Motts: "Because it's 2015"
2015-11-16 by ellen
listened to you years ago when we lived in Thorald also listened to and really enjoyed John Michael. Haven't heard you for years as we were not in Ont. have heard you a few times now and really Carol - do you ever shut up - did listen for a while this am - I never heard of anything more rediculas - if the harpers had even suggested fixing the place up - the knives would have been out. Carol, you most likely would have added your opinion as well - this is NOT Trudeaus house - it belongs to the people of Canada and who cares what he wants - it is really not up to him at all. Maybe they should ask Prime Minister Harper what he thinks it needs, he would know better that JT. You are so biased, it is rather sickening.
The Motts: Having a bad day, Ellen?
Linda Blair
2015-11-16 by Karen Moncur
Hi guys, Linda Blair runs an amazing foundation for abused and neglected animals, especially pit bulls. Called the Linda Blair Worldheart Foundation. Cheer and happy Halloween. Karen
The Motts: Good to hear.
Ford Nation . Slow
2015-11-16 by Steve Smith
Paul, that's rather harsh, saying members of Ford Nation are slow. I'm sure their are quite highly intelligent people that support them, including the late Mr. Flaherty. Steve Belfountain
The Motts: Mr. Flaherty was a loyal friend to the times, loyalty can be blinding.
Conservative Views
2015-10-30 by Steve
Paul. Becoming very enjoyable listening to Carol when she reads texts from moderate to very serious Conservative listeners. You must get to see her eye roll. Not that I'd ever send a text just to hear her reaction. Steve Belfountain
The Motts: Glad you are enjoying the show Steve and that I play a part in that (eye roll)!
October 25 2015 Show
2015-10-30 by Ted
Hey Paul, I caught the last hour of the show and heard you mention Carol's fiestness (when isn't she really). If she's getting to big for her britches just remember her 1 weakness and tickle her feet. she mentioned it to excess a few months back, excessively (I think she was dropping a hit to be honest) So next time use it ) Ted
The Motts: Geez Ted, you have a long memory! I'm not feisty, I'm just right. lol
Mark Towhey
2015-10-18 by Roland
Sorry Motts I spoke 10 mins. too soon.You've been more than fair Forgive me .
The Motts: Don't sweat it, Roland, I've spoken too soon a few times myself. Ok, maybe 4 or 5 times...6?....7?...10 TOPS!
Paul (:
todays show oct 18th 2015
2015-10-18 by johnalmand
Re Mark Toueys book How timely for you to drone on and on about this book which is a disgruntled employee Which Liberal candidate are you working for
The Motts: Obviously you members of Ford Nation are not only slow, but also hard of hearing. As I've said again and again on the show...I'M A TORY SUPPORTER! My vote went to Michael Chong...AGAIN!
Thanks...I SAY, THANKS!
Mark Towhey
2015-10-18 by Roland
Paul Carol It's very telling listening to your show that you will go to any lengths to have Mark coming out of this on top. The fact is that Mark KNEW 100 the Mayor was driving impaired and did nothing. Had Ford not fired him Towhey would still be running interference for him. The man has shown that he is totally without ethics.The only person at that station that hasn't given Towhey a soft ride is Jerry Agar I know he works there but c'mon we're not that stupid!
The Motts: ?????
Memory expert
2015-10-21 by Suzy
Question- How can I find info on this morning's program with the Memory Expert who has ADHD? I found a lot of it interesting but missed much of it. Would like to read it.
The Motts: Hi Suzy you can listen to the interview which has been posted on our listen page. Click on the show for Oct 17th.
custodians at schools
2015-10-21 by Leith
Good Morning I am a wife of a custodian. My husband is involved in the work to rule. The only thing that they are not cleaning is the hallways, lobby, the vice principal and principals office, the chalkboard ledges, not cutting grass or taking out the outside yard garbage until it is 34 full. THEY ARE cleaning the classroom, removing classroom garbage, cleaning the washrooms, cleaning the stairways and romoving spills from the halls, removing broken glass so there is not hazards. I realize this is not perfect but they have not had a contract, have only been given 13 days of negiotations with the government. How do they get the attention of the government without some job action?
The Motts: Thanks so much for your email. You make a good point. They sure got everyone's attention.
Discussion Topic
2015-10-01 by Jim
As I was driving out of the parking garage of my downtown Hamilton apartment, a group of people were seated at the King Street exit. A baby was seated near the knee of one of the ladies. Cigarette smoke billowed into the infant's face. When I expressed my dismay, I was told to roll-up my car window I responded that the baby cannot articulate her opinion for herself. When I phoned Children's Aid, I was informed that they could not do anything unless I had a specific residential address for them. Children's Aid also stated that the police would not do anything because the people were not in a car. Then, I called the Hamilton's Health department. While the Health rep has been great, they do not work when the offence takes place -- 740 AM. TOPIC What would you do?
The Motts: Interesting situation Jim. We will put it to the people on the weekend during our show on Newstalk 1010 and Newstalk 610. Get up early! We start at 6am.
re todays show
2015-10-01 by lynne
would you pls tell me where I can find the vid of the 17 yr old girl on the subway? Love your shows!
The Motts: Hi Lynne. Thanks for your note. I don't believe there is a video of the young girl on the subway. We spoke with Sarah Beamish who stood up for the teen and you can hear that interview on our website on Sunday.
RE Teachers and Its all about the Students by Sam
2015-10-01 by Sandy
While I agree with a lot of what Sam had to say regarding the cutbacks for Office Staff and General School Staff I think the item that annoys me the most is still the all day JK and SK. Having experience taking a 4yr old last year to JK and now this year SK I asked him if there was any difference and he said all they do is play all day. This is why we are paying the big bucks for Teachers to supervise Day Care where a ECE would be more than qualified to do JK and SK. I don't believe all teachers are in on this but let's face facts if they speak up they will have some form of retaliation bestowed upon them by the Union for stepping out of line. I think they are afraid of the down turn coming from declining enrollments and hanging on to their jobs so it's lets fight now for ourselves and forget about the Students.
The Motts: Thanks for your response Sandy! You may be right that the SK and JK deal was to keep more teachers in the system when fewer are needed because of declining enrollment. So the Early Childhood Educators were thrown under the bus, so to speak.
Paul voting Conservative
2015-10-01 by Joy
I am 92 years of age. Years ago ,when you were on CFRB, I wrote a poem about Paul and being able to just turn him off. I gather Paul votes for himself that everything is OK with him.I find it sad that the wealthy are given every break. low taxes, off-shore banking yet the voter ignores the hungry children. How sad to work a full week and then have to struggle on what you make. Paul should state why he likes the Conservative regime Of course he can always state that the poor are lazy and deserve their lives of poverty. He comes across as a heartless man in his broadcasts. I feel sorry for him.
The Motts: Gee Joy, Heartless? ouch! As to why I am voting for the Tories this time out, if you listen to the show you have heard me say, with the world being as messed up as it is these days, now is not the time to change leadership. I am certainly not going to swing left and vote for the ndp and Justin Trudeau isn't ready yet, but nice hair! lol. Thanks for listening. Paul
Election talk on Saturday.
2015-10-01 by Russ
Well said Paul, concerning Prime Minister Harper. He is certainly the best choice still. I don't know why anybody would think that bigger deficets, and higher taxes is the way to go?? That is what both other parties offer. Besides, they are BOTH from Quebec. Never again I hope!
The Motts: Russ you can talk to Joy!
Information on a past guest
2015-09-18 by Karen
Hi Carol and Paul, Do you recall a show that you did with a professor who talked about the dangers of eating eggs? I'd love to get his name, so that I could google him and read his thoughts again on this subject. Or, if you have a link to that interview, I'd be really grateful if you could provide it. Thanks so much!! Karen
The Motts: Hi Karen I remember the guest but I'm afraid the interview is not on our website any longer. Here is a piece about him on the toronto star site.
British lawyer who blasted LinkedIn compliment
2015-09-18 by Monika
Though I wouldn't say the Daily Mail is the most reputable news source, this article backs up this "touchy" lawyer's defensive position on inappropriate messages being sent to attractive women (and men too, I expect) on what is supposed to be a businessnetworking ONLY website
The Motts: Thanks Monika. Certainly some truth to that but I would think she had more credibility if she hadn't been suggesting her friends linkedIn pics were "hot" and sexy!
Teachers and Its all about the Children
2015-09-18 by Sam
Hi Carol Paul, Carol, I believe you asked "where are they (prov.Gov.) getting the money to pay the teachers? I have friends and relatives who are teachers, office staff, custodians and trades people who work for the Catholic and Public school boards in York Region. The teachers (that I know) who make 97K complain that they should be treated better and paid with raises like the firefighters and the OPP. After all, they say, they have to deal with disruptive students and cars that get damaged in the school lot! Plus, whenever holidays like Christmas and spring break airline tickets are at a peak. They also say that they take work home, unlike firefighters and police who take nothing home. The gall of these first responders!!!! Honestly, speaking with them is very frustrating. They feel that they have been treated badly by society at large. For the life of me I can't figure out why they think this way. These are not young teachers. They are all in their late 30's to late 50's. The younger teachers are much more appreciative but still not happy . In the public system the teachers are paid higher salaries than in the Catholic system with some well up into the sunshine list. They can say what they want, but we all know that for working not even 9 months a year 100K is damn great money. That's 11,000 per month. When they do cross that 100K, the sunshine list will more than double. (many in the public system have already crossed with compensation like 107K-128K. Where is this money coming from? For starters the custodians and trades people have been without a raise for 4 years or more. When Wynne became Premier she opened up the teachers contracts and poured in over 500 million in "secret" raises. Not so for the support staff. The support staff in the know will tell you that the schools are in rough shape. There is mold in many classrooms, especially in portables, broken plumbing, leaky roofs, broken tiles, windows that don't close, crumbling asphalt, unkempt school ground, etc, etc. No money for repairs and upgrades ! The money is needed to keep the teachers happy. So the poor kids reap these negative benefits while the teachers fill their pockets "just for the kids." Where their used to be 3-6 custodians in two shifts, you probably will now find 1-3 custodians in two shifts. There are cases where only one custodian will do the evening shift on his or her own, alone to clean the whole school. Stunning to say the least. There are cases where a school will have 1.5 custodians to clean the whole school and schools with 2 or 3 where 4 or 5 used to work. Office staff has also been reduced. Teachers are never reduced! Talk with the office staff and they will tell you school supplies and other necessary needs have been greatly reduced. Kids are asked to pitch in more and more with bringing their own materials or paying for them. All in all while the teachers have been well looked after, thanks to their threat to strike, the rest of the system has been ignored at the cost to our children. A sad state of affairs. The last thing we needed was the all day kindergarten. So much costly construction has gone into this that other things had to suffer. I have been in sales management and have owned several food operations. The things I hear from these education workers in the public sector makes me cringe. No private sector business could ever survive using the same tactics found in the education system. Carol and Paul now you know what I know. Please, do ask others for their input as we should all be furious as to what is going on. Teachers should be thankful for what they have instead of complaining all the time. Have a great day, Sam
The Motts: Thanks for your experience Sam. Be ready for the responses!
2015-09-18 by Doug Smith
How about a letter to Ms Wymm? Subject LEADERSHIP Dear Ms. Wynn After a year of negotiations with various teacher unions, it is time for you to show some LEADERSHIP. Enough is enough and as I listen to the thug Union Leaders on the radio saying we won't do this and we won't do that. It is time for your government to redefine the job and impose it to all teachers. It is time for a take it or leave it. My suggestion is you impose contracts on all these unions. They can take it or leave it and you can then advertise for new candidates from the pool of trained and available people waiting for an opportunity. As an example Job Description Responsible for class instruction of curriculum as outlined by the Department of Education (embellish) Tasks 22 25 hours per week of classroom instruction as dictated by your Principal 6-8 hours class room preparation 2 -4 hours per week of extracurricular activity supervision as dictated by your Principal Communicate with parents on off hour meetings as arranged by your Principal Provide term and year end assessment reports for each student ect. Salary Commensurate with experience (Have a grid with experience Suggest 10 reduction from present levels to start) You Principal will be responsible for your development as a teacher and will coach and provide bi-annual assessments on your performance and suggestions for upgrading your skills and your classroom instruction abilities. Your Principal is accountable for his school results and is encouraged to upgrade his staff on a yearly basis. 60 day notification will be given for changes he proposes. Retired teachers not need apply. Ms Wynn. This is your time. You Ontario residents are tired of the teacher union thugs and it is time to move forward. Yours very truly
The Motts: This always draws a strong response and now we have the elementary school teachers priming for a strike.
2015-09-02 by Kaityln
Hey Motts! While I'll miss you this weekend why mess with a good thing. You both have such chemistry together I can't imagine either of you working with someone else. I hear 2 person shows but they just don't seem to have "it". Really don't know how you do it, work and live together. Love my husband but NO WAY.. Always enjoy listening! Kaityln
The Motts: Thank Kaityln, Sometimes I wonder how we do it too! Glad you enjoy the show.
Air Canada mistake.
2015-08-30 by Russ
Good for you Paul concerning the Air Canada mistake. It does not surprise me that Carol, the socialist, would take them for every penny she could. After all, that is how socialists operate, just like in Greece for instance. Take all you can, and to hell with morals and consequences!
The Motts: Thank you Russ, you couldn't be more rig...
'Oh, Hi Carol. Nothing...just talk'n to my man, Russ 'bout them Blue Jays.' Go Jays, Go! (:
(Can't talk now, call me later.)
Mr. Peterson
2015-08-23 by Steve
Sexual haressment. Such a fine line. You would think that Mr. Peterson would never put himself in this position. He is liberal. They always do the right thing. So were told. Over and over. Steve. Belfountain
The Motts: With all the attention on this issue you would think someone in the position he is would be oh so unbelievably careful yes, but we are human and I do know David Peterson to be a very friendly warm person.
2015-08-15 by Doreen
I believe the young man that was killed was killed because he was believed to be a " snitch himself. This would make it more difficult for people to come forward.
The Motts: Thanks for your comments Doreen. There are different ways of coming forward. One can simply be calling Crime Stoppers so no one knows who you are and you don't have to testify.
2015-08-15 by Steve
Thanks. We had some Ferrets in our back room. Couldn't get did of them. Still there in the morning so we put radio on with your show on very loud and put it in the back room. That did the trick. Ferrets have disappeared. Not sure if was just your show or thier just not into talk radio. Thanks for helping. Steve Belfountain
The Motts: Hahahaha!!!! Your welcome! Paul has that effect on all kinds of animals!
Straight Talk
2015-08-15 by John
Hi enjoy listening and a few time before and during the PanAm Games with David Peterson. Hopefully now that all the fluff and all positive talks! that you will have him back to discuss his sexual harassment charge. I am sick of listening to entitled people talking down to the masses as though they are something different. Ontario has more regular people that toffs and as one of the regulars I am sick of listening to the goody goods who can do no wrong, yet continue to master the craft..
The Motts: Hi John, Shortly after the story broke we invited the former Premier to join us to address the allegations. He has yet to respond so we can only assume he won't. We will address it on tomorrows show.
Family Vacations
2015-07-25 by Gonnie
Enjoyed your discussion on family vacations. My husband and I started camping with friends in 1962 and when we were married in 1965 we bought our first official tent. We soon had two children and took them camping from the time they were born. We soon branched out with numerous friends and family joining us over the years. Then came the grandchildren. In 2011 we celebrated out 50th consecutive year at Killbear Park with all our family, and our kids are continuing the tradition with their families and friends. Always a wonderful week or two with no electronics, just kids running around having fun with their friends, campfires and great family times. There is nothing better.
The Motts: Sounds lovely Gonnie. Thanks so much for your memories. What a wonderful family tradition!
Clothing - purging old clothes
2015-07-25 by Teresa
Don't throw out the clothes that cannot be worn - H M collects fabrics to be recycled for industrial use - check out their website. I heard about this on the Ted Woloshyn show earlier this year.
The Motts: Thanks for the info Teresa. We also heard from Cathy who said there is an organization that uses wedding gowns for burial dresses and suits for babies that have passed away. The website is Angel gowns.
David Petersen, McGuinty, Wynne and the Liberal gang
2015-07-25 by sam pupo
Both this week and last week I wanted to come through the radio and lash out at the arrogant Petersen who was just as hard headed in office as McGuinty and Wynne. I tweeted " Liberals don't care what we think. Speaking on CFRB, David Peterson re cost of Kanye West "If I did know, I wouldn't tell you," This sure started up a Twitter storm on the general mismanagement of this province by these arrogant leaders who couldn't give a damn what we the taxpayers think or want. Things like @MarkOkanagan @sunlorrie Europe has crippled itself as a result of its green energy pursuits and it seems Ont is determined to do the same with cap in trade. (A total failure in Europe, full of corruption, loss of jobs, organized crime etc) One Woman 8207@Outofnames I'm missing seeing a lot of liberals on here lately rotflmao - they are either blocking or don't have the balls to show up on twitter Lorrie Goldstein 8207@sunlorrie @TOR_ONT_O I'm stumped. They have a majority gov't until 2018, but I'd sure be giving Wynne, Murray and Liberal MPPS hell over this one. 3h @sunlorrie @TOR_ONT_O Class Action Law Suit. Gross Incompetence, Gross Mismanagement, Abuse of Office, Failure of Due Diligence etc..onpoli Bossy BlueGood 1606 favorited your Tweet 19h @sunlorrie For the sake of Ontario's health, we need an immediate divorce from this pathetic arrogant Liberal gov. Question is HOW? For the sake of our blood pressure please don't give that Petersen the time of day. He doesn't deserve the right to talk down to us the listeners and you the radio hosts. I live in Vaughan where we have been fighting for 25 years to get a hospital built. I ask you, what world city of over 300,000 residents doesn't have a hospital? We don't ! Brampton has two and we have none because money is a problem. We might have one by 2020 with a population of 360K if we are lucky. Yet getting the funds for the PanAm games was no problem. Tell me that makes sense ! We have to travel to Toronto, Brampton or RichMond Hill if we need care. The Liberals have been promising us the money but as yet only the land has been purchased and the charges put on our Vaughan property taxes. And here I thought the province would pay for it all, how dumb of me.
The Motts: Thanks for your comments Sam! Petersen sure got the blood boiling. We had many emails like yours.
Bernado, Magnotta, and other criminal media adoration.
2015-07-09 by Russ
Why does the media always assume that the public is always waiting patiently for ANY information concerning creeps like these? Lock em up and forget em. NO parole for deviants like them, and no more news coverage about them either please.
The Motts: We agree with you on the parole issue and it's more than unlikely he will ever get out but the second part, can't commit to that. As much as we hate hearing about him we reflect what people are talking about, including being angry with the media for reporting it.
Pan Am Games
2015-07-09 by Mike Allen
Hi there Just wanted to comment about your on air conversation with David Peterson. He claims that the ticket sales are moving along well as expected. Why then are the tickets prices being discounted at 25 for instance? He's no longer a politician, but listening to him spew off his misinformation about ticket sales says completely otherwise. Remember how he blew the Ontario election when he called an early election claiming he needed a fresh mandate. Ontario was going into recession and he knew it, but rather than be honest and upfront he chose to make up another excuse as mentioned above. Unfortunately,Ontario ended having Bob Rae foisted upon us. Once a politician, always a politician. Cannot stand listening to him as I vehemently dislike dishonestly and arrogance and he is right up there with the worst of them. Thank you, Great show! Mike Allen
The Motts: Glad you like the show Mike even when you are rankled by a guest!!! Tell your friends to tune in too!
Pan am games
2015-07-09 by Diane
Listened to David Peterson today and thought he did a good job of not losing it with you guys. Ever since you left the city all you do is knock everything about it. You stay in the country with your horses and leave us city dwellers alone thanks. The Pan Am Games should be about the athletes and their families who have worked so hard to get to represent our country. But of course the press have chosen to make them about money and traffic
The Motts: You should listen more closely Diane. I have been a booster of the Games from the beginning and just about laughed out of the place by every person in Toronto. Actually there are some issues which do need to be addressed and people have every right to complain but the other point about the athletes who have worked so hard is well said. I have my tickets and am looking forward to goin. Hoping I can find a place to park!
a comment
2015-07-09 by Roy
I listen Sat Sun mornings to the Motts. Love the show. Not happy as it spoils those mornings. Wish I could break the tie and get more work done. I listen to the program on a Apple I-pad with ear buds buried in my pillow. Live in a very small town in New Hampshire U.S.A. Total school enrollment for all 8 grades runs around 65 yet the school budget threatens to bankrupts our town year after year. I guess it's the same everywhere. I wish the Motts were on several more mornings, how about it
The Motts: Hi Roy what a lovely compliment in a weird sort of way!!! I'm sure that Mike Bendixen brand manager for Newstalk1010 would be happy to hear your comments as would Newstalk610 in St. Catharines.
PAN AM GAMES A REAL WASTE OF MONEY, here is why.........
2015-06-28 by sam
The PanAm Games cost 3 billion and we expect 250,000 tourists. Have you figured out that this means it costs us 12,000 per expected visitor.
The Motts: There are other things to consider like the venues, housing that without the games wouldn't have been built. Some things surrounding infrastructure that would not have been contributed to unless we had the games. Problems for sure but don't forget there are some positives.
news, vids and pics
2015-06-21 by paula
I love you two and listen faithfully every week. I was a listener years ago when you had an afternoon show as well and am so glad you're back. I'm confused by your website. I want to look at the Canadian horse you have but can't figure out where it is. Carol, you just said news,vids and pics but I don't see that anywhere. I'd also like to see your before and after pictures of the granite counter top. Hope you can help. Carol, you have an infectious laugh. You both make me smile.
The Motts: Thanks so much Paula! We had a couple of little glitches with the site but I think it's good now.
You will find the before/after pics of our countertop if you scroll down on the front page and click on the Granite Transformations box. You will also see the News, Vids and Pics section on the front page. Click on that and I have put the video of the Canadian there too, along with a picture of my guy, Merlin.
Mail Delivery
2015-06-14 by Bill Lamb
Caught the end of subject topic Saturday morning. The kerfuffle generated by Susan Ing is, in my opinion, of minimal importance. Hope she can find someone who really gives a . . . darn. A couple weeks ago as my wife and I sat on the beach, idly musing of impending activities, we received a email advising our telephone bill was due. This we easily took care of 3,000 miles away, recorded the confirmation number, and quickly returned to our majotos. A similar scenario plays out with all our charges. We'd never consider the inconvenience of using "snail mail." And we're not academics or professionals. My wife is 77, I'm mid 80's, both had to begin work early on. I do boast a 8th grade education though best 9 years of my life, at a 18 student, one room school with all elementary grades. Back at a time when they'd let you fail or get the strap because of "hanky panky" with the girls. A glimpse of my supplemental studies over the years can be found in my web site We have community mail boxes at our home in Oshawa. The delivery girl doesn't work if it's raining or snowing. If it's a long weekend, she takes 4 days off. We usually get the important mail Tuesdays and Thursdays. The rest of the time. The rest of the time she just saves it up. Consequently, hard copy mail delivery twice a week is all any individual requires. By the way, she's got a tattoo on her bum. Noticed it as she climbed into her SUV one day. Job must pay well!
The Motts: Hahaha! The big question here is What did it say????
Girls playing Soccer
2015-06-01 by Steve
Any team the players play. The coach is the one that makes decisions. Not the players, male or female. Coach has to do right be the whole team. He should of said nothing, just lined up his team to start the second half, girls in lineup. The other team walks, that's up to them. At least he would of taught his players to do what was right.
The Motts: Thanks for your comments Steve. That is in relation to the muslim boys team that when they found out 2 girls were on the opposing team they wouldn't play. The girls sat out. Ridiculous!
Lyme Disease
2015-06-01 by Peter Doherty
Hi Carol and Paul, My dad is a long-time listener and fan of your show. This morning he let me know about your segment on Lyme Disease, but I was too late tuning in to hear it. I'd just like to let you know about a project I've been involved with called Ride For Lyme. Two student friends of mine, Niagarans Daniel Corso and Tanner Cookson, are currently cycling across Canada (from Victoria B.C. to St. John's Nfld. - they are right now passing through Alberta) in order to increase awareness of Lyme disease and its inadequate diagnosis and treatment in Canada. They are also raising funds through the Canada Lyme Disease Foundation for Lyme research and promotion. Check them out at It would be great if you could give Ride For Lyme your support and some air-time publicity! Many thanks, Peter
The Motts: Hi Peter, Thanks for the info. You may have heard Rosana Magnotta talking about Lyme disease. her husband Gabe died from it. Our medical system is just beginning to realize the danger.
Lime disease.
2015-06-01 by Russ
My son was bitten by a tick two years ago near Rice Lake at a trailer park. The tick was removed and sent to a lab In Vancouver! Fortunately it was clear of Lime disease. Dogs are big carriers of these ticks and so many more people are big dog owners now and bringing them into apartment buildings and increasing the risk to everybody in the building. I recall the day when my wife and I could not even own a cat in a high rise when we were young marrieds. Now one or even more big dogs is allowed in some buildings, and the word gets out. It is like living in a dog kennel. It is asking for trouble in the future.
The Motts: Hopefully people have their dogs on Revolution or Advantage which looks after fleas and ticks!
Great Show
2015-06-01 by Mary
Hello, I know that Carol will probably fall off her horse with a genuine compliment from me.(BTW, There are still too many Weather Reports!) However, I really enjoyed your discussion about your daughter's Wedding. Great Choice of Venue! I know of many couples who have had Destination Weddings and although the people are now legally married, it never sounded as if it was terrific. My daughter's in-laws had to spend a fortune to go to Jamaica to take care of the "kids" while their daughter served as Maid of Honour at a wedding. My daughter and I are total "foodies". She is the same age as your daughter and was married almost 5 years ago this August and now expecting her first child. Although I am more than interested in all of your plans, I am especially interested in THE MENU !!! Mary
The Motts: I'm still on the floor Mary! Lol. They were really looking forward to a destination wedding but it didn't work out. I'm glad they are having it here but it won't be until next summer now. Unfortunately there was a problem on the grooms side and we have had to postpone it for a little while. Disappointing for Jess and Carl but it gives us a little more time to plan.
Listening to you on Saturday Night
2015-06-01 by Roy
I was listening to your programme on Saturday night on the sex education bill in Ontario while driving home to Burlington from Hamilton. Never have I heard such utter clap-trap. You had on a woman "expert" who was decrying the fact that all people in Ontario were ignorant and stupid and should read the Bill. Then she stated that she hadn't actually read the Bill herself, but had glanced through it. What a load of utter rubbish. And Paul, you parroted everything she said. Have you not a mind of your own? I have never liked your programme on CFRB and was glad when you were no longer on the air. Now you are back. Too bad! My radio at home now never goes on on a Sunday morning. And I only heard you because I was driving my wife's car and she is always tuned to CFRB. Retire again now while you are still ahead of the game. Utter rubbish radio.
The Motts: Always nice to hear from fans of the show! Thanks for your comments Roy.
Leadership race.
2015-05-12 by Russ
You two did not waste any time bad mouthing Patrick Brown. It was expected from Carol of course, but concerning the question Paul would like to ask him about does the opposition have ANY good ideas? Have you ever asked Justin Trudeau the same question Paul? You must have spoken to him, as he has been campaigning now for years, and I have never heard him compliment Mr. Harper about anything, although he has voted with him many times. Carol, does not having children disqualify him from the debate about sex ed? I heard what he said and it made perfect sense to me. I think he meant some of it is needed for internet protection of course, but much of it is taught to very young children concerning anal and oral sex, but they should be taught how to handle money properly, and they are not prepared after leaving high school, and many are financially illiterate. The unions with all their millions forced from members to fund the propaganda machine called "working families", will soon start to paint him a demon of course, and the left wing media will go right along with it. You two should be in the running for first place out of the hop, to lambaste Patrick. More to come I am sure. His opponent was married to Jim Flaherty only, she was not a blue tory as he was, and we already have a liberal in power. Why try to replace her with another one? People need a real choice in 2018, but the unions will still destroy the province anyway I feel. Sid Ryan actually runs the place, although he never has won an election outside of a union hall.
The Motts: Too bad you didn't call. You had alot to say!
ETFO - job action
2015-05-12 by J Lil
Today you suggested an ECE couldshould teach Kindergarten. These people are skilled and valued as part of the team. The Ministry of Education expects children(students) to be reading - and writing as they head for grade 1 , at the end of the 2 year kindergarten program. This is required as it should mean that by grade 3(EQAO) students will be achieving Provincial Standard (level 3 - a B). The perception of what is taking place in kindergarten - (childcare) is not well presented or understood. Current job action by teachers is intended to send a message to the Ministry. Increasing class size- beyond 20, would be a nightmare. It isn't because teachers don't want it - learning would be impacted. Please consultvisit with some of the schools in your area. Find out what is laid on by the Ministry and how it is all about EQAO results. Having spent the past 35 years in Ontario schools,10 in kindergarten, 15 plus as a Special Education Resource teacher (student support) and the rest in primary and junior classes I feel fairly well informed. I retired in January and believe I am up to date. Please take time to gather current information from Educators. Thanks for your time. Enjoy your show. J Lil
The Motts: Thanks so much for your comments. It's interesting to see that even those in the education system disagree. The friend I was quoting is a long time grade 1 teacher and felt the problem now was created by extending full day Jr. Kindergarten. She believes that money should have gone to keep class sizes down in the primary grades.
Waiting time in dr. office
2015-05-12 by Lorie
You cut that guy off because you were "running out of time," then took another call! What's up with that? I wanted to hear what the problem was with calling an ambulance! Why did you do that?
The Motts: Sorry Lori. I thought we had to wrap the show and then realized we had time for another call. I'm sure he will join us another day. He was getting on to something else and we were focusing on time spent waiting in the office. Should the health clinic pay the woman for her time?
Teachers demands never ending.
2015-04-19 by Russ
The usual answer to anybody that complains about the public sector wages and benefits is "form a union". Many private sector unions have realized that there is no bottomless pit of money there and the company has to make a profit, unlike public sector unions that just keep screwing the taxpayer, many who are employed in the private sector and have endured wage cuts, let alone any wage increases for years, but must pay higher and higher taxes to fund the special ones who never take less.
The Motts: Thanks for your thoughts Russ! You are not alone.
What is wrong with the Motts Blog
2015-04-19 by Ed
PaulCarol What is happening with the Mott's Blog
The Motts: Hi Ed. No time to write anymore. Our equestrian business is taking up all our time! Maybe once we hire some staff there will be the opportunity. Otherwise just listen weekends and check out our weekend podcast!
Richard Gere
2015-04-11 by Dan
'Morning, Motts - Richard Gere is the new 'love interest in THE SECOND BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL - and he is interested in the mother of the young Indian leading actor Bev Patel - And - you're right - he doesn't seem to have changed at all - darn! Cheers - Dan.
The Motts: Doesn't seem fair does it?!!!
Topic Idea
2015-04-11 by Janet
Hi Mott's - I have a show topic that I hope you'll love. It's about a wonderful new initiative started by a young Canadian Forces veteran called 'Trauma Healing Centres'. Please read the links below. I know you'll be as impressed am I am! Check out the 'Trev Bungay' facebook page. httpwww.thetelegram.comNewsLocal2015-04-03article-4100099Retired-soldier-finds-comfort-helping-comrades1
The Motts: Thanks Janet. We will check it out.
murder mania.
2015-04-11 by Carl
Its not mental illness causing the carnage. Its the 24 hour media offering instant fame to the mentally ill for causing it... "Everyone will know my name" is the war cry of these deranged individuals. How about a story about that
The Motts: Carl we were talking about the instant fame that comes to the perpetrators of these crimes and whether or not they should be identified.
Airline safety
2015-04-11 by Mel Patterson
Dear Minister Your requirement that the aircraft cockpit must be staffed by a minimum of three people has only one flaw and that is that the doctors who perform health examinations and mental health examinations must report directly to the airline as well as to the pilot. The simple reason for this is that the employee pilots cannot be relied on to report the findings of a mental health examination about themselves. This was unmistakably the case with the German pilot who did not report the doctors recommendations to the airline. Mel Patterson
The Motts: Agreed
sunshine list
2015-04-11 by cheryl
Just had to write regarding the sunshine list. Full disclosure....My husband is a 33 yr. employee of OPG. He is on the sunshine list. He started working there as a janitor. He now holds a managers asst. position at Darlington Nuclear Station. His base wage is under 100,000...only on the list due to his overtime. Before everyone jumps on the overtime abuse wagon, please consider. It is a nuclear power generation station One of the best in the world. Do you not think the reactors producing this safe, clean energy need regular maintenance They usually have at least one outage a year , if not two, where a reactor is shut down for this maintenance. During an outage, my husband is required to be available for us to 60 hrs a week....and yes, usually does work that amount. Thus the reason he makes the list. He suits up and enters these units while shut many of us would ever want to be exposed to this risk. The amount posted on sunshine list is his GROSS pay...this is Ontario...his net pay after paying close to half in taxes (in total) is under the 100k. I have no problem with the public knowing the wages of anyone being paid by public funds...but there's the rub. Why any limits up or down The principal of openness where taxpayers dollars go is one I fully support. But all incomes should be listed ...a person making 99,999 does not make the list, but a man over due to OT required by his job does We should have the right to know any The teacher next door who makes what most consider a good living but under the anyone living on taxpayer funded assistance Yes, I said it...but oh no....we cant go look on a list to see what someone on any of these programs....paid for with my hubbies tax dollars...receives in a month. That is just wrong Openness for all...or none. Everyone can read my husbands income ...down to the penny, but not what someone on asst...makes Sorry, Mike Harris got this one wrong. And I was a huge supporter of Mike and his common sense. How can any fair minded person not at least acknowledge none or all As I said, we both actually support the publics right to know....
The Motts: Thanks for your thoughts Cheryl. I wish you had been able to get through on the air on this one.
Odin. Birthday Party.
2015-04-11 by Steve
Yes, kids and parents should of RVSP. This is not indicative of all parents. My son has Asperger's and until he was 12 had the party thing. Everyone attended and had fun. Good loot bag doesn't hurt either ) Glad Odin had a great time.
The Motts: Good to hear Steve. We always hear the stories where things don't work out.
Great Lakes Nuclear Dump
2015-04-11 by Jack
I listen to 1010, and seldom miss The Motts. Recently you covered the topic of WATER. I don't understand why the media and you guys don't discuss the impending nuclear dump near Lake Huron.If they proceed with this, with no guarantees that there won't be leakage into the great lakes. We will really have a disaster. Please do the research and raise this issue.
The Motts: We will look into this. Thanks Jack. Glad you are listening!
2015-03-19 by Mary S
Loved your show on Narcissism. Have to tell you a story about our Son Nick (who is now 21) As a little boy, we would often say to him, if he fell or hurt himself "Lets not worry about it, lets move forward Nicholas" So at the age of 3, when he was told to sit on the stairs because he was bad, not a word of a lie, he would say to us "Why am I on the stairs, lets move forward mommy" lol. Children are sponges and he is planning to be a lawyer. Love you guys, miss you on the weekdays, Mary S
The Motts: Love the story! Thanks Mary
17,000 pole
2015-03-19 by Sally from Hamilton
Its very simple. It costs 17,000.00 because they have to grow it! They'll plant it this spring, hire someone to make sure it grows nice and straight. Meanwhile they also have to hire someone to take its branches off so there are no branch ends. THEN someone has to carefully cut it down so that when it falls it doesn't get broken. And this is before they even decide on who gets THAT pole. So you got your pole but you messed up inventory and now they must replace it.
The Motts: Lol! Makes sense Sally
Weather Reports
2015-03-19 by Mary
PLEASE limit weather reports to 2 per 12 hour. No one listening to you lives in Siberia or is under the age of two. We know how to dress for the weather. (I live in North Toronto.) I'm trying my best to get on board here, guys!
The Motts: Hi Mary It's great that you listen so long with us but other people are getting up throughout the show and need to know what it's like out there. We can probably cut back a little. You don't need to know the whole weeks weather besides it will likely change anyway!
Sgt. Andrerw Doiron
2015-03-19 by Steve
Condolences to a young man. I took my son, Scott, 13 to Whitby overpass on Highway of Heroes. Both of us, was the first time. You see this on TV many times, attending and paying respect in person, well, it's a very emotional experience. Hopefully it helps comfort the parents. Many people were there, yet many more may want to find an hour in their day to honor a man that gave his life for Canada in the future. We can do better. Steve Belfountain Edit if you like.
The Motts: Thanks for your comments Steve. It is really quite emotional when so many people are there. We were there when the 100th soldier came home from Afghanistan and his wife said it was comforting and overwhelming when she saw everyone lining the route.
Repackaged Meat
2015-03-07 by Liz
Hi, I was listening to you last Saturday and you were talking about the repackaging of meat and chicken products. I cannot speak for all but a large number pull the product off the shelf when the product has reached the best before date. They take it to the back repack it, change the date and put it out again. Sorry to ruin your appetite. Liz
The Motts: I'm going to pretend I didn't read your email. Thanks Liz! I have no idea on the numbers who do this but it certainly isn't good for business. The news story talked about 2 cases in Quebec.
2015-03-07 by Arlene
I love that Paul is sticking (no pun intended) by the leafs. We know that they won't make the playoffs 'again' but we now look forward to the draft. So many people say to me all the time "why would you be a Leaf fan" reply is I've waited this long why would I give up now. A true fan will stick by their team, not give up
The Motts: Shows you are ever the optimist!
Poor little boy.
2015-02-21 by Steve
Proactive again. Terrible heart breaking tragedy. Condolences to the family. Regarding the money that has been raised. It just shows how people want to something. Since the amount raised is so high. It might be a good idea to use some of it to purchase safety products for some people that may not be able to afford. May prevent another tragedy.
The Motts: What a great idea STeve. Maybe once the family has had time to process all of this and a little time has gone by they may do some things like that. Thanks for your comments
Our Flag
2015-02-15 by Bob
We change the flag once a day.... The white house has a crew that does nothing but change their flag to be given away. Once the flag hits the top of the pole,on top of the White House, it is immediately replaced with a new one. Guestimate 30 seconds per change equals 960 in an 8 hour day Have a GREAT Flag Day. Bob
The Motts: Thanks for the info Bob! Have a Great Flag day yourself!
frost quake
2015-02-15 by Andrew
We live near St. Davids (south end of Niagara-on-the-Lake at the Niagara Escarpment) and heard the frost quake at 446 am. It was two explosions in quick succession, maybe 1 second apart. Surprised you heard it where you are (north of Toronto?). Must have been quite widespread if it was the same one.
The Motts: Yes, It must have covered much of Southern Ontario. We are north of Georgetown and we heard from people in Toronto as well who heard it. Quite something!
Liberal Government New Sex education for Schools.
2015-01-31 by Steve
Proactive comment. Should you talk about this weekend. Simply, Primary Schools, Grade 1, don't need sex education. Period. If anything should be added, it's more education and awareness about bullying. Much bigger issue as kids get older. Canada and States, last year, 5,000 kids, some as young as 12 have committed suicide. No brainer, really.
The Motts: Thanks Steve. We hear you but can't kids be bullied into sexual activity too? If you heard Education Minister Liz Sandals, she said they won't be discussing sexual activity in Grade 1. They will be learning to take responsibility for themselves and understand how others feel, which when they grown up, will translate into empathy for others.
January 25th show topics.
2015-01-25 by Russ
Ironic, Motts, that on the same show you mentioned that drinking alcohol was good for you, according to some "study",(I wonder who funds these "studies"), then later in the show, you mention that the OPP have found a rash of drunk drivers lately. Also today, Sunday Jan. 25, there is an expensive glossy flyer inside my newspaper extoling the wonder of the LCBO! Do you think these "studies", and glossy flyers paid for by a monopoly that because of this advertising leaves less money to go back to the taxpayers to help pay the OPP to catch these drunks, is helping the problem, or causing more damage.
The Motts: Interesting Russ. Just because they advertise doesn't mean you have to over do it. Remember what your Grandma said....everything in moderation!
Luv you two guys
2015-01-25 by Dennis
Hi Motts I usually listen to you while at work. This is my weekend off and I got up at six to listen in. I Love your show. Keep up the good work Dennis Elie
The Motts: Thank you Dennis! It makes it worth getting up that early when we hear from you. You can always let Mike Bendixen at Newstalk 1010 know you are enjoying the show!
2015-01-25 by Gary
Been with "yooze" guys since back in the Niagara days you have not diminished one smidgen in your ability to uplift my day with interest,intellect, inspiration and most important of all humour and I'd bet a lot that there are quite a number of other people in that boat with me. Thanx, ever so much Gary (in Oshawa)
The Motts: Thank you so much Gary! Very kind of you. Tell your friends about the show. People are choosing to get up early and spend the morning with us which is very rewarding.
2015-01-18 by MarkHomeless
Rae Harris closed psych. facilities leaving patients on the streets combined with nation-wide transients gravitating to city centres in the winter makes this something the Feds should handle.
The Motts: Thanks for your comments Mark. Certainly should be a combined effort. With all the brainpower we have people shouldn't be dying on the streets because of the cold.
Hi there
2015-01-12 by Bill in Brampton
Hello you two -) I just wanted to say how much I enjoy listening in every weekend on CFRB. Your voices signal the start of my weekend on Saturday, and, although I don't set my alarm I seem to wake up about the time you start to broadcast. Also... you guys are a TERRIFIC excuse to lay in bed until your program is over. Ahem... could you do one more hour LOL Please keep up the great work We love ya
The Motts: Thank you Bill! That is so sweet of you. I'm afraid that's all we can do. The horses don't mind waiting til 9 for breakfast but longer than that and I think we would be in trouble!
Weekday Radio
2015-01-10 by Conni
Hi Motts! I might have missed something but why are you no longer doing the weekday radio shows? You kept me company while at work! Thanks for posting the weekend shows on your site. I don't do early on weekends )
The Motts: Hi Connie. We stopped doing the weekday shows when my Mom was facing some pretty intense surgery. She came through it with flying colours I am thrilled to say. We just don't have the time now to do weekdays. We do record interviews throughout the week for our Motts Weekend the 1 hour show heard on numerous stations throughout Ontario. We post it on our listen page Sunday afternoons. If you would like to join us live you can set your alarm for 6 and tune in to Newstalk 1010 in Toronto or Newstalk 610 in St. Catharines! Love to have you! You can always go back to sleep. lol Actually, I'm trying to get Paul to record it so we can post it on our site. Then you can listen when you get up!
Firing of Carlyle
2015-01-10 by Ed
CarolPaulThere should be some justice against some of the players.Kessel should be given a couple of weeks off and Paneuf should be benched with Clarkson
The Motts: Hi Ed, Paul will have to respond to this one. He probably will tomorrow on the Weekend Morning show on Newstalk 1010 and Newstalk 610!
Media bias
2015-01-10 by Russ
Hi Motts Why do you think there is so little media coverage of the Ben Levine child pornography charges(7), as compared to the American Bill Cosby, or Gomeshi up here? Levine was the U of T professor who played a big part in Kathleen Wynne's sex education curriculum that is very controversial among parents of grade school children. He was also seen rubbing shoulders with Wynne and Trudeau at a Gay pride parade prior to his arrest. This man has yet to have his day in court, but then again neither has Gomeshi, or Cosby. Why so little mention of a man charged with making and distributing child porn with such a high profile in the academic arena that creates sex education courses for our grandchildren? Just wondering.
The Motts: Hi Russ...that's a good question. The answer is that there was coverage of Levine at the time of the charges, and there will be when it comes to trial. He isn't sensational like Cosby or Gomeshi. There are many layers to those stories.
Doug Lennox
2015-01-03 by Allan Gee
Hi there! ...I do a morning show in Penticton, B.C. and was inquiring about getting a copy of 'A Soldier's Christmas' as narrated by Doug Lennox. I e-mailed Doug looking for a copy and he mentioned that maybe you guys (The Motts) had one. Do you have one at all, or know where I can find a copy? There are versions on the Internet but prefer Doug's read of that poem. It would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Allan Gee EZ Rock Penticton, B.C.
The Motts: Doug did a wonderful rendition of that poem. I remember it well but unfortunately don't have a copy of it. You could try Newstalk 1010 in Toronto as they used to play it every year. Maybe one of our listeners can help you
Phone Bills Raptors
2014-12-22 by Robert
(Note I tried texting this however I think may have been too long and did not go to 71010 - no 71010 acknowledgement) Carol spoke of phone bill frustration. Maybe you have done this however I did not hear you speak of it on the radio Sunday morning. I suggest you go over your phone bill transaction by transaction, call by call, number by number called to verify that each is a number you and your family called. Look for stuff that is not yours and stuff that is unusual like roaming when you did not travel or long distance when it should not have been or long long distance calls that you know were shorter. this gives you specific content to discuss with your phone company -- maybe you can spot some fraud. This analysis is something the phone company cannot do because they do not know those called and their relationship to you - only you do. Look at the specifics of good bills of the other months and the call patterns and compare to the higher bills patternsdetails. The differences should help identify the problems. Looking at just totals never gets one anywhere. Analysis with specific conculusions is good ammunition when phoning the company about your bill. Suggestion for the next month, you could log all of your calls and activity etc for comparison analysis with your upcoming bill and do more analysis. A lot of work, I know but it will help in discussions if other analysis doesn't get to the bottom of the problem . Also you can ask about blocking data -- if you don't use it. I know Paul is a big Leafs fan however, much of your sports discussions ignore the Raptors who are of course RED HOT this year. Let's hear it for the Raptors!
The Motts: Much appreciated. Thanks Robert. I will go over the bill with a fine tooth comb! You are absolutely right about the Raptors. Toronto's team!
The Motts Weekend
2014-12-22 by Ken
Hello Carol Paul. I stumbled across your show on Dec 13. I have absolutely no good reason to be up at 6am on weekends (no kids here to feed, job to go to, etc) but for some reason I was up early and tuned in. I sent you a text saying I was enjoying the show although I wasn't sure if I'd be awake and conscious for future shows. You made me smile, when you read that text on air. Now I'm hooked! I set my alarm to be up by 6am today for one reason....The Motts Weekend! Although I live in St. Catharines and discovered your show on Newstalk 610, today I tuned in to you on Newstalk 1010 in order to catch all 3 hours of your show.... Yes, I was the guy who said "You Rock". LOL! There's really something unique about your show. Your subject matters may be the same as other talk radio programs, but it's your spin on things that sets you apart. All the best to you and your family this holiday season and thanks for the early Christmas gift...your entertaining and informative show.
The Motts: Thank you so much Ken for such a lovely email. Glad you are enjoying the show but I feel for you getting up so early on the weekend. Do as we do, have a little nap in the afternoon! Merry Christmas to you and yours.
December storm fallout.
2014-12-18 by Russ
You were both claiming that the weather is very unpredictable and "anything can happen" this time of year according to Paul, and I agree. Don't put much faith in the weather reports, but the left wing establishment keeps trying to tell us what will take place decades from now if we don't pony up with higher taxes to "combat" global warming. Which by the way, hasn't warmed at all in the last twenty years or so. As a Canadian, I would welcome some of that, but won't plan on it happening because of what they tell me!
The Motts: Wait til you hear this weekends Motts Weekend posted on our Listen page on Sunday. Florida is in big trouble because of climate change. Climate change is different than weather patterns.
Nov. 23 episode
2014-11-27 by Ted
When is the November 23 Episode going to be posted.
The Motts: Hi Ted, It is marked as the 22. That is the Motts Weekend for the 22 and 23rd.
Winter tires
2014-11-23 by Georges
It was with great interest that I listened to your segment on winter tires. The representative from the tire industry listed all the potential benefits of using a product that was designed to operate in cold weather conditions. I was disappointed that she didn't mention one sobering statistic. According to an industry expert, he predicted a rise in fatalities directly related to winter tires. Sadly, there has been a 14 increase. Drivers routinely break the laws of physics.(Momentum-A body in motion wants to remain in motion.) Having said that, I am still a proponent of these tires. I lived in the heart of the Snow Belt, and safely navigated the roads during the worst of conditions. I also run them during the summer as they have tremendous wicking ability! Happy Driving!
The Motts: It's interesting you mention that. We had another listener say that a friend is a tow truck operator and has pulled more people out of the ditch with snow tires than all season. The snow tire people think they are invincible!
Special Starbucks
2014-10-26 by Tim
It sent a chill through me last night, when I saw the Jersey Devils and Ottawa Senators holding hands in circle singing O' Canada. That is something you don't see everyday. Did your Starbucks Trekie collect a piece of crockery from each one and if so...what does he house look like?????? Cheers, Tim
The Motts: The tribute was quite something! We should have asked him if he is collecting Starbucks memorabilia!!! lol
Annoying talk on the radio
2014-10-22 by Mark
A mix of sun and cloud. It used to be called partly cloudy, sunny patches and other phrases, and now you all say "a mix ...".
The Motts: Gee do you think that's picky Mark? a mix of sun and cloud is partly sunny if you are an optimist, partly cloudy if you are not. All are true and depend on what side of the bed you get up on!
Sell of the LCBO
2014-10-22 by Lisa
There is a difference between debt and deficit. Debt is what you owe like a house mortgage or a car loan. Deficit is the result of spending more than you earn each year. To sell the LCBO to pay down the debt would be admiral except that the government would no longer have the income from the LCBO each year resulting in an increase in their deficit. To sell the LCBO to pay down the deficit would be tantamount to selling your house to pay your current bills. The government has to get its budget under control on a year to year basis if it wants to eliminate the annual deficit. That means either generating more annual income or reduce annual spending. Selling the LCBO will not solve the annual deficit problems. The net debt in Ontario as of 3312013 was 252.1 billion and the annual deficit as of 3312013 was 9.2 billion. httpnumberswatchdog.comontontario20intro.htm
The Motts: Yikes! Thanks for your comments Lisa
Hockey fanatics.
2014-10-12 by Russ
Paul You mentioned again today that you must support your "team" no matter what happens. I often have wondered why fans must follow this doctrine, but the high priced players do not? They up and leave wherever there is more money involved. I can not understand why people get so worked up over a business with the name of some city, either in our country or in the USA. I could understand following and rooting for some particular player or group of players no matter where they are playing for this contract, but not blindly following some team just because they have a nice sounding city name? Weird. It IS just a business after all. Relax, and maybe buy some shares in the business, as Toronto makes more money than any other team in the League. It IS all about the money at this level Paul.
The Motts: Hi Russ, Carol here....I agree with you. There must be something in their (Leaf fans) water. Our house is a shrine lol.
Gas prices in Canada
2014-10-11 by Russ
Carol You mentioned today on air, Oct.11,about the low gas prices in Alberta. I believe that was just one day in Edmonton only, and was due to a Shell Oil anniversary of some kind. It was just a promo, not any kind of peek at what those big bad oil companies could do if they really wanted to, although Alberta has no provincial sales tax as of yet which we are saddled with here. I understand the bulk of our gas prices are taxes actually. We seem quick to blame the oil companies, and often overlook how governments are ripping us off in the process. Oil and gas exploration spends a ton of money in this country, but unfortunately some have left for greener pastures, or are considering it because of all the roadblocks thrown in their way by foreign funded protesters, who aim to shut down our energy sector altogether. They never seem to protest any other oil producing country, just Canada. As long as we are kept hostage by other foreign oil producers, and high taxes, we will never get a real break on gas prices, even though our country is swimming in it, just under our feet.
The Motts: We should really benefit with all the oil this country produces shouldn't we? When you look at the pie chart at the pump on a litre of gas it makes you sick! So much is taxes.
2014-10-11 by Ric
Hi Mottw You are correct about this problem. Another aspect is licensing of SCHOOL BUS drivers. The training AND licensing of these drivers is done by the bus company. They are supposed to be inspected by the MOT !! I was trained by a bus company and shuddered every time I thought about how some of these drivers were carrying YOUR kids around. Ric
The Motts: Hi Ric, Thanks for your comments. Some of the best drivers on the road are truckers but the opposite is true too! Scary.
2014-10-11 by Robert
Paul I love Windows 88.1. It works amazingly on my Dell tablet (which costs less than 200) and on an old desktop and netbook. The later two devices are non-touch and do not have a lot of memory. If you don't like the Windows 8 start page you can just check off a setting to avoid it. In my opinion, Windows 8 beats anything Apple has on the market and costs a lot less.
The Motts: Hmmm thanks Robert. I guess we should give it another chance. Sounds like a resounding endorsement!
No Calls
2014-10-09 by Mary
I am now listening to the show (Saturday, September 27th, 2014 at 6.50 a.m.). Why do you not accept phone calls, only texts?
The Motts: Hi Mary,
We will definitely take phone calls it's just that most people feel more like texting early on a weekend morning! Call us if you like we would love to hear from you!!
Podcasts AWOL
2014-10-09 by Ed
CarolPaul Hope you had a relaxing holiday but your podcast are not to be found for this week. Tell Paul that this is the year for the Leafs to make the playoffs.
The Motts: He believes! He believes! We have put our podcasts during the week on a hiatus for a little while. We have been very busy with our other business and my Mom has just had surgery and I wanted to be available if she needed me for anything.
Where can I listen to your programs doing week days
2014-10-09 by Doug
Hi I wonder if you can help me. Where can I listen to you guys over the internet? Thanks Doug
The Motts: Hi Doug,
I'm afraid we aren't doing anything during the week at the moment. We do our interviews and compile them for a show called "Motts Weekend" that is aired on a number of stations in Ontario. We do post it on our listen page as well.
On Listening
2014-10-09 by Karen
Hey Paul and Carol...just to say, once again, how great it is to hear you on air...been listening a long (long...LOL) time. Take care and best wishes.
The Motts: Thanks so much Karen! Glad you are enjoying the show
Rob Ford unwanted emails
2014-10-09 by rb
I wrote the Integrity Commissioner regarding 2 emails received from Ford as he used my email from his mayor role. The reply was they cannot act until after the election when new Council is sworn in. they referred me to the website www.torontocaintegrity for how to make a complaint.
The Motts: I suppose if it's that big a problem you will be angry enough to pursue it after the election!
Life is not fair, suck it up.
2014-09-01 by Russ
I heard you bemoaning the plight of contract workers on your Sunday morning show, because your daughter I guess, feels cheated for doing the same work as a full time worker. I get that, but it has been going on a long time now to save on benefits and other costs, and if they don't work as hard as the others, they are not renewed after the contract expires. I think this is caused to some degree, by companies getting screwed in the past by taking on some devious, lazy workers always looking for more for less, often backed up by a union. You claim it is not fair, and you are right, but life is not fair is it? Just look at the LCBO workers putting product on shelves, and doing cashier duties. They are the highest paid retail in the world! Yet tens of thousands work in any other private retail doing the same work, for no where near the wages, often minimum wage. This is not fair either, but only in Ontario!
The Motts: Hi Russ, you are assuming a lot here. No it wasn't our daughters situation we were discussing. She is quite thrilled with her position and everything that goes with it. She is very lucky in that. We were actually talking about a number of friends who had the same common issue. All were under contract but are paid less and have no benefits compared to the full timer doing exactly the same thing. This is where the bigger companies get a very bad name and foster little goodwill. I hear you on the LCBO though. That's why everyone wants to work there!
Leaves changing colour already
2014-08-17 by Brenda
Paul and Carol I hope I am not totally depressing you with this email but I was listening to your discussion about how early the leaves were turning. Well here in WhitbyOshawa they are changing My sons trees in his backyard are changing and my sister told me she raked a few up today. Her rose of Sharon plant has one bloom and lots of buds and they should just about be done now not still blooming not warm enough I guess So there you have it summer is about over.
The Motts: Say it isn't so!!!!
Jim Flaherty
2014-08-17 by Shawn
Carol, Jack Layton's funeral was just under 400.00 and he never had to make any meaningful decisions as an oppositional leader! If it wasn't for Flaherty, this Country would be in poor financial shape! It drives me nuts how liberal and NDP supporters never take a look in the mirror. They flip out over a 90 000 dollar payment to a senator but ignore the billions of dollars that the Liberals have thrown away! Praise Jim Flaherty for doing an amazing job serving Canada and its future! Praise Jack Layton for .... um? ..... He was a good guy? |
Shiny pony break-in
2014-08-17 by Russ
I suppose the shiny pony will soon give an interview explain why the perp that broke into his house would not have done such a thing if society hadn't treated him so badly, and after he becomes prime minister there will be no more desire or need for anyone to break into anywhere! All we need is love, understanding and an occasional group hug. Koombyah. |
2014-08-15 by julie
congrats on a great race max always seems to bloom around this time of year
The Motts: Thanks Julie! Yes maybe she is happier in the cooler weather. I have posted the race under News, vids and pics for those who would like to see it. It was a pretty exciting night for me!
2014-08-15 by chris
I gave up listening to you a few weeks ago following Paul's defence of the people who posted some unflattering photos of a woman on a beach and who went on to ridicule her appearance and then chastised her for defending herself online. His attitude is a sorry one. For her to suck it up and deal with it because we live in this tech social media society is sad. Very sad and degrading
The Motts: Hi Chris.. it's too bad you didn't listen more closely to the conversation. He was hardly defending those laughing at the woman he was saying that's unfortunately what happens these days and you can either be devastated by rude people or ignore them.
Border guard the wrong gender for some folks.
2014-08-11 by Russ
Carol I hope your outrage is not just limited to the way the female border guard was treated by visiting male religious leaders. We are slowly losing our freedoms here by trying to be so accepting to every race or religious quirk that crosses our borders. More and more Muslim practices are being forced upon us in some schools, and public swimming pools. At the same time Christian values and practises are being removed from the main stream over time, and Christians are being slaughtered by the thousands in other countries where they have lived for eighteen hundred years, but nobody seems to care much about that. The face of Canada is changing because of the lack of courage to sometimes say no.
The Motts: Thanks for your email Russ. We cannot change our basic values and principles. Isn't that why people came here in the first place? That said, we are a tolerant and welcoming nation and we sure don't want minorities here to be treated the way Christian minorities are elsewhere.
Butcher shop in guelph
2014-08-09 by Brenda Maziarz
Wanted to thank yu for mentioning our butcher shop on the radio. The name of our country market is Wellington Country marketplace.
The Motts: We will have to stop by one day soon! That was thanks to Paul Mattina of Mattina's Cucina in Georgetown. He said you have wonderful pork chops.
Rob Ford, etc. - Eds comment
2014-07-28 by Norma
WOW! Ed, your vocabulary seems to be limited. Do you have nothing better to say? Did I hit a nerve and now you are speechless? Interesting how some people respond and it is sickening how patronizing and condescending some people can be. I know I am not the only one who thinks the way I do. I have discussed it with many people in and out of my profession (real estate law clerklegal assistant)including some lawyers. I just made the time to put it in writing. |
California Research re dogs
2014-07-28 by John
Hello, I was listening to your show this morning. One segment was about dogs. My wife is blind and has had guide dogs the last 16 years or so. The first two were labs. The present one is a golden receiver. He has been with her for a year or so now. He is very, very affectionate, and very fond of my wife, but he refuses to work . My wife is very independent. She goes for walks daily, takes the bus to church. For some inexplicable reason he simply refuses to work. The research paper you mentioned on your show might throw some light on this situation. Would very much appreciate your reply. Thanks John
The Motts: Hi John. The story speaks mostly to dogs emotions and jealousy in particular. You may wish to contact Caroline Bolduc of Bold Canine. I am sure she would be able to help you.
Things Kids Say
2014-07-27 by James Joyce
Listening to the show Saturday July 26th regarding the child who got kicked out of the donut shop for something he said. My mom tells a story about a married couple who would come over to the house in the evening. My brother and I were in bed already when they would drop by. One evening my brother woke up because he wanted a glass of water. Our parents introduced him to their guests. After the introductions, my brother turned to our mom and asked her, "Are these the people who always stay to long?" (They were) Mom said that they left early that night and never overstayed again.
The Motts: Haha! Gotta love those kids.
kettle repair
2014-07-26 by JAMES
I have repaired my kettles many times. Bugs get inside the switch snd die. They block the contacts. Take the switch apart and clean it. As you're in the country could be the problem. Good Luck! ( although Paul is so reluctant and grumpy....)
The Motts: This is true James! Strangely enough the thing started working again. Maybe throwing it against the wall dislodged the bugs. Lol
Rob Ford, etc
2014-07-26 by Ed
PaulCarol This is addressed to Norma's comment. Norma take a breath. Maybe have a glass of wine.Take a breath. Count to ten. Take a breath maybe give your head a good shake.Take a breath................. |
Rob Ford, etc.
2014-07-23 by Norma
This is addressed to Mary S's comment. You bet I don't have to listen to the Motts and I am not listening to 1010 as much as I used to. I find the competition better. In regards to Rob Ford, I don't know whether or not I will support him when it comes to election day. I am going to wait and see what happens in the next few months. What I have a problem with is the unprecedent obsession that the media has with him from the day after he was elected Mayor even before we knew he had issues with alcohol and drugs. I do think there are more important issues in our province and in smaller cities and towns in our province than Rob Ford. The coverage has been excessive and goes nowhere but to remind people over and over again about the same things. |
2014-07-17 by Mary S
Norma, nobody is forcing you to listen. If you don't like the program, turn it off. But the rest of us like to listen. The Mott's are right they talk about what is in the "News" hello??? This is the least of your problems, you have bigger problems in the fact that you support Rob Ford.
The Motts: Oh we have listeners at it again! lol.
Pan Am Games
2014-07-12 by Wendy hollis
Here's my two cents worth regarding the Pan Am games. When has anything that has governmental influence involved ever come on budget and on time? Am I being cynical or what. As to the games themselves, I'm only interested in the equestrian side of things the rest can go hang. If all else fails, I'll just leave town (St, Catharines) for the time and come home when everything's over and done with. From a Cynical Sports Fan, Wendy Hollis
The Motts: Hi Wendy Come to The Caledon Equestrian Park and watch all the great events here in horse country!
2014-07-10 by julie
I just watched the video of Hunky (believe it or not it was originally Honky, but I guess that wasn't politically correct haha) Hard to believe it has been almost 8 years since Rusty first threw a leg over him and within 2 days had him hacking in a 5 acre field. Not the usual way to break a horse but he was never a usual horse. His momma (Certified Royal) would be proud of him
The Motts: Lol. The girls all think Hunky is cute because he is such a Hunk! He has really matured since I did that video. I'll post more soon and you can see how wonderful he looks.
Mayor Ford and Doug Ford
2014-07-08 by Norma
WOW! Most of you on CFRB can't let it go! Do you not have anything else to talk about? All you are doing is going on, and on about the Fords without saying anything we don't already know. How much do you get paid for this? 2 cents would be too much. It is so obvious that you are just killing time on Saturday and Sunday mornings and that you don't put much time into getting your program together. I am going to stop listening to most of the programs on CFRB as I have had enough of your holier than thou attitudes. You live in Erin. What have the Fords done to you? Why don't you go after the provincial liberals over all the scandals they have had and get to the bottom of what they are hiding and who is responsible? Our province was stupid enough to give them a majority. Let's see where we are as a province in 4 years. I would think the billions of our tax dollars that were wasted is more important than anything the Fords have every done or not done. People should be held accountable for their actions in our provincial government, but they have not. They are getting away with it. You call yourself christians. You should not be judging Rob or his brother. Leave someone who is trying to get his life straighten out alone. It may be politics, but it disgusts me.
The Motts: Is this my Mom? lol. My Mom's name is Norma too. Not sure if you read any international news but The Fords have made the news around the world and are the talk of almost every town, not just Erin. You really should listen more often to our radio show and our podcasts here at on our Listen Page. You can go back and hear the discussions during the election campaign. At that time we had people saying are you really going after the liberals for the gas plant scandal still? and the decimation of the horse racing industry etc. etc. Really this is whether someone with the history of the Mayor and his attacks on anyone who disagreed with him or revealed something he was lying about, deserves to be Mayor. If the city can't come up with someone who is better, God help it!
What Wine To Serve With Your BBQ
2014-07-06 by Wendy
Hi Guys, Just hear your thoughts on what wine to serve with your friendly neighborhood bbq. I have to ask, is there anything wrong with Nature's Vodka (aka water)? After all it's one way to have bribes for your coffee fund during the week if you stay sober and your guests don't! Keep me giggling I need it at 6AM on a Saturday on CKTB. Thanks. Wendy Hollis
The Motts: If you want water you have water!!!! lol. Ahh yes the stories. Glad you are enjoying the show!
your interview
2014-07-03 by katy
Hi Motts, I heard the interview with the principal at the school in windsor. Those kids are very lucky to have someone foot the bill for their university education. I didn't really like the fact that the donor is making them go to a catholic school or they won't get it. Seems like blackmail to me! Love your show.
The Motts: Hi Katy, There are conditions on the scholarships. The students must stay in Windsor and they must attend Cardinal Carter High School. After that they can attend whatever univesity they want. The donor is anonymous but according to our guest someone who cares about education and catholic education in particular.
Thrilled to hear you on CFRB again
2014-06-24 by John
Shortly after you stopped broadcasting in the afternoons some time ago, our entire family and company switched to another station. We were extremely disappointed in many of the changes CFRB made in programming and hosts. Today Sunday, 22 June 2014, we rode in a friends vehicle who had CFRB playing. THERE YOU WERE once again! We are thrilled that we get to hear the two of you on the air again. We all listened to your entire program up to 900 A.M. and promise we will be regular listeners again from now on. The two of you have class, comedy and charisma. Things which other radio "celebrities" are strongly lacking. Thank you for being part of our lives again. All the very best. John and Jacki-Dawn Potter of Mississauga, ON
The Motts: Hi John, We are thrilled that you found us again! You can hear our podcasts during the week and our Motts Weekend on Newstalk 1010 and Newstalk 610 as well as our Weekend morning show. Tell your friends where they too can find us!
Motorcycle Accident
2014-06-24 by Barry Rhodes
The rider has to take a lot of responsibility in this one !!!What if a muffler falls off in front of you, at 100K ? Or a bale of hay ? Or the car in front loses a back bumper it has happened, or a ladder ? Reports say that this guy was yelling at the duck lady, and not looking where he was going . I know she is wrong, but he should have control at all times !!!!! Lots of blame to go around here !!! Barry @ Oakville
The Motts: Thanks Barry. True, I think he paid the ultimate penalty for his infraction.
Lack of available jobs in Toronto
2014-06-17 by Milt
I am a former professional accountant and tax auditor and through no fault of my own cannot get any job. I have applied at Walmart, Target, Loblaws, Shoppers, Staples and many more that are too many to mention. This is ridiculous as I quickly ran out of funds and now my situation is ridiculous. I'd like to know what the hell is going on in the City of Toronto. Almost any reasonable job in Toronto will do. If anyone out there has any ideas please get a hold of me. Thanks.
The Motts: Hi Milt. Thank you for your email. if one of our listeners can help you or has a suggestion for you i hope they will comment here. It may not be much of a consolation but you are not alone as you heard listening to our weekend show on Newstalk 1010 and Newstalk 610.
Election result.
2014-06-16 by Russ
The reason it went the way it did, is because of union types like Syd Ryan,who never was able to win any public office himself,but has acess to millions of forced union dues to vilify any conservative in the race.I understand third party advertising is illegal federally, and in many other provinces. Until it is here, or until union members and the public has access to union financial books to see where the money is spent, this will continue until we are bankrupt here in Ontario. Then the lefties will claim, "See,capitalism does not work. Let's try communism!"
The Motts: According to John Wright of Ipsos Reid (they were wrong on the election call) after doing exit polls of voters they found that the NDP vote collapsed and people went directly to Wynne afraid of Tim Hudak. The fear factor was played out by the liberals.
2014-06-14 by Mike
If you went on a street interview and asked people,especially those who voted liberal,''How many zero's are there in a Billion'' You may be surprised by their answers.This was a vote of self interest and not of realism.Someone will have to pay,your kids and their kids.Debt only goes away when paid off or if your are a third world country when it is written off,of course,with the tax dollars of the donor countries who in turn run on huge deficits and are paying the cost to the detriment of their own peoples living standards.Will we ever learn,no.
The Motts: Thanks for your comments Mike. Maybe the alternatives have to give people something to vote for.
Capital Punishment Should Return.
2014-06-07 by Ed
PaulCarol With the brutal killing of three RCMP officers and the wounding of two other Officers I think it is time the government brought back Capital Punishment.Instead of wasting tax-payers money on trials,etc. We know he is guilty,so lets bring back the noose!
The Motts: Your note alone Ed..
The Motts
2014-06-05 by Tammy
Hey guys so enjoying all of your shows! Really want you daytime at 1010. They need your "common sense" touch.
The Motts: Thanks Tammy! Glad you are enjoying the show. I know getting up early is a bit of a drag on the weekends. You don't have to get out of bed just turn on the radio to either Newstalk 1010 or Newstalk 610 if you are in the Niagara Peninsula. You can always let Mike Bendixen know that you enjoy the show too!
Election polls
2014-06-01 by Russ
Election polls irritate me to no end! They should be outlawed. Who pays for these things? Probably us suckers, who don't want them, and don't believe them anyway.Some of these pollsters are biased, and I would not ever take their word for anything. look how many polls were dead wrong in the last year or two, including the BC election.Eliminate them!
The Motts: How do you really feel Russ? lol.
CBC parisites.
2014-05-24 by Russ
No more taxpayer funds for the CBC! Sink or swim like everybody else must. It is just a liberal cheering section anyway, so why must everbody support that? Money down a black hole for decades, and they never stop screaming for more. Enough! This from a guy who usually enjoys The Fifth Estate, and W5, but does not want to subsidize these shows in this fashion, but may want to if they were on public television such as TVO, where I could choose where my donations went.
The Motts: Thanks for your thoughts Russ. You may want to let your feelings be known on the official "conversation" site re: the CBC too. Thanks for taking part in our discussion on Newstalk 1010 and Newstalk 610.
Mohawk Meet Kicks Off Thursday from Standardbred Canada Website
2014-05-21 by Kimberly Inglis
Hi Paul and Carol - I like to listen to your programs on the weekend. I also appreciate your support of the horse racing industry. It was because of your strong support that I decided not to challenge the concept of "Opening Day at Woodbine" when the standardbreds had been racing there all season. I appreciate that opening day for the T-breds is a big deal. I was hoping that you might be able to mention on the weekend that the Standardbreds are moving to Mohawk this week and that Mohawk is really "opening for the season". I am sure that someone from WEG or OHA would love to be a guess on the show. There are many of us standardbred folks who still feel a little short changed by the recent Ontario funding for the industry but at the end of the day we need to remember that we are fundamentally all in this together. It would be great if you could mention this. My apologies for waiting until the last minute to mention it.
The Motts: Hi Kimberly We will certainly mention the Standardbreds back at Mowhawk this weekend. Thanks for letting me know. Being involved in the Thoroughbred end of things I know more about that than the Standardbreds. The governments decision has been even more difficult for you guys. Understood. Good luck this season!
Investigative reporting in the big smoke. Is that is all there is
2014-05-21 by Russ
I wonder if only one of these "Walter Cronkite" investigative reporters that are hiding in the bushes, trying to catch Rob Ford doing something, anything, untoward, could do some out of the box thinking, and check on the mayor down the 401 at London? I am referring to the mayor of that city who WAS charged with about three criminal offences,concerning theft of taxpayer funds, and refused to step down when city council voted in unison to have him step down until such time as his case was heard in a court of law. I guess it is so much easier for lazy "reporters" to pile on with the rest, and just follow Rob Ford around, rather than let taxpayers know of this alleged cheat in their midst. By the way his name is Joe Fontana, in case you haven't heard about his alleged exploits, and with this very biased media we are stuck with, you probably have not.
The Motts: Actually we have spoken with Joe Fontana on a number of occasions and are well aware of the charges against him. That is one situation. Serious absolutely and covered by the media. It hasn't fed on itself as the story with Rob Ford has. He continuously adds to the s....storm surrounding his behaviour! Like Joe Fontana Mayor Ford may or may not be a criminal but Rob Ford is definitely a pig with his racist, homophobic, mysogynistic remarks (have I left anyone out?)We won't even discuss his drunk driving, his association with gang members and alleged spousal abuse. See the difference?
by the way, Fontana's court case begins next Monday.
Cost of Politics
2014-05-14 by
I am so angry that in the middle of an election I try to find out what are the consequences of say the PC plan (significant changes such as discarding expensive transmission lines to dial down windsolar) etc. and I get httpontariopc.commillionjobsplan (nothing) or we'll email you some BS 'when we can'. ! If the media can't drill down nor can the voters. what's the point. Should I go back to watching cat videos, or a fat guy cussing at the chief of police?
The Motts: We hear you. Each political party wants to control the narrative. It doesn't mean your question won't be answered somewhere along the line in the campaign but it will be when they choose. See if you can get on during The Province on Sunday on Newstalk 1010 and grill them.
Engineer charged Quebec Rail Disaster
2014-05-14 by Mike
Can Taylor comment on this news item. The charge is somewhat political to me because some of the safety failings are actually gaps in transport Canada oversight. TSB has been highlighting poorly defined rules for applying 'parking brakes' to rail cars to TC for some time. Adequate insurance to operate. lack of crash testing of tanker cars. etc. Why isn't TC also 'negligent' or are they exempt?
The Motts: Hey Mike. We will certainly bring this up with Tayler Parnaby on Parnaby's Perspective tomorrow (Thursday). Thanks for bringing it up!
Rob Ford
2014-05-14 by Rob
Rob Ford has lied many times regarding his personal behavior. This is what alcoholics do. Rob Ford has displayed abhorrent behavior whilst under the influence of alcohol and drugs. This again, is what alcoholics do. He has admitted to these things and apologized for them. There is no need to keep rehashing the same old tired stories....No matter how many more new videos or recordings that are dragged out from his past, he has already accepted responsibility and apologized for it. The media, IMO, need to lay off rehashing all this old news and present a more balanced reporting....How about the over 1 BILLION dollars his administration saved, of taxpayers money? This was recently CONFIRMED by Roberto Rossini and Mike Del Grande. We need facts and truth from the media and allow the people to decide who they want to be mayor.
The Motts: You are wrong about accepting responsibility for it. He says...My bad it's in the past, lets move on. Do we want even a modicum of character from politicians or not? Had this been Trudeau those who are apologists now for Ford would have the knives out. Just saying!
CBC downsizing.
2014-05-14 by Russ
What a refreshing topic instead of hearing you both rag on and on about Rob Ford. I am referring to your interview with Lyndon Macintyre about the poor old CBC.What a joke! I enjoy his work and often watch the Fifth Estate, but the subsidy has to end. There is no need of this albatross anymore around taxpayers necks. Over a billion a year every year for decades for what? Just another bloated beaurocracy dragging us down for pampered elites not living in the real world, thanks to our handouts. Sink or swim like everbody else,and with shows like the Fifth Estate and W5, they just may, although after much downsizing for the better. Also, CBC is just another arm of the Liberal party of Canada. Always critizing Mr. Harper, but never asking tough questions of his party's opponents, and we are forced to pay for that!Stop the insanity!
The Motts: Hi Russ We get your point and yes it is tedious to keep talking about Rob Ford but he's not your average Joe or Rob. He is the Mayor of one of North America's largest cities. What he does matters. When new info comes out we talk about it. We also talk about the other issues. Stay tuned!
Rob Ford
2014-05-05 by Heather
He is no different than a lot most people in this everyday hectic life....just cuz he's a mayor ....he is still a PERSON 1St......everyone needs to get a life and quit trying to run his....he is a great major and has done remarkable things in his position others should be reflecting on a lot more than his PERSONAL life ....
The Motts: Are you saying that you don't expect more from the people you vote for? You don't expect them to be truthful, have some sort of character, be more than your average person? I think you drank the Kool-aid Heather. Just because he tells you he's great doesn't make it so.
Horse racing subsidies
2014-05-03 by Russ
I am NO liberal, but,why do horse tracks need propping up anyway? Fort Erie has been around for a century or so I am told., long before slot machines in Ontario. If they cannot offer what people want to pay to see, maybe they should reinvent themselves, not just look for a goverment handout?
The Motts: You are missing the point Russ. The horse racing industry allowed the government to put slots in at the racetracks because no one else wanted them. Like good business people they wanted a cut of the revenue. When it was so successful the liberals decided they wanted it all and then cut the slots at racetracks program. Unfair to the industry and a pretty foolish mistake on the part of the government. They assumed municipalities would fall over themselves to get casinos. That didn't happen and as the Auditor General told us the government knew this decision would seriously damage the industry.
I miss your sound off comments
2014-05-01 by Scott
Is your system down ? By the way, I listen to you most Sunday mornings.
The Motts: Hi Scott,
Yes we did have a little glitch of some sort, so we haven't posted many comments this week. I was able to read them though.
Glad you are listening. Tell your friends. You can hear us Saturday and Sunday mornings from 6 til 9 on Newstalk 1010 and Newstalk 610!
Up skirt videos
2014-05-01 by Anne
Your female caller this morning was mistaken. It really irks me when someone half hears a news story and then spreads their own version of it. I had never heard of a case of up skirt video voyeurism being thrown out of court in Canada however I did remember a facebook uproar about the Supreme Court of Massachusetts doing so last month. So, I came home and googled it. The internet is a wonderful thing! To be fair, I could not find an entry which pertained to the conviction of any of the men charged but then again I didn't do an exhaustive search. Massachusetts laid the charges under their Peeping Tom Laws and were not able to be followed through to conviction because the women were not in a vulnerable (undressed) state when videoed. In Toronto, the charges were laid under the Voyeurism Law which carries no such conditions. Before you come to the conclusion that Massachusetts is a a State that doesn't care about it's citizens privacy, the law was rewritten to close that loophole and signed into Law at the beginning of March immediately after the charges were dismissed.
The Motts: Appreciate your comments Anne!
Catholic Schools
2014-05-01 by Mary S
Hi Motts, love you guys, have been listening to you for 20 years or so..Don't agree with you at all on the Catholic School discussion. As Paul says about people coming into our country trying to change it, quote "if you don't like it go back to where you came from". The same thing applies in this case. "If you don't like the Catholic System, go to another school". We pay extra taxes to go these schools, so it's not like we don't pay for the "religious experience" we do. We go to these schools because we want something else, we want the extra "religion" credit taught. It is even more important now as kids don't want to go to church and Catholic Parents don't have time to teach in the home, Catholic school is even more important now. If you make it a private school system, it will be only the rich that will be able to attend. That's not what our Catholic Religion stands for. Jesus wanted the rich and the "poor" to be educated in the Catholic religion. 46 of Canadians (13.07 million) are Catholic. When it is almost half of Canada, how can you make it one system, it will never happen.
The Motts: Hi Mary,
Thanks for your thoughts. We have had a little trouble posting comments this past week. Can't get to all of them but will do a few here.
Hockey Pain
2014-04-09 by Tim O
Please tell Paul that he can become a Buffalo Sabers fan, that way he can give up earlier and watch baseball.
The Motts: He is still in mourning!
2014-04-09 by Ron Caplan
Hi Paul, will you be cheering for the Habs in the playoffs since the Habs will be the only Canadian Team in the playoffs. P.S I am a Hab Fan
The Motts: Paul is hearing your voice in his dreams! You are everywhere. lol
John Tory
2014-04-09 by DArcy
Worked closely with John during 2009 unsuccessful by-election up here in cottage country. You might refer to John with some adjectives, but sexist is ridiculous. However, in a Toronto mayoralty campaign, the comment could be portrayed as elitist, for the very reason that 90 of the woman voters have probably never golfed, never will, so the comment was referring to a small demographic. I believe that unfortunately, of portraying John in this fashion. plays into the FordChow strategy Frankly, when you 2 talk about the"horsy set" you can be painted with the same brush. Having said that, I do enjoy you show on the weekend. Look forward to listening tomorrow.
The Motts: Hi Darcy,
I guess that is true. Those that don't have a clue about the horsey set might see it as elitist. There are those, of course, but certainly not all. If you listened to what Tory said, and I'm not an apologist for him, you clearly understand the point being made. He said many deals take place on golf courses, get out and play. Be where the action is. Glad you enjoy the show!
Yesterdays show
2014-04-03 by Candice
Hey Motts...that was quite the show. It was thought provoking, irreverent, and hysterically funny. That is talk radio that speaks to me. Loved your guests. Keep it up! I'm wherever you are.
The Motts: So glad you enjoyed it. As I listened to that last piece, I laughed so hard the tears were rolling down my face. For those who didn't hear the show, go to our Listen page and click on the link for Apr 2.
Debt Retirement Charge
2014-04-03 by Michael
Hello Carol and Paul. I hope to hear you cover the latest revelations about the hydro debt retirement charge. I see it as very serious. Christina Blizzard broke the story last weds. Love the show. Will send one longer text next time. Sorry. Michael
The Motts: Hi Michael. Now we hear we may be retiring the debt charge....that's the big promise in the next budget, according to the leak. Hmmm is that enough to buy your vote?
2014-03-28 by susan
I have been off the smokes for 18 months now...It was a easy transition with the e-cigarettes,a bit expensive at times though. Now I have one from time to time especially when I need to take the edge off. The e-cigs sold in Canada are nicotine free.... I am grateful that I can still puff when I need to. I cannot even stand the smell of a real cigarette anymore, it makes me gag. Furthermore I did not give a slight crap what anyone thought when puffed in public...I am 100 smoke free now and grateful for the e-cigarettes!!
The Motts: Way to go Susan! If they work, that is fantastic. Paul was afraid of blowing his face off after hearing one guys e cigarette exploded.
Love your show
2014-03-28 by Don Herron
Hi Paul Carol Both my wife and I love your show . We listen most weekends and can relate to most of your topics . You both seem to be a very normal hands on couple that can deal with everyday events that most families have ! We also had a small hobby farm , back in the late 70 's and my wife Andrea was very involved in equestrian events like hunter class and a some dressage . I took care of mucking out and grooming if you know what I mean . We are both now retired and spend winters in Sarasota and do not look forward to our return to Burlington at the end of March . Once again Paul and Carol keep up the good work and stay healthy Don Andrea PS go habs go
The Motts: Everything was great until Go Habs Go! lol. You are doing mucking Don? He's a keeper Andrea! Paul has only recently done a stall and that was under duress. So glad you are enjoying the show! You can hear us weekends on Newstalk 1010 and Newstalk 610 and catch our podcasts on our listen page Tuesday thru Thursday! Tell your friends.
Great show
2014-03-23 by Dave
I used to listen to you in the afternoon back in the day and enjoy hearing you on weekend mornings on 1010 now. Always enjoyable to listen to! I'm going to check out the podcasts too. Dave
The Motts: Glad you are enjoying the show Dave! Let Mike Bendixen at Newstalk 1010 know too. Here is his email
Clarkson Cup
2014-03-23 by Gordon Singleton
I was fortunate to hear the show this morning while driving into work. Sadly, I can't find your tele to call in. I heard Carol say it once but unfortunately I was driving. Anyways, the Clarkson. two years ago I got to got behind the scenes when Niagara Falls was hosting the Clarkson event. From a hockey point of view those girls are star athlete's in every way. Their skill level is second to none. Sadly the event was purely attended. I truly felt that ever player and coach from minor hockey would have learned something. Right from the way the ladies conducted themselves both on and off the ice. Their skills and how they approach the game. Yes, I believe that Professional hockey should support this game. Are the girls ever going to make any money at it like our men In Canada we are so tunnel visioned , they play a great game though, just look at the Olympic final, )
The Motts: Hi Gord, Great to hear from you! For our listeners who aren't aware, Gord was an Olympic cyclist. Obviously has a good eye for hockey talent too!
Dion Phaneuf -Loser
2014-03-11 by Ed
PaulCarol A bit little off the topic, but if Mr.Phaneuf keeps making stupid mistakes like in the Ranger game and causing goals, Toronto's play-off hopes will be short lived.Re-signing this character was a big, big mistake at 49 million.Whoever did this should be slapped up the side of the head.
The Motts: He's had his moments, but like you, I've never really been impressed with the guy.
Fords Go Hollywood
2014-03-05 by Mary
I think the only thing Rob Ford hurt last night was Rob Ford. When I heard Doug Ford first thing this morning he stated that they knew what the questions were going to be. The only thing that went off track was that they didn't get to talk about The City of Toronto as much as they were told they could. That tells me that they knew what was coming their way from the get go. As always the story changes as the day goes along. I felt sorry for him but like so many others at this point I really don't care anymore how much money he has saved for the Citizens of Toronto. Someone else can pick up that torch and not be an embarrassemnt as well. Does anyone truly believe that the Ford Bros. went out there for the benefit of Toronto???
The Motts: It is getting tiresome isn't it? Thanks for your thoughts Mary!
Daily Podcasts
2014-03-03 by Ali
Hello Paul and Carol, I enjoy listening to your weekend morning show on News Talk 1010, and I enjoy listening to your daily podcasts on the website. You guys do an excellent job. If it is possible, can you guys please look into getting your daily podcasts on iTunes as well? Keep up the excellent work! Thank you, Ali
The Motts: Hi Ali,
Glad you are enjoying the shows. We did post them on itunes previously but with so many things on the go now we are just loading them to our website and having listeners download them from our listen page.
2014-02-26 by Mike
People equate elitist with money, and that the Fords are also well off. I think when the Fords use that term, they mean educated, as in professionals. Drug dealers can have a lot of money, and actually are cunning, but what ticks them off is education. An educated person can have a broader perspective on things like ethics, human rights, where the thug uses these as tools for bulling. Education cuts the thugs off from their tools. Damn those elites!
The Motts: Lol. You have to say it right Mike. Those eeeeee lites! aka Sarah Palin.
Mayoral Race
2014-02-25 by Sandy
I can't believe how annoyed I am already listening to Doug Ford talk about Rob Ford and all he's done for The City of Toronto. I think they are both bullies and Doug has just a little more finesse than Rob. To listen to the Ford Brothers John Tory is an elitist and the Fords are the everyday man. Really? Who are they kidding? They are Millionaires. People seem to forget this. How else could Mayor Rob Ford drive a Cadillac Escalade and enjoy Crack Cocaine and be the party boy that he is while enjoying his job as Mayor that is in title only. Oh yes that's the everyday man! Citizens of Toronto should be embarassed by their Mayor and the present Council.
The Motts: It will certainly be an interesting mayoralty campaign, won't it!
Gold Medal Game
2014-02-25 by Mary
Love your show Paul and Carol. Sorry you have to be on air today of all days Paul. This must be killing you. I am listening to you via earbuds on a little portable Sony radio that I use when I go walking, typing this on my iPad and watching for the game to start on TV...isn't technology grand. Go Canada go
The Motts: Thanks Mary! Glad you are enjoying the show. Paul wasn't that hard done by. He could walk out of the studio into the family room to check on the score.
2014-02-25 by Ione
Agree with you Carol, it is time to get rid of those overpaid professional hockey players in amateur sport.Shame on them.
The Motts: Well that's what the Olympics was supposed to be. Amateurs from around the world competing.
Podcasts Missing
2014-02-25 by Ed
PaulCarol-Hopefully the missing podcasts are due to the fact you guys decided to take a holiday that you deserve
The Motts: We wish Ed. Paul was under the weather and we were unable to do the show. He's back in business now. A holiday does sound nice though!
Best show ever
2014-02-16 by Arlene
I just have to let you know how much I enjoy your show. The only problem is I now have to read my morning newspaper in the afternoon. I started out just listening to you as I read my newspaper but found I was putting it down every few minutes because I didn't want to miss anything. You two just make your listening audience feel like they have been your friends forever.I guess it shows what an 'exciting' life I lead when I look forward to getting up at 600 AM on weekends to listen to both of you. Very funny show also. It would be so nice if we could listen to you on a daily show. Keep up the good work Thank you, Arlene Sharon, Ontario
The Motts: That is so kind of you Arlene! Very glad you are enjoying the morning show on Newstalk 1010 and Newstalk 610. You can hear us during the week by going to our Listen page here on our website. We do a podcast Tues, Wed and Thurs that is posted by 1pm each day. By the way if you get up at 5 on Sunday morning you can hear our Motts Weekend a one hour compilation of our weekday interviews on Newstalk 1010 just prior to the morning show. Thanks again! Tell your friends about the show.
407 Highway
2014-02-16 by Russ
FYI. Carol Ernie Eves sold the 407 for 10 Billion. Bob Ray was planning to sell it for 1.00! As you mentioned, you very seldom use it, as it is your choice, as your husband said. The taxpayer is not on the hook for any maintainence, and if we still owned it, the 10 Billion would never had done us any good at all,and it would not look as good as it does in private hands! The government would probably lose money if they ran it!
The Motts: You may be right Russ. I just hate seeing all that revenue going off shore.
2014-02-11 by Monika
Hi, I'm the one who texted in about "Sherlock" this morning... just wanted to let you know that it is an AMAZING show, and if you haven't seen it yet, begbuyborrow the first season on DVD watch from the very beginning. The development of the characters of both Holmes and Watson - and their relationship - is wonderfully done, and just watching a random episode won't do them justice. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I'm hoping you'll like it as much as I do!
The Motts: Thanks Monica! I will check it out. A friend of mine is as big a fan as you are and loves the show.
Pauls Blogs
2014-02-11 by Ed
Good morning Paul Carol-Any reason why Paul has stopped writing his blogs?224
The Motts: We have quite a lot on our plate these days Ed. Paul has been doing some blogging on our Facebook page. Click on the link on the front page of this website and you can catch up on the blogs he's written there.
What happened to you on Sundays show
2014-02-03 by Michael
Motts What the hell happened to you on Sunday morning? For the first in my life, I got up at 600 am to listen to your show. After 40 minutes, Bill Mercer takes over the program. He said,"The Motts are OK - they just can't make it in today. Was that a recording I was listening to? What happened? -Michael
The Motts: Hi Michael...So Sorry! We were all set to go on Sunday morning and our internet conked out at 5 to 6. If you take a look at our Facebook page you will find a funny entry from Paul regarding our travails but it seems like many others have had this problem too. Newstalk 1010 is sending us a backup system on Thursday so we should be good to go this weekend. I hope you found something to do since you were up so early!!!!
Global news coverage of Rob Ford in Vancouver
2014-02-01 by Charlotte
You guys need to watch listen to the witness, who was actually there, and see some of the photos.
The Motts: Well, that's interesting Charlotte! Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Check this out. You will see the report with a guy who was talking to Rob Ford at the
gas station
whoo hoo
2014-01-26 by Kaityln
Hey Motts! I have been meaning to email since you came back to 1010. Who was responsible for that great idea? Really. I'm thrilled to have you back and will make it a point to listen on Weekends. Finally some real discussion that I feel part of.
The Motts: Hi Kaityln,
You had me worried for a second! lol. glad you are enjoying the show. Let Mike Bendixen program director at 1010 know, as this was his idea. Tell your friends too! You can hear us during the week, Tues to Thurs on our Listen page.
The Chef from Chicago
2014-01-16 by Mary S
In this case, apparently, you have to buy very pricey tickets to go to this restaurant, 2 weeks in advance. I believe the couple lost their babysitter for the night, so that's why they took the baby, no refunds on the ticket, I guess they had no choice (if it were me, I would have taken the child outside or in the car until the baby calmed down) also btw this is the Chef that was highlighted in "Plates" which was the Documentary based on his life and the fact that he got mouth or tongue cancer, poor guy - crazy a chef that could not taste, apparently he is better.
The Motts: If I couldn't find another sitter I would appeal to the restaurant to let us change the date not wanting to inflict a crying infant upon the rest of the diners. If they refused then I would take the baby and hope for the best, stepping out if the little one kicked up a fuss. Check out the video in our News Vids and Pics section. How would you like that little one beside you???
drug war
2014-01-16 by Douglas
Listened to you discuss the drug war. Paul says "it's not working." So he argues for legalization. Then I read about 32 tons of marijuana seized at the border. Is that not some success Come on Paul stop the irrational rationalization. Legalization will come back to bite society in the butt like alcohol destroys lives now and causes untold misery today.
The Motts: Thanks for your comment Douglas. There is no moving Paul. You and I are closer to agreeing!
Politicians Lying
2014-01-15 by Doug
All politicans lie. Look at McGuinty and Wynne. They are in a class all by themselves--over the top lying and deceit. Rob Ford doesn't come close to those thieves and crocks. The biggest problem I see is that most politians are unqualified to do the job they do. They get themselves into a spot by promising the people what they can't and know they can't deliver. It reminds me of a student I had that stole other's work and claimed it as his own (plagiarism). When asked why he did it he said, "I didn't think I would get caught." Rob's problem is personal. An addict is first in denial. And I hate these people who also drink and drive and then point accusing fingers at others. And what about the enablers who could have but didn't stop him. They are guilty too. I may not like Ford's behaviour but I definitely would vote for him because of what the councillor's did to him.
The Motts: Thanks for your comments Doug. I still think there are other politicians in the city of Toronto that could do a good job, reflect your wishes and still be someone you would be proud to have as the leader of Toronto.
Toronto Maple Leafs Game Lossess
2014-01-11 by Ed
CarolPaulIn my opinion the one of the reasons for the continued losses of Toronto, could be the fact they should of traded Dion Phnanuff instead of giving him such a big contract.In My opinion!
The Motts: Paul says he wouldn't disagree!
A Muslim student at York U. says he cant work with women...its against his religion YOU say
2014-01-11 by Susan
I am so sick of this shite!! If the shoe were on the other foot it would be off with our heads! If religion or such is the foremost important factor in these peoples lives they should just get the hell out and stop trying to conform one of the best Countries in the world to there standards and or beliefs! I'm sick of it. They should be kissing the bloody soil they are walking on!!! I do every time I come back from a poverty stricken Country!
The Motts: We hear you Susan! Religious beliefs shouldn't trump the values or rights our country cherishes.
Pauls Negavity
2014-01-05 by Wendy
Hi Motts, Listening this morning, especially about the students 40 hours of volunteering, all I heard was Paul's negative comments. Carol seems to have to buffer all the time. I think he should be a little more "open minded"!? Take care....and all the best in 2014 Wendy
The Motts: Hi Wendy, Thanks for your comments. I don't buffer, Paul says what he thinks and so do I. We just differ on this one. Paul open minded???? Lol. All the best to you too! Keep listening and tell your friends.
2014-01-05 by Jack
Hi guys, I'm a neighbour in Caledon that has gone through the wringer once or twice myself in blackouts. Two years ago i finally picked up a decent sized generator at Lowes. It has a peak at 8750 watts and a steady 7000, with a 220 output that any local electrician can provide a safe connection to your panel. The output is balanced which is important for sensitive electronics. They call it a portable, and it is not too bad for this old guy to wheel around, however it is big enough to power the entire house save the oven and water tank simultaneously. 9 gallon fuel tank easily last through the night. Did I mention it is electric start? I frequently put it in the trailer (with the tractor bucket) and pull it around the property when fixing fences and the like. Hopefully this afternoon it will be going to sleep for the rest of the winter. Regards
The Motts: Sounds like heaven Jack! Thanks for the tip! Hope you don't have to use it any more this year.
Rob Ford
2013-12-27 by Russ
Must you constantly talk about every thing Rob Ford? It has become very stale, and petty. He still has no criminal charges leveled against him, unlike the other mayor down the 401 in London, who has been charged with several criminal offences, but not a peep from the mainstreem media. Why do you think that is? How about the other mayors in Quebec who have left after being charged with criminal offences? Why do you pile on Ford. Because he is an easy target? How about doing a little research, and talk about something interesting?
The Motts: You are obviously a huge Rob Ford supporter which is baffling. If there isn't someone in the city who can represent the city well and also have respect for the taxpaying citizen that city is in bigger trouble than we thought. It is a great puzzlement that so many people think it is alright to do cocaine and hang around with gang members, when you are in a prominent position as an elected official. That is what is getting tiresome. That we keep talking about him, he keeps saying stupid stuff that can't be resisted. He is a far more interesting character than the others. If you pay attention they are discussed but certainly not to the extent that Ford is. When we get back we will be talking a lot about our experience this past week without hydro. Truthfully Ford has been at the forefront on that one.
Niagara snow
2013-12-15 by
Motts, I never skied or snowmobiled. I had a warmer winter sport. For 12 years I worked in Fort Erie, driving along the wind and snow-swept QEW. While crawling along with other sensible drivers in the two runts of the right-hand lane while approaching Sodam Rd., my sport was counting the number of SUVs passing me in the sloppy passing lane, then, less than a mile ahead seeing the superman-type drivers of these brutes lodged firmly in the ditch. I recall one winter my in-the-ditch tally totalled 22 four-wheel heros awaiting tow trucks. Great Sport! Bruce
The Motts: Lol! Thanks for the picture Bruce. It takes all kinds doesn't it as long as they don't take you out with them.
Mr. Mrs. Church Lady
2013-12-14 by Michael
Dear Motts Let me apologize for the "Mr. Mrs. Church Lady from Saturday Night Live" comment. The two of you appear so "wholesome" for a married couple. Perhaps, it's the farm living. Your style is a refreshing change from the controversial "dirty laundry" type of talk shows that we are saturated with these days. Over the past ten years, I have noticed a big change in society leaning towards the nasty, as though everyone is living in a reality show. This is why your program is a huge welcome change You have won me over. I'm hooked See you next weekend... - Michael
The Motts: Hey wait!!!! We are back tomorrow. Saturday and Sunday on Newstalk 1010 in Toronto and Newstalk 610 in St. Catharines. Tell your friends and let the stations management know you enjoy the show.
Ripped off
2013-12-14 by Gerry
You've been talking this morning about how the Liberals are ripping off the people of Ontario. Just recently I received my renewal for for my vehicle sticker and was astounded to discover that it's gone from 70 to 90 which is a 30 increase, if that's not enough to fund transit expansion without the increase in gasoline tax, then I don't know what is. Strangely I haven't heard a single person on 1010 touch on this massive tax grab
The Motts: Thanks Gerry! You will tomorrow.
My Fridays Mondays arent the same anymore......
2013-12-13 by Conni
Oh how I miss you guys on Friday's and Mondays! I looked on 1010 but I didn't see a podcast for your weekend shows. Is there one?
The Motts: Hi Conni,
I'm glad you miss us on Monday and friday but we do need a little time off! There isn't a podcast for the weekend show yet, but I think Robert Turner is working on that. You'll just have to listen live. Join us at 6 on Newstalk 1010 and Newstalk 610!
WestJet Christmas Miracle Filling Santas requests in real-time
2013-12-11 by Ed
PaulCarol here is the full version of WestJet's newest Christmas commercial. Can you see Air Canada doing this? httpwww.thatvideosite.comv12335westjet-christmas-miracle-filling-santas-requests-in-real-time
The Motts: I heard about that Ed. Thanks for sending that along. here is the actual link Just copy and paste into your browser. What a great way to get some coverage. How much fun!
2013-12-09 by Michael
The passing of Mandela is a event with global significance. You are are no doubt aware of his passing so not acknowledging it on your morning show in some way would suggest that you have an opinion about the man which you think may be too controversial. You have dealt with several other issues that are very controversial so your silence on this does suggest great discomfort or a lack of courage to defend whatever your position is. I generally find your show interesting so help me to understand this glaring omission.
The Motts: Hi Michael, Thanks for your note. We did talk about him, but there had been so much wall to wall coverage since his death that we thought people might want a break. We like everyone else on the planet feel that he was an extraordinary man with a superhuman abundance of forgiveness. We may do something next weekend as that is when the ceremony will take place.
insulated cover-alls
2013-12-07 by M L Brown
Hi Carol A couple of weeks ago you were raving about your insulated cover-alls that you rec'd for Christmas. Not being from your area, I didn't recognize the name or location of the feed store. My daughter is working on a cow farm, and the cover-alls at TSC Marks just don't fit her 5'0, 107 lb body. Would you be so kind as to let me know where the store is located - maybe I could phone them to see what they have, or can get. I have missed the two of you - when CFRB announced changes were coming for the weekend show, ever did I imagine you would be the replacement. What a pleasant surprise. Regards ML
The Motts: Hi there! Glad we were a pleasant surprise. The store I was talking about is Budson Feed in Erin. or you can email them
professor winer interview
2013-12-07 by michael
good morning Listening to his passionate coments i felt compelled to get in touch so i could recognize two amazing math teachers i had when i went to northmount high in montreal in the 1960's - mr smith and mr rowe. Their passion for teaching and their ability to inspire interest in math allowed me to succeed in engineering and business programs in university afterward and in my career in the investment business. Most importantly, i have never been intimidated by numbers. Thank you mr smith and mr rowe. Michael goldberg
The Motts: He is an amazing guy! Wish I'd had Jack Weiner as my math teacher. Thanks for your note.
Nice to hear you again
2013-11-28 by Charles
Hi guys, I was delighted to hear you back on CFRB, which in turn led me to this website. I listen to your podcasts and have to say I am enjoying listening to both of you. I just wanted to say welcome back, I'm sure your fan base is happy. Cheers and all the best.
The Motts: Thanks Charles. Great to have you with us as well. We have been off creating our own network. Glad you are part of it!
2013-11-26 by Kelly from Guelph
Hi, Carol and Paul! I was wondering how Lantariat is doing and can you explain his name again? (I know the last part is to do with Secretariat, part of his linage!)
The Motts: Hi Kelly,
I will post some new pics soon. He is growing like a weed and is a very settled little guy. Love this foal. Laprade is his Dam, Leonnatus Anteas his Sire. so Lan comes from those 2, ariat from Secretariat on his fathers side. He was born on Secretariats birthday.
Smoking Bylaws
2013-11-26 by Gary
Per your show on 1010 this morning, have always wondered...if I was to open a chain of coffee shops, not open to the public per se, but for adults only and private, where smoking is allowed, in that any adult wishing to enter had to first buy a membership (with card) for 1 and only those with memberships could enter, IF that would be a breach of the bylaws.
The Motts: Interesting thought Gary. I do believe that some restaurants tried that when the bylaws first came in. They lost.
Rob Ford
2013-11-23 by Mary
Re"Give it a rest on Ford" you don't have to live in Toronto to be interested in this story....he has made it a "Canadian Issue" so therefore, the rest of Canada can comment. Wondering if you saw the Peter Mansbridge Interview? In the first two-and-a-half minutes of his lengthy CBC interview Monday, Rob Ford told three lies. The first lie The people elected me with the largest mandate in Canadas history. The second lie Having the lowest tax increase of any major city in North America. The third lie Ive showed up every day to work for the last 13 years. They are just a PR Machine, as RB says "Talk is Cheap" Love the commentary Motts on RB, will keep listening
The Motts: Thanks Mary! Some like it some don't! Those that say give it a rest are members of the Ford Nation and would prefer people forgot about Ford. The world is talking about the guy and watching with amazement!
Give it a rest on Ford
2013-11-17 by peter
you have zero to say as you don't even live in Toronto Stick to horses
The Motts: Ford nation are you???
cleansing drink
2013-11-13 by casey
i heard u on the other week talking bout a cleansing drink from the 2 sisters with cucumber ect can u tell me how to find this recipe thx good to hear u both again
The Motts: Hi Casey, Here is the link to the Looneyspoons sisters Scroll down to Janets anti bloatation creation.
finally found u guys
2013-11-12 by Mike
The Motts: Thanks Mike! You can hear our podcasts throughout the week on our Listen page too! Glad you found us.
The Motts
2013-11-04 by Bill
WOW....i was looking around CFRB's web site,looking for news regarding Mr Ford and to my surprise i come to see the Mott's are back on CFRB.It feels like my long lost pet returned home. What a treat to hear the Mott's !!!!!
The Motts: Interesting way of putting it Bill! Here we are. Glad to have you with us.
2013-11-02 by Lorie
That was really nice of you to tell your New Mexico phone guest about our MAYOR smoking CRACK cocaine.
The Motts: You are angry with us!!!! The world is talking about the mayor.
Welcome back
2013-10-30 by Angie
I missed you guys dearly especially with what you were replaced with. Now my only hope is that you will move to a little later hour, its hard to be up at 6am as you well know. Anyway, at least you are back, love you guys interaction and jokes. Very refreshing in to days world. Keep it up my friends,love you, Angie
The Motts: Thank you Angie. You can always catch our podcasts Tues thru Thursday right here! Glad you are with us.
Will there be weekend podcast
2013-10-30 by Marg
Hello Happy to hear you are back at 1010 for the weekends. I stopped listening to that station once you left and exclusively pick you up at your website. Will there be podcasts for your weekend shows as well? I haven't found them yet. Thanks
The Motts: Hi Marg! We will not be doing podcasts for the weekend. Unless Newstalk 1010 makes them available you will have to wake up early like we are! Lol!
Mike Duffy Speaks
2013-10-29 by Dana
Mike Duffy is no longer a great Story Teller he is just annoying. Speaking in the Senate risking his Heart Health? I might feel bad for him if I didn't think perhaps its the extra 200 lbs that has hurt his Heart Health. I agree with Paul. This Man's primary residence was Ottawa. Mr. Duffy is protesting just a little too much. Lets close the door on this and move on!
The Motts: Thanks Dana! I'm sure the PM would like to see that too.
Welcome Back
2013-10-25 by Scott
I got an email while on vacation in Florida saying you two were back on 1010. On a whim, I tuned in while driving back around Pittsburgh. Amazingly, I got a weak and staticy signal but your voices were unmistakeable. I am an early riser and will listen to you Sat and Sun. Can't wait.
The Motts: Thrilled to have you with us Scott! You can hear us on our podcasts on our Listen page as well.
Welcome BackHydraulic Frackingsic
2013-10-20 by Dave
Dear Carol and Paul, Very Happy to hear you back on CFRB again. The respectful juxtaposition of your often contrary views is as inspiring as it is entertaining. Paul before you fall in league with Eco-terrorists please view Frack Nation at another worthyworldly view!
The Motts: Great to have you with us Dave. We will check it out!
Good to have you back
2013-10-27 by Barry Rhodes
Wow What great news So wonderful to have you back on RB. I thought I would miss my automotive program, but you have made Saturdays and Sundays even better. Ignore any negative comments. It just shows how many nut cases are out there. Best regards, Carol to your and your assistant. Barry
The Motts: Thanks Barry! Glad to join you on weekend!
The Motts
2013-10-20 by Hans
Hi The Motts, great that you are back. Best thing that happened to CFRB since.... well, when did you leave?
The Motts: Never did!
terrific comeback...
2013-10-20 by peter kent Thornhill MP
Great to have you on air again.. A model of respecttful marital dialogue..on issues major and trivial.. Looking forward to our next conversation...p
The Motts: So nice to hear from you Peter! Glad your listening. Give us a call sometime.
Welcome back...
2013-10-15 by Anne
Thrilled you are back. What time are you on? After you left CFRB the only show I listen to is John Moore in the morning. The only show that has "gray matter". Looking forward to listening to you again. Anne
The Motts: We will join you Saturday and Sunday am 6-9!
2013-10-15 by June
how do I get the recipe from you? I tried your site to no avail. We are so pleased you are back, too bad you couldn't have the M-F 1-4 spot. Shouldn't the submit be your comment?
The Motts: Hi June,
The link to the Looneyspoons site is under News Vids and Pics on our front page. We are way to busy to do M-F. This works just fine for us at the moment. Hope you can join us every weekend 6-9 on Newtalk 1010!
the Motts are back
2013-10-13 by Lorraine
Good to hear you both this a.m., just like old times. Will look forward to listening each weekend. I'm sure your show will be a great success!
The Motts: Thanks Lorraine. Tell your friends about the show. I'm just getting dressed now, can you believe it?
Glad Youre Back
2013-10-13 by Bill
I'm a long-time listener. In fact, I followed you when you moved from one Niagara station to another. I love the interaction between you and I love the format of your show where you actually have a CONVERSATION with callers. I hope you stick around for a LONG time. Welcome back.
The Motts: Hey so nice to hear from you and we are so happy you are enjoying the show! When Mike Bendixen asked us to come back, they are under new ownership you know, lol, he told us to do what we wanted so that is what you will hear.
glad that hear you guys on the weekend
2013-10-13 by EV
I was pleasantly surprised to hear you as I was station surfing this a.m. Great show and will be listening to you on the weekends...Are you still on 610 ?
The Motts: Hi Ev, Glad you found us. We are still doing our podcasts Tues thru Thursday here on our listen page and Motts Weekend the hour long show heard on stations throughout Ontario. Keep listening and we'll tell you what is coming up on 610!
Glad you are back.
2013-10-12 by velma and keith
I like other listeners, I left CFRB when you left. So glad that you are back. Look forward to listening to you both. Hey Paul, what about our Buffalo Bills!!! Hope your family is doing well and you are keeping well also Carol. I miss hearing about the children,well not children anymore. Welcome back Carol and Paul
The Motts: I guess we are all coming back! Great to be with you again.
Welcome back to News talk 1010
2013-10-12 by Susan and Denise
Just discovered you are back on News Talk 1010, where I used to listen to you a few years back. Denise Will make sure we let our blog readers know they have another great way of hearing one of our favourite 'Zoomer' couples! Susan
The Motts: Thanks! That's wonderful. Glad we can keep you company!
Glad to hear you back
2013-10-12 by Rick C in Oakville
Great show, actually called in and spoke to your screener while you were talking with the wealthy barber, just to pass on good wishes. My son played on a soccer team years ago (something Dental?) that Paul and Jessica coached in Oakville. Garrett was on the team also. Started listening to you then and will tune in every chance I get now. Cheers!
The Motts: It was Almer Dental! Boy you do go back. We are thrilled you will be tuning in regularly to our weekend Morning show on Newstalk 1010!
Happy your back
2013-10-12 by Michelle
Good Morning Turned on the radio and went back in time. I am so glad your back
The Motts: I hope it was all good memories! Tell your friends!
Welcome Back
2013-10-12 by Lee
Just like old times - great to hear your voices again - missed you. Would like to suggest that when you have a guest who is talking about a specific item such as The Anti-Bloatation Creation - the pitcher of water ingredients - you post it online for easy reference. I finally found it but had forgotten the exact name and had to spend a fair amount of time searching. The other hosts on Newstalk 1010 always say "you can find out more by going to my webpage on Newstalk 1010" - do you have that set up yet? Thanks
The Motts: Hi Lee,
Sorry about that, I didn't post it as quickly as I should have. Went down to the barn, fed the horses etc after the show. Here is the link to the Looneyspoons website. future any links we post will be under News, Vids and Pics on our front page.
News Talk 1010
2013-10-09 by Craig
Really missed you. Glad you're back. Congratulations! Sorry to drag you away from your horses, Carol, or are you going remote?
The Motts: Hi Craig your not dragging me anywhere. We are coming into Newstalk 1010 on Friday morning, but other than that we are broadcasting from our home. I will be in my pajamas!
Motts back on 1010
2013-10-09 by Ann
Well I guess I can go back to 1010 now. Great news guys and for what it's worth the time slot works for me. I'll be listening while I muck the barn on weekend mornings!! Great news.
The Motts: I'm glad we can keep you company Ann! Happy mucking! Tell your friends to join us at Newstalk 1010 and Newstalk 610CKTB. We will still be providing our show Tues, Wed, and Thurs. here at and Motts Weekend
Returning to CFRB oops Newstalk 1010
2013-10-07 by Judy
So so glad you are back! After you left this station I pretty much did as well. Down the dial to 640 but now I have a reason to tune back in on weekends!! Way to go Motts!!
The Motts: Glad you will be coming back with us!
2013-10-07 by Barb
What wonderful news back on CFRB - I sure have missed you both!!!!!! I was on your show a couple of times discussing auctions and appraisals - Now I have a TV Show on Rogers TV - called The Seniors Show Lots has happened in the auction business while you have been away from CFRB - contact me any time - Such Great News!!!!! Barb Richards
The Motts: Of course we remember you Barb! Wonderful to hear from you. We will be in touch.
2013-10-07 by Judy
FINALLY - I am thrilled that you are returning to 1010. But they obviously haven't quite got all their marbles in order yet - WHAT? 6-9 am Weekend mornings? I don't get up til almost then. Hope you'll get a more realistic slot soon. In the meantime, it's reassuring that the station has sobered up.
The Motts: This works for us Judy! We do our daily show, Tues to Thurs now, podcasts that you can hear on our listen page, our weekend program which goes to a number of stations in Ontario and I run a riding school! Only so much time in a day!
Welcome back to Newstalk 1010 This news made my day
2013-10-07 by Laurie
Just heard the news...... and Looking forward to hearing your new show on the air on NEWSTALK 1010! Congrats! L. Thomspon
The Motts: We are thrilled to be back. Seems a little weird though! We will be doing the show from our farm
Motts on Newstalk1010 again
2013-10-07 by Craig
What awesome news!! Yay Motts!! httpswww.facebook.comgroupsnewstalk1010listeners
The Motts: Thanks Craig!
Listening to CFRB on 10713 at 1748
2013-10-07 by Tom
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mott, I am so very happy for both of you. I remember how hurt both of you were after the previous management staff of that establishment "cleaned house". If you ask me, it appeared at the time, and I still believe this, that they threw out the gold candlesticks (both of you) when they gathered up the rubbish. I wish both of you only the best with respect to your new (but old) endeavour. Sincerely, Tom
The Motts: Thank you so much Tom! We are excited about this.
2013-10-03 by Janice
Please...are you kidding me? Why can't we just leave things alone? That was composed many years ago, and I am one for tradition. Just leave it alone. It was written that way, and needs to stay as is.
The Motts: Yes Janice it was composed many years ago but it was already changed once.
Welland man who wants gun
2013-09-24 by Katrina
Yikes. Not sure I want him to have a gun either! Carol you sounded a little concerned by what triggered this neighbour from hell to harrass Thomson. He shot his Rooster then the neighbour firebombs his house? Not sure I want to live beside either one!!
The Motts: I hear you!
2013-09-10 by Catherine
the company I worked for as a kid had lots of interns and they learned so much there working for nothing. It was great experience and gave them a leg up on their competitors because they could say they had interned with us. It's a great program just make sure it's legal, the kids don't work too many hours and that it has an end date.
The Motts: Great points. An internship that goes on indefinitely is slave labour!
2013-09-10 by Kevin
Okay guys, what are you independently wealthy so you can work just 4 days a week??? We love the re-rolls of Motts Weekend but miss you when you are off.
The Motts: If only! We are back on a regular schedule now Kevin. Most of the weekday horse shows are finished til next season.
Blue Boxes
2013-08-13 by Ed
PaulCarol-How about a second blue box.
The Motts: Lol. Yes that would be the logical question wouldn't it? We actually have 3 of them but this day as there was too much for one blue box and only a little for the second Paul decided to put everything in one larger open container to make it easier for the staff who do pick up! Just wasn't appreciated was is?
Program Reception
2013-08-09 by Mary
As long time listeners, we listen to you each day on our computer however, recently we are unable to get live reception. Although we can get the re-broadcasts,we much prefer to listen live. Can you help Thanks your long time fans. Bob and Mary Webster from Bel Air, Maryland.
The Motts: Hi Mary, So wonderful to hear from you in Maryland! We are not doing the live streaming at the moment. We have moved to our new home studio and are just working out the technical aspects, so for now the show is available by 1pm. Just download the podcast. Thanks!
Re Ta Ta Hudak....Hello Frank Klees
2013-08-05 by Carol
If the P.C.'s do not change then they really just want to be exactly where they are in 3rd place.
The Motts: Hi Carol, they have to do something. Nice guy Tim Hudak but he has no spark and can't connect.
Chuckle Fest
2013-07-26 by Elaine
Hi Paul Carol! Today's show full of Sh... Giggles!! Too Funny! Tip,Up,Down, Weiner. What a dink! Big happy I havent seen them. lol George was my father's name. I would have picked Alexander.
The Motts: hahaha! Glad you had as much fun listening to the show as we did doing it! It was a crazy one. Way too much material.
Large Animal Rescue
2013-07-22 by Ann
Hi Guys, great show as always. (Who peed in AP's Cornflakes) Thought you'd find it interesting that we do have a large animal rescue in our area. Woody of Tack Two EMS offers medical services (and a laugh or two) for humans at most of our local Horse Trials but he also specializes in large animal rescue and trains First Responders in the same. Check out Woody's Facebook page. httpswww.facebook.compagesTack-Two-Emergency-Medical-Services-Inc228520097231635
The Motts: Thanks Ann! Great to know we have some experts in the area. It was something I thought about as I was stuck in that horrible storm with my horse on Friday. Thankfully we got through it no worse for wear.
Lack of Substance
2013-07-18 by AP
When you chose to spend so much time discussing garbage on TV, you are offering garbage on the radio. Here is another day I will turn to another station. Quality programming is getting harder harder to find...but I will continue to search...apparently it isn't here.
The Motts: Catch a sense of humour AP! It really was a serious reflection on pop culture!
Howard Levitt
2013-07-13 by Scott
Paul that was stellar! Hilarious interview with lawyer Howard Levitt. Covered in what??? Even he saw the irony. Keep up the good work, only wish your show was longer.
The Motts: Glad you enjoyed it Scott. Keep listening and tell your friends they can find us at and through the stations carrying the show.
2013-07-13 by Karen
Fascinating listening to the Gord Millar on your show. You mean he told the government that this was going to happen? He didn't want to say I told you so but he did. Hope officials were listening. Great job Motts.
The Motts: Thanks Karen. The Ontario Environment Commissioner was on with us back in March when he issued his report warning that the province wasn't ready for the extreme weather on the horizon. Storm sewers and infrastructure must be revamped or we will have more situations like Calgary and Toronto. He's like the canary in the coal mine!
Nortel Pension
2013-07-04 by Lily
Would someone revive the story about Nortel it stands, we were told that we would here something this year, then my husband received a letter stating how much he was owed by Nortel, then he called and was told that nothing will happen until next year...of course not!! The lawyers need another year to justify how much money they will be charging for their services, so the poor pensioners that have lost so much will end up giving what is left to the Lawyers!! Unless this is out there in the media again, we are just forgotten.
The Motts: The place to go is social media, get your friends on Facebook and Twitter to start a push. There must be a group of ex-employees of Nortel you could tap into.
2013-06-15 by Patrick
I can't stand hearing about Ford anymore but I can't look away. It's like a train wreck. Ugly but your fascinated by it. I'm of the feeling that there is so much smoke here there has to be a fire somewhere! Great show Motts.
The Motts: Thanks Patrick! Glad you enjoy the show. You are not alone. Many people feel the way you do. Let's see what next week brings.
Liberal Government Deletes Emails
2013-06-05 by Ella
Is it possible no one knew it was illegal to do this? Only the emails regarding the cancelled Power Plants? Will this get half as much attention as an Alleged Crack Smoking Mayor?
The Motts: Does make you wonder, doesn't it? The privacy Commissioner will be on the show tomorrow morning. What could the penalties be? The alleged crack smoking mayor is still a story! Kevin Donovan of the Toronto star will be on too.
May 27 Horses to slaughter
2013-05-30 by Ann
Hey Paul Carol, Thought Carol would find it interesting that as of this year any horses competing at an FEI level will have to be micro-chipped. I understand that the reasoning behind this is to help track the drugs used in horses going to slaughter. In our FEI passports we have to record any and all medications given to the horse and the dates given as well as scheduled vaccinations. I'm not sure how it's going to help as the "passports" for slaughterhouses are different from the passports that Carol and I know for competition identification, and it would appear that slaughter passports are too easy to create a history that suits the slaughter. Just sayin....
The Motts: You are right Ann. Some of our CEF passports have room for vaccinations as well but it's up to the owner to fill it all out or have the vet sign off on the submissions. Lots of room for error or omission. Horses often change hands many times. Very easy to mislead.
rob ford
2013-05-27 by ray
Hi I dont understand your pole question weather or not i believe rob ford was smoking drugs like in the video fun there has been no video found yet so this is a dumb dumb question dont you think?
The Motts: Hi Ray, The poll question really comes to whether or not you believe there is a video and whether or not you believe that Rob Ford is the person in question in the video.
Rob Ford Video
2013-05-27 by Mary
Hi Carol and Paul,Regarding Rob Ford. I don't understand how we can condemn Rob Ford based on a Drug dealer's video?? We are in the digital business and believe you me, you can doctor a video very easily. It's unbelievable that he is guilty, based on a few reporter's opinion. If it's him then yes for sure, it's disgusting. But there has to be proof. The video needs to be professionally analyzed.
The Motts: We hear you Mary. I guess it depends on if you believe the reporters who have seen it. Kevin Donovan who has been on the air with us over this story and many of the others that he has broken, (The Ornge scandal dogging the liberal government, e-health etc)is a 30 year award winning reporter and one that has credibility.
Senate Scandal, by Diane
2013-05-27 by Scott
Stephen Harper and his team are the best in recent history. I run a major company and admire a leader like Mr. Harper who takes charge and gets the big job done without getting mired in the minutia.
The Motts: This is hardly minutiae. It's a scandal, and since it's regarding people Harper has appointed to the senate and his former chief of staff it sticks.
Senate scandal
2013-05-22 by Diane
Just wondering how you both feel especially Paul feel about the Golden boy Stephen Harper and his handling of his appointed Senators and their crimes.Seem no Conservative oriented station whether on TV or radio want to delve into this. Very little discussion.Odd isn't it?
The Motts: Hi Diane have you heard the show lately? If you haven't check out our listen page. To be fair, people are really focused on Rob Ford but we have found time daily.
2013-05-17 by Marta
Hi Carol and Paul, Having been stranded in the 2011 Christchurch New Zealand Earthquake, it was rather un-nerving this morning when my reading was interupted by house and window seat shaking I'm still shaking almost two hours later
The Motts: Hi Marta. Have a drink! I'm sure it shook you up. Heard from our daughter in Waterloo and their office was wondering what happened too.
Podcast player
2013-05-16 by Mary
I love listening to you guys online, love the Podcasts. I love listening to you guys while I work. Lately though, not sure what has changed, it keeps cutting out, the player keeps stopping. I'm not experiencing this with other shows (other Podcasts) I'm such a die hard fan that I don't mind restarting the player. Just thought that I would let you know in case it's a technical thing at your end. I will keep re starting and keep listening.
The Motts: Thanks Mary, not quite sure what would be causing that. We will check with Dan Kelly our trusty web guy. He's wonderful and does a great job for us.
Jennifer Morrison
2013-05-05 by Ann
Hey Carol Paul, I enjoyed listening to your interview with Jennifer Morrison today. Nine years old I still can't pick them now. It made my day to hear her talk about Catherine Day, we bought a nice horse out of her stable and he is a future 4 Eventing hope for my daughter. Best of luck with Max and thanks for making my lunch hour better every day.
The Motts: Thanks so much Ann! Best of luck to your daughter. I have the utmost respect for eventers. They do it all and with guts. Let us know how they make out. I loved the story of Jambalaya. What a wonderful horse.
Paul where are you its finally here and you are no where to be found
2013-05-02 by Esmat
Hello motts I am one of your fan and listener on cfrb 1010 many moons ago. As i remember it very clearly every year during the end of April Toronto maple leaf every year wouldn't make the playoff and paul would say there is hope next year there is hope and carol would say dream on not in this life time and it was a very sweet moment to listen to as you were jammed up in traffic..Where are you now so you can yell out load TORONTO MAPLE LEAF IS GOING TO PLAYOFF AFTER 10 YEARS ..any way just wanted to share a memorable moment with you guy as i still remembered some of the shows you did on air .. hope you guys are doing well.. PS.any chance of listening you guys on 640 that was be wonderful.If some one who isn't here and talks like he is one of the local's and talks about the daily issues i'm sure that you will be much better way better ..
The Motts: You obviously aren't tuning in to us daily right here at! Come to our listen page and you can have your fill. Tell your friends. If you can't join us at 11 we have podcasts for you each day after the show all lined up on our listen page. Great to hear from you!!!
2013-05-01 by Scott
Carol, I think it's your voice for the ad to make Woodbine the choice for the casino site, even though you don't take credit.
The Motts: Yes Scott, that is my voice and obviously with my connection with horse racing I do hope that
people see the light and protect the industry and the people who work in it.
Should a rope be the end for convicted terrorists
2013-04-23 by Ed
PaulCarol-Why waste time,money,etc. for these twits, they should be disposed of either by hanging,injection,fed to sharks in the Pacific Ocean,etc.
The Motts: How do you really feel Ed? You may wish to read Paul's mini blog on our Facebook page.
Boston tragedy coverage
2013-04-20 by Greg
Hi Motts Listening on Friday I enjoyed your discussion about the search and the mindset of who could do something like this. Your connecting with the Boston station was very interesting too. Love your show, keep up the good work.
The Motts: Thanks Greg they did a very good job keeping their community informed of what was happening. It's baffling how anyone could be filled with such hatred at such a young age. We are glad that you enjoy the show. Tell your friends where to find us and follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
Off the air
2013-04-19 by Conni
OMG!! I am just reading the sound off page....I thought it was just my computer that couldn't get you! 3 days now I have had to listen in the afternoon instead of at 11. My day just isn't complete until I listen to "My Motts" as I call you ) Hopefully things will be working soon for me too! Love you guys! Long time fan.
The Motts: Things should be fine with the streaming now. fingers crossed for Monday. But the podcast is loaded to our listen page. Click on that and away you go! Thanks for your kind words Conni. Thrilled you enjoy your daily "Motts" fix!
Thanks to you Carol,I am listening.
2013-04-17 by Kelly
If you knew me you would think that hell has frozen over because I figured out how to get you and Paul live on my computer.I hate computers with a passion,always have and probably always will.I just wanted to say thanks again for all your help,you are amazing and I think you should be a computer technician.Have a great day Kelly Leonard
The Motts: Lol! You have no idea how funny that is! My computer just crashed again today and I don't know what to do about it. Glad we've got you though. Tell your friends how to find us!
2013-04-19 by nancy
Hi Guys, I'm listening on my computer in Georgetownso you're coming through in some locations!!
The Motts: Thanks Nancy. I think we had a few glitches (tech speak for not having a clue what the problem was!) If you missed a part of the show, check out our podcasts!
The foal
2013-04-13 by Rebecca
Hey Motts Carol where is the video of the foals birth. I've been waiting to see it. You said you were going to post it. Very cute pics of the little guy!
The Motts: Lol. Very funny Rebecca. If you heard that discussion you know there was a little plummer butt going on there as we delivered the foal. Had it been Paul's I wouldn't have been so concerned! I've been trying to figure out how to edit that. I'll get it up there soon. In the meantime work on a name for the little guy. Scroll down on our front page, all the details re the rules and prizes are there!
Immigration Minister
2013-04-06 by Tina
Great shows this week Motts. Particularily enjoyed the immigration minister Jason Kenney. He's passionate about this country and right on the money. Keep up the good work!
The Motts: Thanks Tina. It was a great week. From our foal arriving (contest details on our front page)to some superb guests. Yes the Immigration Minister is absolutely right on the use of the word barbaric. Some things just are, and we shouldn't be afraid to say so! Good for him.
Toronto Maple Leafs
2013-03-22 by Ed
PaulCarol I think it is time for the coach to maybe sent Dion Phaneuf down to the minors to work on his passing skills and other hockey maneuvers or let him sit out a few games.
The Motts: Wouldn't object Ed! Wouldn't object. He is overrated.
General comment
2013-03-20 by Sue
Hey Motts, I plugged in to listen to your interview with Amber Marshall...which was excellent btw, and I will join you in a hearty response, as will other AmberHeartland fans around the world, if The CBC chooses not to renew the greatest show ever I wanted to say that I listened to part of your conversation about Iraq and Afganistan...excellent as well I'm in the US and I wish we could have the open conversation that I heard on your show this morning Thank you. Keep up the great job Love the interaction between the two of you Have a great day Sue
The Motts: Hi Sue. I can't believe the CBC would be that stupid but they have done it before. Heartland Fans will unite if they dare!!! Glad you enjoy that show, and ours. Tell your friends.
2013-03-20 by Dave
10 years ago the two of you were banging the drum of war for the Bush administration. You were demanding Mr Chretian stand by our "friends" and making fun of his proof is the proof line as you played the American anthem. I wonder on this anniversary, after 150-200,000 innocent Iraqis have been killed, after all the missmanagement and blood that we avoided becaude there was no proof. And we didn't take part in that evil. I wonder if you regret being one of the useful idiots that beat the drum. I suspect not. There are no ratings in regret and apparently no honor in the Motts
The Motts: Hi Dave. Thanks for your comments, no really! Hope you had a chance to listen to the show today as we responded.
Interview with Sue-Ann Levy
2013-03-13 by Ella
Interesting comments from Sue-Ann Levy. I actually feel sorry for Mayor Rob Ford. That poor man is a walking heart attack, stressed to the max. Not to mention all the verbal and legal attacks he has had to deal with(many brought on himself). I haven't heard much about attacks on all the savings he has made for The City of Toronto? Really enjoyed the Interview with Sue-Ann Levy and hope to hear her again on your Program.
The Motts: Thanks Ella. Always enjoy Sue Ann
Thanks for being online
2013-03-08 by Catherine
Just wanted to say - love getting a taste of home while working in Latin American countries... Thank you so much! Great show today by the way. On Ford, regardless of whether he did grab butt or not he should go. On the English language I learned more from my mom than the school system with the exception of one great English teacher in high school years. Chris Brown... pffffft. It is a thing with some women - myself included. (unfortunately sometimes you DO look for a person like your father or conversely your mother) Listen to you again soon! Listening to the thing about guns - dont get me started on the American and unfortunately some Canadians who think that everyone should carry a gun.
The Motts: Glad you take us with you. Some excellent points Catherine!
Our Mayor
2013-03-08 by Cathy
Hi Motts, You gotta talk about dumb ass Ford, or is that grab ass ford. What an embarrassment for us as a city and on International Womens day no less!
The Motts: Hi Cathy. Lets not forget, innocent til proven guilty but in the eyes of many he is already Raunchy Rob.
Extracurricular Activities for Students
2013-03-02 by Wendy
Hi, i don't understand what the teachers are complaining about. I always thought that the students were supposed to come before their "so-called" beefs with their repsectivr boards, governments and parents. Or am I wrong? If the teachers won't do the extracarricular activities for the students then replace them with volunteers who do have the students best inerests at heart and let them get on with it. Ill be tuned in on the weekend listening. Thanks for letting me rant. Wendy
The Motts: Won't somebody please think of the children! lol. Not too funny anymore as these kids are losing out on an important school experience.
Joan Rivers...
2013-03-01 by Craig
On a side-note... If Joan Rivers has one more face-lift, she's going to have a goatee (if you know what I mean).
The Motts: Lol. This is what happens to nasty old has beens.
2013-03-01 by Conni
I shook my head when I read that "leave the teachers alone" Don't teachers BECOME teachers because they love children and want to help and support them? The children didn't ask for this fight. Why are they being punished? Why not do something out of the goodness of your heart? Why does it have to be "in your contract?" Teachers have it better than most. Quit complaining.
The Motts: We hear you. You may be even more annoyed today when we hear from Children's Advocates for Public Education (CAPE) Ontario. The elementary teachers are refusing to go back to supervising extra curricular activities.
leave the teachers alone
2013-02-25 by Tina
Hey guys, Love your show but you are driving me crazy beating up the teachers all the time. We were asked not to provide extra curricular activities. That isn't part of our contract you know. That is called Volunteering. You don't feel much like volunteering when you are abused by your employer.
The Motts: Thanks for your comments, but abused by your employer??? You have to be kidding me. Your contract is still so much better than the one most Ontarians have. Oh wait a minute. Most don't have a contract. Not begrudging you a really nice wage as many of you deserve it, but look around you. To pull the activities that kids love is not only mean it's foolish as that's what makes school tolerable for many.
Seth MacFarlane
2013-02-25 by Sasha
Really Motts. You thought that was funny The guys is clearly a sexist pig. I don't know how you think he is such a talent.
The Motts: Hi Sasha. Yes we did think he was funny. A little juvenile, with a slight breast fixation but he laughs at the hollywood elite and those who take themselves too seriously. The audience was down though so maybe more people agree with you!
todays show
2013-02-19 by Karen
Okay Motts. You freaked me out today with the discussion on the gorilla in the CT scan. I don't care what the guest says you should be able to see that. Then how about the baggage handler at the airport. They see the gun but not the bomb. WTF!!!!!
The Motts: Lol Karen. So they don't see the gorilla or the elephant in the room! A little unnerving to say the least.
The Senatecash cow haven
2013-02-16 by Ed
CarolPaul-I think as a Canadian taxpayer,it is time to put the senate on notice. If you cannot manage your affairs on 132,000.00 a year it is time for you to leave.Trying to get around the residency rule to say that you live where you do not to get 20,000.00year saving and get caught trying to manipulate the system you should be asked to leave and pay back the amount with interest. If Prime Minister Steven Harper had any lets say, "balls", which I think he has not, since he put these people in the senate himself in the first place. So Mr Harper good luck in trying to clean this mess up!
The Motts: I'm beginning to think you're right Ed. At the very least a complete overhaul is due. It was tough for Tayler Parnaby who declared his conflict as both Duffy and Wallin are friends.
Chris Christie
2013-02-05 by Karen Folques
Hey Guys...well, I liked the outspokenness of the Governor..I like Newt, too. I believe that sort of plain-speaking is what's lacking on the conservative side. However - and I missed what you might have said on this, guys - but, I couldn't and can't abide how Christie cozied up to Obama when Sandy hit. Yes, I know, it's necessary for politics for the Governor to 'work with' the President and the people who are suffering should come first. But, he just in my view went kind of overboard...just too close, too shmoozy with a President who is all about the razzle-dazzle, all about the photo-op. Well, I've been saying for over five years now that Obama is a post-paradigm president..this is beyond the right and the left..he's a radical leftist and everyone else - including Chris Christie - is scrambling to figure out how to cope in this new world. Anyway, 'that's all I have to say about that' as Forrest would say. Keep up the terrific work, Paul and Carol...have loved you guys for decades now! Decades!!!! LOL...
The Motts: Thanks Karen. You can lay off the decades comment, I'm feeling old! But thanks for being a loyal listener. lol.
Karen had a little more to say about our other discussion.
Hi Again Carol and Paul, Just heard you talk about Beyonce. I don't know who she targets as her demographic but Michelle Obama has stated that she feels Beyonce is a fine role-model for young women. During the SuperBowl she apparently tweeted how 'proud' she is of Beyonce. I have huge, huge problems with the culture (have for about fifteen to twenty years now, the way it's been deteriorating in terms of tv, music, movies..the way children are targeted way too early re sexuality)so, I wonder at the First Lady remarking what a role model this performer is. I, personally, think that is the last thing Beyonce is.
teachers bullying
2013-02-05 by Janet
I hope this goes through ok. I am a retired teacher, very frustrated by people saying the union is bullying the teachers!!! If a group of people....a staff...a committee....a council makes a motion, it's voted on with a majority vote....what do you do with the others who opposed it??? teachers had a chance to vote on the issues, they did so with a 97 for ....they are making the decision, not the union! and just what do you do to the others who "lost" their vote and proceded to go against the 97???? Do we let the gov't make the contracts...get rid of unions and perhaps even the Boards???? What a mess! Nurses will be next...
The Motts: Thanks for your comments. When you shun people because they make a decision that you don't like and you put anonymous notes in their lockers what is that? the legislation has since been revoked but even so it was just saying you couldn't strike for 2 years til we get out of the mess we are in.
2013-02-05 by Brad
This morning a caught a bit of your show while you were interviewing a Globe and Mail reporter about her article on teachers' experiences who have decided to reinstate extracurricular activities at their schools. I feel that Mr. Motts wanted to make a particular point that teachers are being "bullied" by other teachers. If you go back and listen to your show you will hear that the reporter specifically rejects your bullying comment yet you continued to misconstrue teachers as bullies. At one point commenting that these are the same teachers who will tell their students not to bully. You may want to revisit what bullying is. Shunning someone or vocally informing them that you disagree with what they are doing is not bullying. This is disagreeing. Bullying takes repetition. If you pay attention to the person you are interviewing you might get a better perspective of what is actually happening. You may not know this but when teachers that are running extracurricular activities are out of their classes, the rest of the teaching staff is required to cover their classes. If the OSSTF as a collective has decided that withholding extracurriculars is the only way to voice the teachers' displeasure in the imposed contracts and attack on democracy then teachers that act contrary to these suggestions know that they will be causing unrest in their schools. These same teachers will also continue to benefit from future collectively bargained agreements once negotiations resume. Brad
The Motts: Hi Brad. Difference of opinion. Caroline is a reporter, we are talk show hosts. We say what we think. We think this behaviour is bullying. Disagreeing is a debate, not shunning, not leaving notes etc. Appreciate your comments though!
The Motts
2013-01-26 by Cathy
I'm a new listener to the Motts Show. A friend of mine told me about you and I'm hooked. She said you were in T.O. for years but I didn't catch you then. Would love to have another Toronto station pick you up again. Love coming to your site but would like to take you in the car too. All the best Cathy
The Motts: Welcome Cathy! Great to have you with us and yes we were in T.O. for many years. Contact your favourite station and tell them about the show! Tell your friends too. We do have quite a list of stations carrying our Motts Weekend now so maybe you can tune in to one of those. There are more announcements coming soon!
re Copy cat Carroll
2013-01-26 by Nick
the first hour is taped so much of 640 is taped you would think they would be better at it Very obviousI don't understand them at 640 their best show is only 1 hour and the next best show they replace. It is hard to understand Same at CFRB the best show is 12 hour the next best is take it or leave it for me Some I wouldn't listen to if they paid me large. It has not been the same since you "left"
The Motts: Hi Nick,
Thanks for your comments and your observations. Sometimes it's hard to understand what programmers do.
Lance Armstrong
2013-01-21 by Wendy
For years I defended Lance Armstrong to friends and family, but no more. In my opinion he's done nothing to earn a second chance. There still a chance there's more to come in this fallout of information. If he had admitted it right away I might be prepared to forgive, but he waited some 12 years? I don't think so. Erik Lamaze admitted his mistake right away, took his lumps, let me be angry and then I forgave him. That's all I'm going to say on this particular subject for me it's now closed. He needs to get on with his life and let us get on with ours. Have a good day and I'll be listening. Wendy
The Motts: Paul says it's closed for him too! I'm sure as Lance Armstrong tries to make a comeback there will be more discussion. I think that is what all this is about!
2013-01-18 by Basile
A lot of the people receiving do not have a bank account. They have to cash the checks at the fast cash. So they loose a lot of the money. Hope that this year is good for you.
The Motts: You are so right Basile. Some of those cheque cashing companies are a blantant rip off. The fees are so high at some places it's criminal. Thanks for your note! Hope 2013 is good for you too! Keep listening and tell your friends.
Copy cat Carroll
2013-01-18 by Dave
Well I see that the first hour of Bill Carroll's new show on 640 is a blatant rip off of "The Motts" The difference is that Carol is a funny, smart cookie. Arlene Bynon...SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP! Nothing can make me change a radio station faster than the droning stupidity that comes out of the mouth of that ditzy moo cow!!!
The Motts: Whoa Dave! That's harsh. Haven't actually heard the show but we've known them for years and both are talented hosts. Thanks for the compliment! lol
Get Your Game on Paul
2013-01-14 by Sandy
Put on your Leaf Jersey Man and get yourself ready. Game One - Leafs vs. Habs!!!! Wanna make a Wager?
The Motts: Okay! go leafs go. let me try that again. GO LEAFS GO! 5 bucks on the Leafs
NHL or No Hockey League
2013-01-12 by Wendy Hollis
Hi, Hope you both had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. As far as the "NHL" goes, I QUIT! I have the OHL aka The Niagara IceDogs who play for the love of the sport. they haven't yet been tainted by the their big brothers. As long as 610CKTB carries the the IceDogs games I'm there. Besides doesn't NASCAR start soon? Thanks for listening to my rant. I'll be tuned in on the weekends. Wendy Hollis
The Motts: Great hearing from you Wendy. Paul religiously takes in the Erin Shamrocks and thoroughly enjoys them. He says it's great hockey! You can catch us live daily at 11 or go to our listen page for the podcasts anytime. Keep coming back we will likely have another announcement shortly.
2013-01-11 by Army
Interesting that your poll shows that only 12 of people give a flying fadoo about the NHL. I know it is not scientific, but it has always been my contention that the NHL is so over rated as being a Canadian pastime. I haven't followed it since 1975 and know very few people who are "addicted" to Hockey Night in Canada and the buffoon Don Cherry.
The Motts: Hi there. I think that people are trying to send a message to the NHL. Continue disrespecting the fans and we won't support you (unless like Paul you you bleed blue!).
Ontario Lottery Gaming Sleight of Hand
2013-01-07 by Cam McKnight
In March of this year Dwight Duncan and Dalton McGuinty announced the OLG was ending it's slots partnership with Ontario racetracks and horsepeople. This program generated 1.1 billion for the provincial coffers, and the 10 cut that went to racing purses (approximately 170 million) helped make Ontario one of the horse racing capitals in North America. The industry employs some 55,000 full and part time people, and the spin-off (farmers, farriers, vets, etc) creates a 2 billion annual churn. The attached article delves into how the OLG is eliminating the 10 cut for race purses, and instead will give a 47 cut to Bingo Operators. A clear demonstration of how the Liberals could care less about jobs and lost Provincial revenues if they stand in the way of greasing the palms of friendssupporters. Here is a link. httpwww.standardbredcanada.canews1-3-13exclusive-ugly-truth-behind-olg-bingo-expansion.html Thanks in advance for considering some air time on this issue.
The Motts: Hi Cam, thanks for the note. We spoke with Sue Leslie about this prior to the holidays. Interesting isn't it? For Bingo it is considered revenue sharing, for horse racing it is considered a subsidy. Go figure!
Love your shows - Keep up the good work
2013-01-06 by Marg
Hi Guys Just wanted to drop a line to tell you I love your shows. You always have interesting guests and keep me informed about what's going on in the world. From the bizarre to the serious. I listen from your website which is so convenient since I'm not restricted on the time I have to listen. So keep up the good work. I'll be listening.
The Motts: So nice to receive your note Marg! Glad you are enjoying the show. Let your friends know they can catch us anytime here at on our listen page. Our Motts Weekend is being aired on a number of stations with more to come.
2013-01-01 by Catherine
Hey Motts! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Loved the shows in 2012 looking forward to this year. Realize you needed a vacation but have missed you this week.
The Motts: Lol. Thanks. We always like to take a vacation so you miss us! Back tomorrow. Tune in live at 11 or catch a podcast on our listen page later in the day. All the best for 2013. We are very excited as some new stations will be picking up the show too.
Ontario Teachers Walk Out
2012-12-19 by Jan
So today 35,000 Ontario Teachers are walking the Picket Lines. Really? This morning I drove past a school and I did not see anyone picketing or anything else. This afternoon I drove past two schools and no one. This is Durham Region! I am not a regular Union supporter however I do believe the Teacher's have a legal right to object to Bill 115. Take it to Court! Seems today was just a good day to go shopping. Perhaps the only Teachers picketing are where the Cameras are rolling.
The Motts: Hmm....Teachers may have been told to show up at one central location to give a greater presence. Looks better for the cameras when you have a hundred at one place rather than 10 spread out over 10 schools.
Newton Shooting and Anti-Depressant Medication
2012-12-19 by Mary
Unfortunaely I think there will be more of these shootings. We can't ignore the studies that have been done on SSRI's and killers (killers on anti-depression drugs like Prozac and Luvox, which some of these shooters were on. We have to stop over medicating our children!! Everyone should read the article on-line called "Why kids kill" httpdrlwilson.comArticlesWhy20KIDS20KILL.htm and the study done by Dr Ann Blake Tracy. It's an eye opener for sure. If this is the case, and the fact that kids are becoming more disenfranchised, unfortunately, we will see more of these incidents. We have to look for alternatives.
The Motts: Hi Mary. Some good points. The solution won't come from one thing. Thanks for the link we will check it out.
Tragedy in Newtown
2012-12-17 by Carol
Hi Motts. I'm so very very sad. I've spent so much of this weekend watching the coverage of the tragedy in Newtown. People in the United States have to wake up. Get rid of the guns.
The Motts: Hi Carol. It was just overwhelming. Some are saying this isn't the time to have the gun debate. Can't think of a better time than this. Join us for the show this morning. live at 11.
Synopsis of todays Show
2012-12-13 by Dana
The Pope Tweets OMG No Monkey Mom but discussions re Monkey Government The Ball Cap - Paul - What a Boob I love Paisly Enjoying the slice of Life as per The Motts Thanks M M
The Motts: Say what?????? I think you liked it!
2012-12-12 by Tina
Hi Motts! Love the show. listen everyday. I too think DArwins Mom has a few issues but shouldn't someone think about the monkey? The poor thing rightly or wrongly probably does think she is his Mom so it's not fair to try and turn him back into a monkey now.
The Motts: Hey Tina Yes it does seem a little cruel to stick a well dressed monkey back in a cage with other monkeys when he thinks he's human. His Mom is expected to join us tomorrow on the show.
Loud and clear
2012-12-11 by mary
Hi Carol I had no problem acquiring the are coming through ,here in Florida, loud and clear. Tell Paul it's still humid, but I think I can handle it. Have a great day, I will definitely call you before the 21st.....just in case we do all "leave for the Twilight Zone" Mary
The Motts: Hi Mary. good to hear! Didn't the Professor make you feel better about the end of the world? check out our podcast on the Mayan prediction (Dec 11 show) if you are worried.
todays show
2012-12-10 by Kelly
Hi Guys, wondered what had happened to Steve Kowch. Interesting perspective from a management type. Heard you talking about your huffington post blog. Read it. There are some crazy people responding to it.
The Motts: Thanks Kelly. Yes there are some angry people out there. Social media played a part in this nurses suicide and social media now wants the heads of the D.J's.
LCBO in corner sores,etc.
2012-12-06 by Wendy
I don't think that selling alcohol in corner or grocery stores is smart. It's hard enough to police selling cigarettes and trying to keep them away from minors. After all the old saying is true where there's a will there's a way. Trust me if minors want it they'll get it. Besides think of all the people who'll hang around outside looking to talk someone into going in and getting booze for them. Like I said been there, done that as I've worked in a corner store. Forget about it like Tony Soprano would say.
The Motts: Hi Wendy agreed if for no other reason than we would be passing on a billion plus dollars. Where will they get it then? Our of our pockets no doubt! Selling the 407 was a dumb idea too.
Your Back
2012-12-04 by Ella
Happy to hear you back on Erin Radio! We were going into withdrawl at the Office! Good Job to everyone working on the move. Good Job Paul with the new Equipment. Gotta Love new Toys!
The Motts: Haha! Yes, a few things to work out still Ella but it is coming! Glad you could hear us again. Tell your friends. If you want to hear us in the morning as per usual make sure you come here to our website. Erin radio plans to play the show in the evening. Let them know if that time works for you.
Live streaming
2012-12-04 by Marilyn
How do I listen to you. When I click on the listening box it wants to download stuff.
The Motts: Hi Marilyn,
Just working out a few of the details. Stay tuned and we will let you know what to do. In the meantime, you can download a podcast and have a listen that way!
Rob Ford
2012-11-28 by Tom
You guys sure seem to be enjoying the crap kicking that Ford is taking. What's the matter with the media???
The Motts: Frankly, I don't think he's had near enough! (C) Now he apologizes when if he had listened to the integrity commissioner not once, but 7 times, he wouldn't have been in this mess in the first place. He just thought the rules didn't apply to him. Well now he knows!
Slots income
2012-11-24 by Louise
Everyone looks at the cash cow of the slots. Does anyone take the time to think about where those millions of dollars come from? For every dollar paid out to the community, hundreds of dollars have been gambled by the community itself, often from families who cannot afford to lose. We shouldn't be counting their problems as income.
The Motts: It's a good point Louise but the question isn't whether there will be slots or not, the question is where. It makes sense to keep gambling in one place and why take it out of a area where it's been working and adding revenue to the government coffers. Spread it all around and the problems will be worse.
Lloyd Robertson
2012-11-19 by Karen
Wow! I always loved Lloyd, thanks so much for having him on the show. What a great interview with one of Canada's greats!
The Motts: Hey Karen. So glad you enjoyed our chat with Lloyd. He certainly is one of Canada's and broadcasting's most trusted anchors and you clearly heard why. Always enjoy getting his perspective! For those who didn't hear the interview, go to our Listen Page, click on the podcast for Nov 15.
Canada and Israel
2012-11-19 by Jane
The Conservative government adamantly supports Israel because their base supporters are Evangelical Christians who believe that the Jews need to be back in the Holy Land for Jesus to return. They think Jesus won't return unless the Jews get control of the temple and resume offering sacrifices again. There are all sorts of crazy stuff out there on the internet you can look up. Just google 'end times and Isreal'.
The Motts: Thanks for your comments Jane. I think most parties support Isreal. As to sacrifices, you are right about the crazy, hateful stuff out there. The Internet has been an amazing invention but you have to be very careful about the sites you believe.
Burnt Chili
2012-11-16 by Wendy
Hi, It's little ole me again. You're little snippet about Carol burning the chil was hilarious. The group of ladies and I that are back in school spent our lunch hour one day discussing the different foods and the odours that happen. We've never had so much fun. By the way, it was a split jury on who burned more food while talking and cooking at the same time, the guys or the gals. Just thought you'd like to know what mature students talk about and consider important. Have a good say and I'll be listening on the weekend.
The Motts: Glad we are providing you with material for your lunchtime debates!!! lol
Barber Shops
2012-11-16 by Jack
Paul Religion aside am I not allowed to operate a barber shop that caters to men only? I wouldn't go to a gynecologist to have my prostrate checked.
The Motts: If you are running a public establishment you cannot discriminate. That said, this issue has received way too much attention. There are far bigger cases of discrimination. She could have gone to the unisex shop down the street and the owners of the barbershop could have asked her to come back another day and made sure someone was there to look after her. (Carol)
cut phone lines
2012-11-14 by Doug
Just thought I would let Paul know that a cut phone line will just ring or appear busy if the line is also shorted. If the customer has there own answering machine the line would either just keep ring or in the case of a line that was shorted would give the caller a busy signal. If however the customer has Bell's answering service, the call would go to a voice mail answering service with Bell. The customer would be able to retrieve their messages from a working phone. Retired from Bell 7 years ago with 40 years of service, so I do know and thought this might clear up the questions you had on today's show. As always, enjoy the show.
The Motts: Thanks Doug! Appreciate the explanation. Glad you enjoy the show.
Empty Cradle
2012-11-13 by Diana
Hi Carol and Paul,Thank you for your call this morning. Empty Cradle carries a part of my heart and I felt your understanding and compassion during our conversation about the book. I wish you much continued success. Please keep in touch. Sincerely, Diana Walsh
The Motts: Thank you so much for joining us on the show Diana. Your situation is something that every parent fears. It was wonderful to a p.s. to the story and hear how your daughter has grown into such a lovely young woman.
Cleaning of Hotels Motels
2012-11-10 by dianne
Paul Carol lm surprised that neither of u suggested that the government step in with inspecters. Why cant these places be inspected like RESTAURANTS. FOOD GOING IN THE MOUTH IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS HYGEINIE ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE BODY . If the restaurant does not meet up to standards then they r SHUT DOWN. Same should be for ALL HOTELS MOTELS. BY the way great show today . Loved the ending with the song made my husband norm cry. As he is going to lay the wreath on Sunday in erin on behalf of the OPTIMIST CLUB. His father was a spy for the canadian gov WW11.
The Motts: Hi Dianne do we really want government involved in the hotel industry? I think this report will fix many of them, at least I hope so. Pretty disgusting stuff though. Glad you are enjoying the show. Every year at Remembrance Day we play Terry Kelly's A Pittance of Time. He was a guest a number of years back. Wonderful piece. If you are listening on Erin Radio, just a note, the radio station is moving and they will run The Motts at 7 at night. It will still be live on line at 11 right here at
World Ending Day 2012 - Incas prediction
2012-11-09 by Mary
I was having the discussion of "World Ending Day" with my son who is in 2nd year UofT and he said that it's not going to happen because of Julias Ceaser creating Leap Year and Inca's could not have predicted Leap Year. throws the whole thing off. I think we should make it a National Holiday "World ending day" so that everyone appreciates that it didnt lol.
The Motts: Smart kid! So how many years does that actually buy us?
2012-11-08 by Wendy
I listen to you both on Saturdays on 610CKTB. Thank you , thank you for the many enjoyable moments I receive. I look forward to your show because know matter what I usually end agreeing with one or the other. Sometimes at the same time. Keep on providing us with your wit and wisdom. I'll be listening on Saturday!!!
The Motts: Thanks so much Wendy. We are thrilled to hear you are enjoying Motts Weekend so much. Tell your friends. If you have friends in Wingham they can hear us on CKNX in Sarnia on CHOK and in Belleville on CJBQ. Happy listening!
Hurricane Sandy
2012-10-31 by Tim
You said that they were setting aside politics to help the people. You have to know that this is all about politics. Whoever makes it look like they care more for the people win the political points. See?
The Motts: Hi Tim, We see. Obama is sure winning points with Gov. Christie and probably with the people too. Christie is the same guy who said that Obama was the worst president in history and now he can't say enough about how great he is. It does show they can work together.
Caught your show
2012-10-28 by Justin
Hi Paul and Carol. Caught your show on CKNX here in Wingham. Great show! Never heard you before but I'll be listening now. Really enjoyed your conversation with Sandra Pupatello. I had decided there was no way I was voting liberal again but I after hearing her I'll at least listen to what she has to say.
The Motts: Thanks for your note Justin! I've heard other people say the same thing about Sandra if she runs. Tell your friends about the show. We are live daily at 11 right here and we have other stations picking up our Weekend show too. CHOK in Sarnia and CJBQ in Belleville, along with CKTB in St. Catharines and CKNX in Wingham.
Food, Diet, and Horse Racing
2012-10-24 by Lori
I am diabetic and people should be able to balance their own diets without txs by the government and others to MAKE them do it. It's education I could eat ice cream, candy etc but I don't because I'm diabetic and I know what I can and cannot eat. EDUCATE And thank you for supporting the horse racing industry and 'woo hoo' Dwight Duncan is not running. (And I am Type 1 diabetic) thanks
The Motts: It's true that people should be able to look after themselves but look around you. For you making those kinds of mistakes could be deadly.
Lori had something else to add too about our conversation with Caroline Bolduc of Bold Canine.
The owner of the Basset should have been in trouble as By-Laws normally state that dogs should be under 'care and control' of the owner which obviously the Basset wasn't and they are just animals and the Shepherd was defending himself. (Former Animal Control officer)
Sandra Pupatello
2012-10-24 by Brenda
Motts I think your right. Sure sounded to me like she is going to run. Pupatello WILL run. Dwight Duncan is smart to back out. Way too much baggage.
The Motts: Thanks Brenda. For those of you who didn't hear the interview it's on the Oct 22 podcast on our listen page. Let us know what you think.
2012-10-21 by Tim
Listening to your show made me very angry. I think what Dalton did is so irresponsible. I agree with you Carol. Dalton is a dork and should recall the legislature now.
The Motts: Lol! I don't remember calling the Premier a dork but I certainly concur that it is not in the best interests of Ontario to be without a leader for who knows how long. It seems most who have taken part in our poll agree!
Your support of Horseracing
2012-10-16 by Dave
Just wanted to say thank you for being supportive towards the Horse Racing Industry. In my mind the swift government moves that pulled the rug out from under the horse racing industry without warning or consultation was an unforgivable act of stupidity, incompetence, and corruption. Dave
The Motts: Having a horse racing at Woodbine I'm well acquainted with the issues. I'm floored that the government would do something like this. Why would you cancel a program that has done so well for both parties? I'm really not sure what to make of what John Snobelen said to us today on the show. I'd like to be optimistic. We should know in the next few weeks. Thanks Dave. I'm hoping one day to have a picture of my horse in the winners circle done by you!!
Thank you Carol for advocacy re Horse Racing in Ontario
2012-10-16 by Rebecca
Just a heartfelt thank you to Carol for your advocacy regarding the criminal destruction of the Ontario horse racing industry in Ontario, brought about by the unelected officials at the OLG and their current masters, the Ontario Liberal party. Your compassion for the 60,000 people who risk losing their livelihoods, and the tens of thousands of horses that will loose their lives as a result of this inexplicable action is sincerely appreciated by fans and participants alike. Thank you.
The Motts: I appreciate your comments Rebecca. I've had the opportunity to meet so many in the industry who will be unemployed if this isn't reversed. It just doesn't make sense!
Tayler Parnaby
2012-10-16 by Sandra
So Wonderful to hear Tayler Parnaby this morning. He always leaves you feeling like you've just heard from someone who you can trust to tell it like it is....just like how I felt when I saw Lloyd Robertson on Canada AM this morning....of course Paul and Carol you are in this group as well! I might be a little biased on that last claim. Really happy to hear he will be on more often!
The Motts: Hi Sandra! I feel the same way. Over the years anytime I wanted some historical context to a story Tayler was the first person I would go to. Have always loved working with him and so thrilled he is joining us a regular.
NHL poll
2012-10-15 by Nick
Just voted don't care and I don't care so much I will not even vote on any NHL related polls again. Half the players making one million dollars per season would not have got in the arena without a ticket in the six team league. And the owners wanting protection from the high saleries are the ones shoveling the money at them. I just shake my head in dissbelief
The Motts: Paul is so disgusted he won't even talk about it anymore!!
Lance Armstrong
2012-10-12 by Kevin
He could be mother Teresa it doesn't erase what he has done. Great to hear Gord Singleton on your show. I wondered what he was up to. Insightful.
The Motts: Thanks Kevin. Loved having Gord on, great guy. Just a bit put out by his remember me when I was little...(not actually true. lol)
What are you thinking
2012-10-10 by Tammi
Hi Motts, Heard you say today that you are having that nutcase from florida on. He is a sh....disturber and that's all. why you would have that idiot on your show?
The Motts: Hi Tammi,
We did have him on the show today and you would be rather surprised at his comments. I know I was. Maybe he is mellowing somewhat with age. Have a listen on our Listen Page.
Update Podcasts
2012-10-05 by Carol Anne
On iTunes, your podcasts are only updated to the end of August. Are you no longer doing them? Will they be updated? I miss you guys and it's the only way I can hear you!
The Motts: Hi Carol Anne, I think I found the problem. They should be updated by tomorrow. In the meantime go to our Listen page and you can click on the date to hear that podcast.
Omar Khadr
2012-10-01 by Tim
Sorry Carol. There is no middle ground here. He's a terrorist and should be locked up forever!!! Don't care that he was a kid and raised by hatemongers. He's an adult now and dangerous.
The Motts: Thanks Tim. You may, or may not, be interested in what our guest tomorrow has to say. She is the author of Guantanamo's Child and goes into his background. If he shows no remorse and is still of that mindset I would agree with you completely but he has never spoken publicly. Maybe he will now.
Found you
2012-09-24 by Tammy
Hi Guys, Long time no hear! Finally I found you. A friend told me you were at Palgrave and that you were doing your show through your website. Way to go! This is exciting. The old place...never mind. I'm here now!
The Motts: Wonderful to have you with us! Tell your friends.
2012-09-23 by Nick
Just voted "Dont care" on the latest poll and that is the sad truth. I am so fed up with both sides and I am old enough to remember when the Leafs won the cup even had a bet on it with a friend who was a diehard habs fan. If the season dose not start on time they can kiss my ____!!! As for the slots at the tracks when is 100 of nothing better than 80 of something for a government that is so cash strapped?
The Motts: Paul was out at the Erin Shamrocks game last night. That's how he's getting his fix of hockey. As for the slots good question Nick!
I dont redneckonize what Im hearing
2012-09-21 by Mary
Yup, your right about the Honey Boo Boo comment after this one (re Brian and Sue). Uneducated for sure! I am an Italian immigrant, who came to Canada in 1963. We were the "strange" or "weird" ethnic minority at the time. People didn't understand our culture, just like they are doing now with Muslims. They painted us with one brush - The Mafia It's a good thing that there are not too many "Brian and Sue's" around, or else I would not be here right now at 49 yrs old and living the life that my parents wanted me to live, here in Canada. We came here because it is a democratic society, and because it was a tolerant society. There are many "good" muslims and there are some very bad muslims, just like any culture (Italian Mafia, Russian Mafia, Chinese Mafia, drug related gangs from Sri Lanka, Mexico, and South America). You cannot say that every Italian is part of the Mafia or that every South American is a drug lord. Are we that stupid!! I think Canada is currently doing a good job weeding out immigrants that we do not want. There is room for improvement, therefore, we need to lobby and hold our government accountable to make sure that our government is doing all it can to be successful in removing the "bad seeds" from our society in any culture. How do we do that, through education and government pressure. Believe me, our government does not want them here either. If you (person who sent the email below) want a society that pics and chooses who they want in their country, then go and live in the States, not here in Canada! Keep up the good work Motts
The Motts: Thanks Mary! Yes unfortunately some people are that stupid.
Brian and Sue RULE
2012-09-21 by
Everything you said is spot on. Don't listen to the Motts. They are so full of shit it's amazing they are on the radio. I back your comments 100. As for the Motts, go live with your Muslim friends and f... o...
The Motts: Thank you for taking the time to send this, hope you didn't miss Honey Booboo.
Click older sound offs to see the comment from Brian and Sue.
Raheel Raza
2012-09-24 by Kelly from Guelph
Ms. Raza is doing a wonderful job of blowing sunshine with her taqiyaa within the safe bosom of Canada. As long as she adheres to Islam, she will also support Shari'a Law and the murderous doctrines of the false prophet Mohammed, thus she is not a moderate. Have you read the Quran and it's variations? I suggest "The Perfect Quran" by Usama Dakdok. (Easy Cliff Notes). Also, it would be great to have Nonie Darwish, an Apostate, as a rebuttal Guest. Your show is popular, she'd come on. Watch the dhimmitude and have a good week-end.
The Motts:
Here is a response from Raheel,
Thanks for your comments which of course you are fully entitled to post. I am a believer and don;t have the need to defend my stand or my faith to anyone. Taqiyya and Dhimmi are outdated concepts and words used by detractors quite commonly, and show a great deal of ignorance for the spiritual message of Islam. However, to you, your way and me, mine. Cheers
Euthanization of Horses
2012-09-21 by Ingrid
Like you Carol, I thought the killing of Horses was a threat until hearing Dr.Henry speak on your show. I am incredibly saddened and angrier with each passing hour that this may be the future of the Horse Racing Industry. The blame for these possible (probable now) deaths of Horses, Foals and the livelihood of thousands rests on the McGuinty Government. I feel due to greed they just don't want to return 20 of the massive profits made by OLG Slots @ Racetracks program. This decision will destroy so many lives. Absolutely Heartbreaking Interview!!!
The Motts: When 20% became real money, they didn't want to profit share anymore. What a shame.
the vet
2012-09-20 by Cathy
Hi Guys, I was on the verge of tears listening to that poor guy talk about his business going down the tubes. Those poor horses. Can't something be done?
The Motts: It was heartbreaking, wasn't it. Hopefully those responsible for the decisions will hear what's about to happen to the racing industry. You can hear our interview with Garth Harvey a veterinarian and standardbred breeder. It's on our Listen page, the Sept 19th podcast.
2012-09-17 by Barron
There is nothing more disgusting today than having a child. Every maternity ward should have a poster that says EVERY CHILD BORN HERE WILL DEFINITELY DIE, PROBABLY A SLOW MISERABLE CANCEROUS DEATH.
The Motts: Wow! and on top of that there is no NHL hockey. Bummer!
Are you Americanpart two
2012-09-11 by Ed
I totally agree with Paul,but go one step further and flatten all the terrorist countries, once and for all.
The Motts: Stop it, you'll upset Allen!
You cant win
2012-09-11 by Jack
A couple of things come out of today's show. About soliciting. You mentioned how nothing is free. Yet you announced the "free" Chalmer's Bar B. Is this not soliciting? When the terrorist expert was signing off the comment was, hope you're wrong". The typical liberal, wave it off, response he was trying to wake us up to. Sorry for sounding like a jerk but its just so easy. However you did have a comment from a real jerk today, Allen. Who writes "Phew" in a sound off?
The Motts: Lol! okay. Guess we should have qualified the comment about nothing is free. When a telemarketer calls you know that for a fact! Chalmers is just saying thank you to their customers and feel that once you get to know them you too will want to be one! We would love to see you Saturday at their free BBQ! Happy 50th Chalmers!
Are you American
2012-09-11 by Allen
I can honestly say that listening to Paul spout off about "flattening" Iran today (and the rest of his ranting) made me think I was listening to another arrogant loud mouth American, always spouting off and taking tough before looking at all the facts and implications. The rest of the immature opinions made me think it's finally time to find something else to listen to. Phew!!! What ever happened to quality dialogue??? b-bye Motts.
The Motts: American? ME!? Thank you!
B-bye,Allen. Sorry to see you go.
2012-09-10 by Craig
Hi can I download the app to my iphone or is there another way to listen to the podcast - Stitcher, TuneIn radio etc? I'm in Buffalo and used to listen on CFRB and CKTB (and CJRN?).
The Motts: Hi Craig. Glad you found us! Tell your friends.
You can download the podcasts through itunes. Click on the icon on our front page to sign up. Search for us on TuneIn as well and you can come here live at 11 weekdays!
Show Jumping Championship
2012-09-07 by Sheila
Let me say thank you again Paul and Carol for the wonderful time I had last year. For those who are wondering whether or not to enter the contest - go for it - It is a FABULOUS show and for 1 who has NEVER been to a horse show it was quite an experience. I wish I could go again - but I am curling that weekend...... Good luck and enjoy to all those who enter. Sheila
The Motts: Hi Sheila We did have a great time last year! Glad you were part of it. It's certainly a fun afternoon filled with great food, wonderful show jumping and it's for a great cause. Our winners of course enjoy it all as our guests!
Maximum Ride
2012-09-09 by julie hand
Just watched replay of Max's race. She has certainly turned into a real tryer. And in the sport of horse racing that is something that is hard to find. Even being on th poly she ran hard and Steven Bahen gave her a good ride replacing Chris. Lets just hope you have another chance to get her on the turf. bahen
The Motts: Stephen rode her very well. I always think those guys are crazy just getting on a horse and racing!!
Motts Respond To Bryan and Sue
2012-09-02 by Greg
ROTFFLMAO and please get rid of's hard enough for an old guy to see a keyboard without having to decipher CIA stuff.
The Motts: Hahahahahaha..........
2012-09-02 by Bryan and Sue
My wife and I were listening to you at 510 Saturday afternoon--and we just shook out heads about your comments about walking dogs in front of a mosque. We do not need you do-gooders commenting or protecting muslims and their rediculous customs in OUR country! Let me tell you, if we walked our dog in front of a mosque and anything was said or done--we would take appropriate action-guaranteed. These Hindosmuslims live here--in Canada--so they are to integrate to our society --not their backward 3rd world society!! I will eat a hamburger anywhere i want to--you do gooders want to protect theee number one terrorists in the world-forget this only a few--they should be returned from where they are from and if our Immig. Dept should close all doors to these primitive people and take care of business with the muslims that are here already. People like you infuriate us--get your head out of the sand. BOTH OF YOU ARE SICKENING
The Motts: First of all anyone who attacks you anywhere while walking your dog has got to be dealt with. Personally I'd give them a rap in the mouth. But what our guest is doing is provocative and condemning of an entire community which is not only illogical, but unfair. By your reasoning we can condemn your entire family because you are a couple of bigoted assholes. I'll get my head out of the sand as soon as you pull yours out of your ass! (P) Thanks for listening! P.S. If you would like to hear what all the fuss is about, listen to the show on Aug 28 from our Listen page.
Michael Bryant Interview
2012-08-27 by Dana
Paul Carol....Best Interview I heard regarding Michael Bryant. Just like the previous message from Tom I also heard three interviews with Michael Bryant but our opinions certainly differ. I thought you two really got him to say more than expected and asked some really hard questions. Mr. Bryant certainly sounds humbled by this life lesson. I think people are too quick to judge without even having read the book. Every story has several sides and everyone deserves to be heard. Most of us would have been terrified had we been in the situation Mr. Bryant found himself in. He did not create the situation and now must live each day knowing that Darcy Sheppard lost his life. Michael Bryant's life has changed forever. I wish him well even though he is a Liberal.
The Motts: Lol. Paul wishes will him well too even though he's a Liberal. We've always found Michael Bryant to be accessible and pretty straight forward. What a horrible way to be humbled.
2012-08-27 by Nick
Noticed a blog from Carol then checked the date. You could change the 11 to 12 it has been that long. How do the younguns feel about the pending move? Any movement on the slots at the tracks I have not heard about. My daughter's father in law is woried about his job because of this mess
The Motts: Hi Nick. I hear you. You will have to read our monthly columns. I'm off doing other things. Check out our News, Vids and Pics section. I'm off to horse shows and coaching students! Unfortunately there has been some bad news on the government from with the slots. We will be discussing that this morning.
Michael Bryant
2012-08-24 by Tom
Sorry to be negative, but I have heard Mr. Bryant interviewed three times and his lines are always the same, the same inflection at certain points of the conversation just like he is reading a script to a play. I think he feels no remorse and is simply trying to sell copies of his book to pay off his legal bills.
The Motts: You're not alone Tom some others feel the same. But really, how could you possibly feel no remorse when you have killed someone. It may not have been your fault but nonetheless you are responsible for someones death.
Michael Bryant
2012-08-24 by Jack
Wow! Probably the best interview I've heard with the former Ontario Attorney General. Sounds to me like you forced him into turning over some of the profits. Can't say I blame him for doing what he did. Who knows how anyone of us would react.
The Motts: Thanks Jack. Yes it was certainly a revealing discussion. You can hear the interview by going to our listen page and clicking on the podcast for August 23. It will also be heard on Motts Weekend on 610 CKTB and AM920 CKNX this weekend.
2012-08-19 by Conni
Hi Motts Not all the staff that is complaining about Marineland is past employees. Some of the people that came forward still work there and see this going on. I hope to see it closed down and soon!
The Motts: Certainly if the allegations are true it should be shut down and charges laid.
phones going off at a funeral
2012-08-17 by Ellie
Laughed out loud at the Kathi Lee phone going off at the funeral story. It happened at a funeral I attended the poor woman was mortified and ended up sitting on her purse to muffle the sound of the phone.
The Motts: I guess that's one way of muting it! You can hear Kathi Lee tell her story on the podcast Aug. 16th.
Toronto shootings
2012-07-19 by Steve
If anyone is shocked with what is happening in Toronto they are idiots! It will only get worse if they don't crack down hard. Thompson is right. Kick out the trouble makers.
The Motts: Hi Steve,
Thanks for your comments. I guess shocked would be the wrong word as it is predictable. Tragic for sure, two young people with promising futures snuffed out.
Pauls Blogs
2012-07-13 by Dana
The Motts: Haha! I'll tell him. We are just writing our monthly column for the Regional and the Advocate.
2012-07-12 by
I heard that it was infact the dog that went after the raccoons first then they turned on the women and her dog came back to save help her
The Motts: I guess the dog chased 2 raccoons up a tree and then 3 others went on the attack! Yikes
Karen Klein and the generosity of Internet followers
2012-07-12 by Mary
Hi Motts, Regarding Karen Klein, apparently now Max Sidorov, the guy from Toronto who started the campaign for her, has had a campaign started for him now. Apparently there has been money raised for him now??? I think I will start a campaign for me now. I feel sorry for myself and I think others will too, why? because I didn't think of this, why not? lol, love listening
The Motts: Well, now we could all start campaigns for each other. Thanks for letting us know!
found you by accident...
2012-07-10 by jim
hi used to listen to you on cfrb but no more went on the chesfm web site and there you were congrats for moving to the net the next big thing jb a fan ps im a dj 30 years at sat noon to two check it out thanks,,,,,,
The Motts: Wonderful you have joined us here at! We stream the show daily and are picked up Erin, Bolton, Caledon and Stouffville Radio. Our Motts Weekend is heard on CKTB out of St. Catharines but they cover the GTA and we are heard on CKNX in Wingham too. We have 2 more joining us shortly. Love the Motts growing Network! We will check you out.
The Potty Problem
2012-07-02 by Karen Folques
Hey Paul and Carol...just now listening to your chat about your daughter 'reaching deep down' and getting her keys out of the potty. My daughter, last year, borrowed one of my rings to wear to a club...the ring was not 'worth' anything, it was sentimental. It was my birthstone and my dad bought it for me when I was 10...over 40 years ago. My daughter has always liked it. So...of course, she goes to the washroom, she accidentally brushed her hand with her purse in the other know, doing all that shifting to get into the stall...and the ring pulled off...fell on the floor and BOUNCED up and into the toilet. My daughter, however...was not as non-girly as yours...she just couldn't at the time bring herself to reach in to get it. I would have. She would have survived. She was remorseful about it after though...she bought another one...from Zellers...where the original one came from.
The Motts: Now you have another sentimental ring Karen and a story to go with it! Lol
Book about Karla Homolka
2012-06-26 by In memory of Kristen
Having listened to both podcasts concerning a new book about the whereabouts of Karla Homolka - written by Paula Todd, the following should be clarified. During Ms. Todd's interview she states that part of the reason she went in search of Karla and wrote the book was for the benefit of the victims families as they feared one day they would meet Karla walking down the street. It is made abundantly clear during the interview with lawyer Tim Danson who represents the victims and their families - that the family were already somewhat aware of her whereabouts and that there had been no contact between Ms. Todd and the families of the victims. To me, if one planned on using such terms to shill your book - it might have been a wise move on the part of the author to at least contact their lawyer and see how they felt about using their feelings to represent your sale. Further, during the interview with Ms. Todd - she states that she was thinking about the girls themselves while interviewing Karla - I believe, this in fact could have been her conscience - but somehow it went unanswered. Perhaps overcome by her own ego. It seems to me that anything that the general public and people of Canada need to know about Karla could have been summed up in one paragraph and did not require a book. To gain profit from this book, based on the horrific actions brought onto the sweet girls by those monsters - is completely wrong. Should Ms. Todd in fact really be considering the victims and their families - she should consider donating any and all of the monies earned to some sort of a victim's rights foundation. Surly Mr. Danson could her in that area. Congratulations Paula... you searched out and looked into the eyes of the devil Karla, do you really, honestly.... want to be paid to write about it ? I, for one, will not be purchasing Ms. Todd's e-book. I would encourage all of you to do the same. In memory of the girls who no longer enjoy their lives.
The Motts: Thanks so much for your thoughts. (this note is from a member of one of the family's)
Paula Todd Interview
2012-06-25 by Sandy
My first reaction was that I just don't want to know where Karla Homolka is and what her life is like. What she did is pure Evil and just knowing about her participation in the deaths of Kristen French, Leslie Mahafey and Tammy Homolka makes me feel sick to my stomach. After hearing your Interview with Paula Todd I still do not want to know about Karla's life now as she should be rotting in Jail and should never have had the priviledge of being married, bearing children..just living. Something her Victims will never do. The injustice continues!
The Motts: Hi Sandy, Thanks for your thoughts. You're not alone.
Manager tip out
2012-06-15 by Greg
I do applaud the bill to stop the practice but I find it naive that they think it will stop the practice. It's not like restaurants follow all the labour laws now. Despite the fact a "dine and dash fund" is illegal, most owners force staff to pay in. And the staff can either pay up or walk out. Ask your server next time you are eating out if they pay or not. I just don't see how this will stop the practice, well intentioned or not.
The Motts: Servers will have to contact the Ministry of Labour if owners continue to skim their tips. At least they will have the law on their side and an investigation can take place. It would be a great story for a media outlet that still does investigative journalism!
plastic bags
2012-06-08 by Cathy
What is wrong with these politicians. I reuse my plastic bags for either dog poop or kitchen garbage. I'll just have to go and buy more plastic bags if I don't have these ones. It's that reusing? Interesting hearing what the guy from the Association had to say.
The Motts: Thanks Cathy. Yes the industry says that plastic bags are environmentally friendly and biodegradable ones aren't. If true, somebody wasn't thinking! Maybe the plastic bags should be over certain councillors heads...(that could be an overreaction lol)
That sick
2012-06-01 by George
I'm so sick of hearing about that sick f..Don't you media people realize he's getting off on hearing all this. Stop talking about him for Gods sake.
The Motts: Hi George. Hear you. It's disgusting, but there are a number of issues here and it's what everyone is talking about.
Thank goodness I have found you guys
2012-05-23 by Jane
I am so glad I have found you guys, but I need more then just 1 hour, could you not stay on the air longer, I have been listening to CFRB for years, I do still listen but do not enjoy as much as I use to, I have you guys setup and ready to listen to everyday at 11, Please try and get more air time..... Thanks Jane
The Motts: We could do a longer show but we want to leave you wanting more!!! That way you don't tire of us!
So glad you found us, let your friends know too.
Omar Khadr interview
2012-05-23 by Marilyn
Hi guys, I remember John Michael explaining how lobbyists and political activists would talk non-stop without ever ending a sentence so that polite interviewers like you could not interupt without seeming rude. This woman has frequently interupted you and rambles on and on. Your restaint is to be commended. She talks of rules of war but clearly we are not taking about enemies that respect the Geneva Conventions. Very frustating listening to her. Maybe you guys should explain her manner of talking in run on sentences to your listerners too Take care, Marilyn
The Motts: Lol. Yes Marilyn that is a trick politicians use when they want to evade the questions. She was giving a speech no question about that.
Paul Bernardo comments
2012-05-16 by Blair
Im with Paul on the Paul Bernardo comments. Its funny the other of this murderous duo, Karla Homolka, has gotten a free ride and has all but been forgotten. I feel that if we are going to talk about Paul Bernardo we need to talk about Karla Homolka as well. Case in point we would never think of separating Bonnie and Clyde.
The Motts: Hi Blair You are so right about Karla Homolka. Although she tried to play the poor beaten wife it was clear she was very much a mastermind of what went on and got away with it.Remember it was the deal with the devil
Ron Banerjee
2012-05-10 by Kelly From Guelph
That interview with Mr. Banerjee and his stance on "Lil Omar" was a little scathing. I agreed with his every word and I defended him on my show. Shari'a Law and segregation in TBSB schools, one thinks, would be more worthy of discussion, as opposed to shooting the messenger.
The Motts: Generalizations and blanketing whole communities is unfair and dangerous. Messengers need to be
very clear about who they are targeting. Mr. Bannerjee should be more careful in future.
Glad to hear you again.
2012-04-22 by Betty
Was very much delighted in hearing you on CKTB this morning. Have be searching for you on the radio since you left CFRB (News Talk 1010). Will be listening, and will be tuning to you Blogs. Much success to you both. Betty
The Motts: Betty we are thrilled that you found us! Tell your friends. You can hear us daily at 11 right here.